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Zodiac's Message In The Misspelling of Words and The Mistakes He Made In Letters.

Zodiac meticulously hand drew his ciphers, but his handwritten letters were sometimes sloppy and often contained spelling errors. Theories about the misspelled words vary. But I think they do have a purpose.
I was looking at the dragon card message when I realized the obvious. Zodiac was meticulous with his correspondence. Nothing was included that wasn't meant to be there. Because he put in so much effort, he wouldn't have allowed for any mistakes. If you read the message you will notice that he misspells a word, only to spell it correctly a couple lines down. So he knows how to spell correctly. There are no mistakes in any of those letters. The misspellings are meant to be there because they serve a purpose.
1) The first mistake is the last word of Line 6 - "butons". Now, if you write the correct spelling "Buttons" above "butons" and cross out the matching letters in each word, you are left with a "T".
2) The next mistake you will come to isn't a misspelled word, but contains one. The Zodiac is talking about all of the buttons he sees people around San Fran wearing. One of his examples is "Melvin eats bluber". The Melvin Belli reference aside, this was a mistake. There never were any Melvin eats blubber buttons. The buttons actually said "Melville eats blubber". So, write that above his mistake and cross out the letters that occur in both words. You will get N, L, L, E, B.
3) Next is the word "considerbly" which will give you an A.
4) Then another "Buton" which will give you a T.
5) Lastly for this message, another "Melvin's", which will give you N, L, L, E.
So all together you have ( T N LLE B A T N LLE )
You can make that into several things. I first saw the last name of one of the prime Zodiac suspects, Arthur Lee Allen. Remember, Arthur Lee Allen lived with his mother, whose name was Bernice Allen. B Allen?
It may just be nonsense. But there are obvious clues in the letters besides the ciphers. For Instance, the 13 cipher with the map of Mt. Diablo. The 13 cipher uses letters and symbols from the face of a 1968 Zodiac Watch Company Sea Wolf watch. Now, Zodiac drew the watch company's symbol (his symbol) of the circle and cross over Mt. Diablo. He then wrote 0, 3, 6, 9 and "Set to Mag. N." next to the 0. (FYI, a model of the Sea Wolf had a compass N,E,S,W dial around the face). So, the 3,6,9 are all in the correct place where they would appear on the watch face. BUT THE 0! The 0 is where the 12 o'clock should be. I think there may have been a 0 on the ring around the watch face as well, but can't remember. Now, in the same letter Zodiac drew his circle and cross with "-12". He was saying there wasn't a 12, there was a 0. Because Zodiac -12 SFPD - 0. Was this his location in relation to the SFPD and not his body count?
Also, the South Lake Tahoe letter and victim Lass. She worked at a casino there. In the 13 Cipher, you can clearly see that the first word plainly says
C A S I N × O. The message on the postcard in question said "Peek through the pines". Could he have meant, "Peak through the pines", as in mountain peak? Zodiac had said that the cipher related to radians and inches on a map. The first and last letters of this cipher are C and G. In geometry, C represents radians, G represents gradians. I am not extremely proficient in math, but I can't see where it actually does represent what he says it does. I think he was lying..Go figure.
A while back I took a different approach to the 340 or 408 Cipher, can't remember which one I used at the time, and I lost everything because that computer crashed. I have an anger issue with computers. I punch them too much, which greatly affects their performance. But all of the symbols used are actually astrological symbols that, in turn, represent specific numbers. They are symbols that are used to make a person's astrological chart, like for the moment they were born. It gets difficult tracking down the meaning of each symbol when you know nothing about astrology. But, I went one symbol at a time and replaced them with their numeric value and it actually read real coordinates of longitude and latitude. The first coordinate was a place in Northern California, near the Nevada Border, by the Scott Warner Wilderness Area. I only finished the first two lines, so I don't know if it would have lead to something of actual importance. But I think it would have been just another dead end or another puzzle.
All of the tangents, leads, and circumstantial evidence can lead you in so many different directions. I know a lot of people were very excited when they discovered the 1952 Tim Holt Red Mask comic book. The issue that featured Lady Doom and the Wheel of Death. The wheel listed ways to die, like "Death by Knife", "Death by Gun", "Death by Rope". So the Zodiac's message scratched into the car door at Lake Berryessa appears to be directly linked to the comic. People began looking at Tim Holt. But even more curious was the illustrator of the comic book, Frank Bolle. He signed his initials in the artwork "FWB" in a way that is extremely similar to one of the symbols designs Zodiac used later on (not in a cipher). Frank Bolle wrote a comic strip in 1971 called Alexander Gates. The character was an astrologist. Frank Bolle is deceased now, but the coincidences were strange.
Despite all of this, I can't get by the idea that Zodiac wasn't just one or two people, but the result of several events. The first couple killed were David Farraday and Betty Lou Jensen. I do not believe Cherri Jo Bates was a Zodiac victim, but was later claimed for understandable reasons that I will discuss. I read an interview with Betty Lou's family after the murder, and I was left with the feeling that there wasn't really any grieving. The father, Verne Jensen, struck me as odd. Verne Jensen was a career Army officer, and was working at the GSA in that area. One thing that I noticed was that Betty Lou had siblings, or at least one sibling, an older sister. After she is pictured in that interview, you don't hear of her again.
From my understanding, the relationship between Verne and his youngest daughter Betty Lou, was somewhat rocky. Betty Lou was sort of the black sheep. She wanted to date boys when she was too young, and had been in trouble with her parents before that. On the night of the murders, she was supposed to be at a school function, and I believe her parents had forbid her from going on a date. So, perhaps Verne suspected something, or saw her pull away from the diner in a boys car. But he followed them out to a remote lover's lane spot. He had been upset about how her activities made the family look. It would not have been good if she was whoring around with some boy. And kids go out to lover's lanes to have sex. It's that simple.
Instead of going to the school function like she was supposed to, she went to the diner with the boy to meet friends, then went to the lover's lane. Verne pulled up, and in a fit of rage, ordered them out of the car. One thing led to another and he shot David Farraday in the back of the head. Betty Lou was back from the car. Perhaps he had ordered her to go back to his car. But then, out of anger and fear, he shot Betty Lou. She was shot five times, opposed to David's one. There was some prejudice and a connection between her and the killer.
Six months later..Darlene Ferrin and Michael Mageau are parked in a dark, remote lover's lane. A car pulls up, leaves, and comes back about ten minutes later. The two can't see because of the lights from the car behind. That's why they think it's a cop. The killer fires multiple rounds into the car, killing Darlene. Michael survives.
Darlene Ferrin was a married woman. No matter how you try to spin this, the husband could not have been happy with her activities. So, perhaps he drove by and saw them parked. Or one of his friends did. They pulled in, verified it was them, went to get a gun and came back. Once again, Darlene was killed. Michael survived, but probably not on purpose. I think different ammunition was used in this killing, as opposed to Betty Lou and David.
After that, the killer got scared. If it was Darlene's husband, his only thought was that he would be the prime suspect. So he panicked. Three blocks from his house, across the street from the police station, he called the police and reported the murders. He also said he was responsible for the other two murders six months before, and hung up. Why would he do that? The first two murders were shocking, and everybody in that area knew about them. He didn't want the police to suspect him, the natural suspect in this type of murder. So he claimed to be the killer of the kids at both places. If the police went on the idea that one psycopath killer was responsible, and if the husband had an airtight alibi for the time when Betty Lou and David were killed, then he couldn't have been responsible for any of them.
I don't know if Verne wrote the first letter, or he did. But it solidified the idea that one person was responsible for the two seperate instances. Anybody who followed the case at the time would know this. So then we have the Lake Berryessa murders, which was well planned. Someone had followed the case and made himself a Zodiac costume to hide his identity. But this killing wasn't like the others. The killer tied up his victims and used a knife. And he did it in broad daylight.
He was using the Zodiac image of the killer that had been created in the news. To tie them into the others, he wrote the dates of the murders and played off the Tim Holt comic book.
Then came Paul Stine, which didn't match any of the others.
In that time, letters were written which the Zodiac established his identity, taunted the police, threatened more killings, and included cryptic ciphers to mislead the police. The Cherri Jo Bates murder became known as a possible Zodiac killing, and the writer gladly claimed credit. The more killings, the more locations, the more times, if all tied into one suspect, would essentially disqualify any of the killers (one, two, or three people). Because not one of them could have been in all those places at those times, and that would have provided an alibi. One thing that the writer of the letters could count on, was the fact that he could claim the previous murders and not worry about the real killer stepping forward and saying, "No he didn't. That was me." Because Verne would have just wanted to be forgotten about.
And handwriting analysis was not very good at the time. You will notice that some Zodiac letters are sloppy and some are neatly printed. They vary. I wouldn't doubt if the ciphers are all just nonsensical bullshit. The more murders you tie into one person, the more of an airtight alibi you create for yourself. Because, if one person was responsible for all of them, then an alibi for just one would disqualify you as the killer for all of them.
Lastly, you have to look at serial killers before and after. Serial killers kill for personal reasons. It something that is very private to them. They usually have one safe spot where they feel comfortable. Ed Gein had his farm and was somewhat of a recluse. The Green River Killer had a remote spot on the Green River. John Wayne Gacy had all of his bodies under his house. Richard NG had the bodies under a remote cabin. Ted Bundy broke this rule, but killed in the same manner as he travelled across country. But the bodies were mostly in one private location. It would probably have really bothered any of them to have their private locations discovered. None of them wrote lettter after letter claiming responsibility for killing. All of them killed by one method. The last thing any of them wanted was to be a suspect, or to be in the spotlight. None of them wrote letters to shame the police. They were all very private people. So, Zodiac strays away from this. It doesn't match the profile of a serial killer. It's not what a serial killer would do, because it's not why a serial killer actually kills.
I don't think we will ever know who the killer or killers actually were.
Thanks for reading,
Matt Brubach
submitted by Matt-Brubach to ZodiacKiller [link] [comments]

[Thank You] You guys are amazing

Yes, you are.
I'm slowly gaining control of my life again and organizing all the beautiful mail you've sent me. I used to be in such a bad mental state back then, that I would stress out because of grammar, spelling and being the perfect brat I'm not, and made a lot of unfinished drafts that are all over the place. I am really, really sorry for that.

u/HoneyGirlLZ Thanks for the Vancouver postcard. Ohhh, how I wish I could travel to Canada! My two sisters did an english course there but I got so good with English by myself and so bad at graduating at anything, I never got the “graduation gift” that was some sort of tradition. Wait... I haven't actually graduated yet....
u/ImOkReally Thank you so much for this wonderful piece of mail. Your envelopes are just so amazing, they feel like cards themselves. I wish I could decorate like that, but I am very insecure and never make up my mind with my designs. I love the colors youu use, I love your sensibility, your patters, the combinations, everything. They're just so amazing. I try to open them soooo carefully so not to tear them apart. Love it it love it love it. You're so talented, believe me. Inside you told me about yourself and some memories. I read it at my grandma's house and I felt so cozy reading it. I replied to it with what I found around. I sometimes stay at her house when I have to work. I'm gonna try some day doing those cool patters with those stickers and lovely stuff you sent me, hopefully when the festive season ends. I did something similar during october and I found it so relaxing, problem is that when I decorate postcards, I'm left with no space left to writem, haha. I'm planning on buying stamps online, but still can't make up my mind, there are so many and so pretty! I actually have to write a mail to the woman in charge of them at the office and indicate a lot of things manually. Your mails always make me smile and cheer me up Thank you so much.
u/LeeElla Lol, thank you for the Raoc birthday postcard. There you told me about the kid that cried for not being able to blow the candles. Lol, some kids are like that. When I was little I hated that if kids did that, some poeple would light them up again and have them blow them too, and I was horrified because they were not the birthday boys... like stealing the birthday wishes! How dare them! Now I'd be annoyed to see blatant spoiliage of kids. Dunno if I'm using the correct verb, please someone correct me, haha. I'm amazed the wax seal made it safe and sound! it's so cool. I learnt that word finally: Hidrangea. They're one of my favorite flowers. They bring me sooo many childhood memories. So many houses grew them in the south and I loved seeing these flowers made of lots of tiny flowers. My grandma also loved putting some in the dinner table. I also used to like playing hide and seek behind them... until I got scared of spiders. Lol, grandma used to have an apt in a town that actually means "place of spiders" in native's language, hahaha, and I went there many summers. Now it's become so pupular, and badly regulated, they destroyed it. They covered it in buildings and apartments and casinos and entertainment, but the town's capacity was never improved, so now you need 3 hours just to get to the other nearest town, and it's a nightmare, when it used to be 20 -30 mins in this tiny curved road. Also, thanks for the washi and the pretty stamps, I love them so much! what is this one of ""Strawberry driving?"" lol. I wonder what that is supposed to mean, haha
u/Lonelytwatwaffle Yoo!! got your Random-Random acts of cards-card for being random. Thank you so much! I still like doing it. I like thinking that randomizers are like destiny telling me who needs a smile and some love sent from here. I ADORE the dragon stamps you put, so adorable and pretty! Oh, right before quarantine we got a boiler (or heater) when we can set the temperature, so yay, that's how I discovered the wonders of green tea. I used to hate it, but that's because it was burnt! Wow. Quarantine discovery. I ended up liking tea so much, I use a french press to brew my tea, haha, so I get a full liter. So I'll be able to enjoy your tea now! Thank you so much! I also find it super funny all the labels and warnings and adjectives your American teas have, lol. ""Oh no! My tea has 14 mg of naturally occurring caffeine! But it's not coffee!!"". ""Oh no, I'm a pregnant breastfeeding woman, I need to consult my *healthcare practitioneer * (lol, what a long name) to drink tea, or I won't be legible for suing the traditional medicinals makers done by herbalists""."" I'm gonna OPEN this TAMPER EVIDENT-MOISTURE PROOF WRAPPED Tea Bag and POUR freshly boiled water in it. COVER it, STEEP it for 10 mins and SQUEEZE it to ENJOY 3-4 cups daily."" Is this bag telling me me how many I have to drink per day?? Wait... do I have to repeat this process 3-4 per day with this single bag??. ROFL. Oh gosh, I'm enjoying this too much. What the hell. So thanks for this HERBAL SUPPLEMENT, with *daily values not established for organic green tea"" and 0 calories!! Hahahahaa. Did you feel worn after scrutinizing all the offers to make this batch of cards? That was quite a nice thing you did. Also, thanks for the sticks and washi, I like the summer vibe they have, I'm going to take them to my vacations.
Edit: The mail didn't lose it. It was me. It got burried in my depressive mess and finding it during this time I haven't got any mail was like getting mail again. Such a huge adrenaline rush, it was awesome. I think life holds these surprises for the moments we need them the most.
u/ninajyang u/shadesoflanternhill Oh wow guys! I had forgotten you guys met! How was is? What did you do together? Oh wow, can't believe it was this same year. Such a weird year. I thought it was going to be the year of the meetups... so many were happening back then! And I was about to do some myself once in Australia and Asia xD. Well, I'm glad to know I have a spare bed in Japan waiting for me now, haha. And a bigger fridge to store a yummy cake I could bake, so you can try it, 'cause you must. Nina, have you set up your next destinations once all this is over? The only one I have for sure is Europe 2023 with friends... and if I can try and stay longer, the better. I actually wish I could go there next year, but who knows!
u/talkingroses Thank you for your adorable little crab postcard with a review of Percy Jackson. I was thinking in seeing if I could find it in the library, but then I remembered my card got expired and I'm not a student anymore so.... I'll have to check other ways of getting my hands on it. (I dun wanna read it in spanish.... so many things get lost in translation sometimes). I can't wait to be able to send to Australia again. Man, who'd have thought? I'd be living there right now if nothing of this had happened.
u/vickiiiie (x3) I'm happy to know my test postcard made it your way the other day, and that mail is working again, because I once promised to try to write the “Rat” Character once I got this cool year of the rat postcard, where you told me it was the hardest character of the zodiac. Challenge accepted! I hope I don't horrify you with all my aberrations xD It looks like a rat skiing. I also loved the cool red envelope with cute stickers and, no kidding, I spent like 5 minutes just staring at the envelope and its texture. Do they have a specific purpose there? The flowers are the same of the rat in the envelope (love it), do those flowers mean something too? Thank you so much for such nice mail!
Also, thank you so much for the 29th of February postcard! You also added a cute cactus seal. So cool, I wanna try one day doing them. I actually wondered.... if you work in February, any February, if you get paid monthly, are they actually paying you more for that month every year? Or they adjust that? Hmmm.... Well, here February is the month were almost everyone, or at least the government, takes vacations, so nobody is worrying too much about that. Well... you might get a day or less of vacations. We didn't because we only took 2 weeks this February, and it got cut short because my cousin decided to get married the 1st, so pretty much everyone in the family had to start their vacations 2 days late, since you spend a whole day traveling. We usually try to travel the 31st. How long you were quarantined? Many people here are still working at home, and I just recently started working in the kitchens again. It's been fun, and I like cooking with a mask on. Feels more clean.
And least but lot last, The first HK RAoC meetup card with u/vickiiiie and u/chikadatte !! I loved it so much when I got it! Oh, gosh, crazy times back then! Haha, I wonder why nobody guessed you were going to an American dinner for bacon and eggs. I sent some test cards both your ways, but it seems they haven't made it yet. I wanna give it another try. I need to know if you both are keeping your same addresses though, I have some unsent mail waiting for you guys. Oh, I was sooo looking forward to traveling to HK next year, but my trip to Australia and then Asia got.... cancelled until... who knows when and who knows if that's ever going to work out. Who knows? Maybe the future awaits me with some surprises I haven't imagined yet. Maybe it's better that what I was going to do. Who knows? We'll see.
submitted by ignaposts to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]


If your reading this, I already left my guild. Invested ALL OF MY DLS on untradables, gaia and ut.
I've been playing Growtopia since 2015. I came back from playing Growtopia since March 15, I have pretty much 3 dls, I invested those on buying science station worlds, I profit. One night I saw and SB that you can DUPE YOUR WLS, I checked the video on Youtube and FELT FOR IT, I followed the instructions and all. I took a break and after I logged in, My items are gone. Except for the 1 science station world, he thought it's empty and ignored the world. Luckilly he didn't my 4 letter worlds. I farm fertile soil, bought L grids and chand. After I profit I bought a Geiger and uprgaded my root farm. Farm and farm until my fingers sore from clicking the mouse. I got 600k Gems and bought zodiac wings, i profited 4 DL something and bought D Horn and Dragoscarf. I also bought Focus Eyes, bought for 90 growtokens because of Apology Week. Then Harvestfest came and I made a harvester from the Balance Mooncakes I got.
I stumbled upon a Group on Facebook which is basically a Team Casino in growtopia. I tried it and I won 10 dls within 1 week. I invested those on Gaia and UT, sold my DragoScarf and D Horn and bought a Growscan. It's fine until the stress came due to online classes, I basically couldn't handle Playing Growtopia and doing my School works at the same time. So I decided to quit and focused on my School works
I also realized that this message was connected to the name of the game, GROWtopia. I think in order for you to GROW, You need to experience new things, probably on your future. I'm 19 years old now, so I think that theres much more in life rather than playing my childhood game. I will probably give my account to my child in the future.
It's been a good 7 months for me to play Growtopia again, I've enjoyed it, from the "wkwkwk's", to the childish things players say. I hope that to the one reading this, Keep grinding to get that dream item your wishing for.
"Ciao"- Sean.
submitted by Micro1414 to growtopia [link] [comments]

A Guide to the Differences Between JRPGs Ports and Enhanced Versions (Part 1).

A new day, a new guide.
This is the hardest one of the guides I wanted to make, because the information is never easy to get, which is weird. So please forgive me if I missed some changes, and by all means tell me if I missed any of them or if any of them are incorrect.
Since this list is really long, this guide is going to come in parts, this part covers:

Important Notes:

  • This is made for Ports and Enhanced versions, so No Remakes. So this is about differences between the different versions of Chrono Trigger, and not about the differences between FF7 ps1 and FF7 Remake.
  • The differences are taken from all over the internet, either from official sources, wikis, youtube, and even forums.
  • I cover all the changes for a game, unless there is too many, in which case I will highlight the ones worth mentioning.

~ Valkyrie profile (PSX US.ver): vs Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP vs iOS & Andriod. ~

Valkyrie profile PSX:

Nearly identical to the Japan version but with minor fixes in the menu screen. In the Japanese version, Characters not in the party were unable to change or learn skills nor were they able change or remove equipment. The US version allowed out of party members to change and learn skills as well as change or remove equipment without being added to the party. Also in the Japanese version, Lenneth would unequip all her skills and equipment when switching between sword and bow. The US version 'remembers' the previous setting when switching weaponry and is automatically equipped with the skills and equip. Another improvement over the Japanese version is an improved item sorting option.
There are a few instances of censoring such as Badrach's smoking.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP:

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth lacks the improvement made in US version. Rather than re-rendering the textures of the dungeon maps, TOSE cropped and upscaled the pre-rendered images to fit the portable console's screen, resulting in severe blurring in some areas. This version also removes the anime opening movie in favor of 3D CGI, animated movie. Certain key story-sequences were animated in the same style as the opening movie and can be viewed at anytime in the Gallery option in the title screen once unlocked in the story. The animated scenes include:
  • Opening Movie
  • Lenneth's Awakening
  • Jelanda's Transformation
  • Alicia witnesses Barbarossa's execution
  • Lenneth's encounter with the Lord of the Undead
  • Lenneth and the Homunculi
  • A chance encounter between "Meril" and Lucian
  • Lenneth in Weeping Lily Meadow
  • Lucian's departure to Valhalla
  • Hrist's Awakening
  • The Sovereign's Rite
  • A Ending
Other big changes are:
  • An enhanced version of the original game's localization
  • Square Enix cleaned up the original game's English script and additional voice over dialogue for the CG movies was recorded by New Generation Pictures, rather than the original company, TAJ Productions.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth iOS & Andriod:

This is the PSP version being ported to iOS & Andriod, with the following changes:
  • Enhanced graphics such as character portraits. >* Enhanced Text.
  • Enhanced UI.
  • The option to skip cut-scenes.
  • In-app purchases to unlock collectibles
  • Ability to turn on auto-battle.

~ Chrono Trigger (SNES): PSX vs NDS vs iOS & Andriod vs PC. ~

Chrono Trigger PSX:

Anime cut scenes created by original character designer Akira Toriyama's Bird Studio and animated by Toei Animation.
A new Extra Mode Option was added that is divided into different categories of viewable extras, that are unlocked as you finish the game, and just as shown in the picture, they are:
  • Theater.
  • Art Gallery.
  • Music Box.
  • Tech Showcase.
  • Monster Data.
  • Boss Data.
  • Endings.
  • Treasure Map.

Chrono Trigger NDS:

This version includes everything new in the PSX version, and also has big and a long list of changes and additions, which I will try to condense them as much as possible:
  • Ability to play using the two screens and the touch screen, or in classic mode through a single screen.
  • Added the Arena of Ages: A monster arena where You pick basic monsters and raise them to fight computer and wireless opponents.
  • Added the Lost Sanctum: A sidequest during the main game. It consists of two dungeons in two different eras.
  • Added the Dimensional Vortex: A extra Dungeon, available after beating the game once and appears in three different eras. Each dungeon is different.
  • A lot of New Items.
  • New Enemies in the new dungeons, in the form of palette swaps of old enemies.
  • One New Ending after finishing the Dimensional Vortex completely.
  • New Translation that changes a lot of names form the original version to something more faithful to the Japanese version.

Chrono Trigger iOS & Android:

Both versions initially were based on the NDS version, but later on got an update to make them similar to the PC version.

Chrono Trigger PC:

Everything on the NDS version is present here except there is No Arena of Ages. What they did add however is:
  • Auto-Save feature.
  • Higher Resolution Graphics and update UI.
  • Support for mouse and keyboard controls.
  • Remastered sound and music.

~ Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX): vs Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP) vs PS4 (JP.ver). ~

Star Ocean: Second Evolution:

  • A New Translation that changes almost everything in the game.
  • New voice actors. >* New voiced acted scenes; All major story events now have voice acting.
  • New recruitable character: Welch Vineyard.
  • New Private Actions and 13 new Endings.
  • Unlocking the Galaxy and Universe modes now require defeating a specific number of enemies in a single playthrough rather than unlocking voices in the Voice Collection. >>>* Practically all Combat Skills have been refined, some being removed (such as Cancel, which is now automatically implemented).
  • The combat system has been slightly refined, now allowing all melee fighters to perform a 3-hit combo as their normal attack.
  • The Super Specialty "Bunny Call" no longer allows the player to "climb" on towns and some terrains. The player now will enter a town upon approaching while in Bunny Form, and can even activate private actions.
  • All items in the inventory screen are now depicted as 2D icons instead of the original 3D models.
  • Many bugs and glitches have been fixed (most notably the infamous random Cave of Trials screen freeze).
  • Ring of Lightspeed (called Slayer Ring in Second Story) now works on Dias Flac.
  • New character designs and portraits.
  • No magic combo mechanic.
  • Crafting animations are now replaced by a still 2D image.

Star Ocean: Second Evolution PS4 JP.ver:

This enhanced version was released only in Japan on the PS4, with enhanced graphics and BGM, and a DLC that helps you with the gameplay.

~ The Last Remnant (Xbox360): vs PC vs PS4 & Switch Remastered. ~

The Last Remnant PC:

This version is only available to purchase in the EU SquareEnix online store as of right now:
  • Turbo Mode is now available, and can be toggled on or off while giving orders to unions in battle. When on, battles play out at double the speed.
  • Crimson Flare, a new Arcana, is now available.
  • New formations, such as Eremurus Rain, are now available.
  • Enemies hit considerably harder.
  • Rare Monsters can have significantly higher HP than their XBOX 360 counterparts.
  • Arcana require substantially more AP.
  • Unique Arts now require AP.
  • Remnant Arts can only be performed by union leader, Weapon Arts now require high union morale.
  • Offensive Weapon Arts now increase morale when used.
  • Additionally, Arcana and offensive Special Arts now raise morale by a fixed amount.
  • Likewise, certain Enemy Arts now lower morale by a fixed amount.
  • Wards now affect the entire union.
  • Attributes required for formation upgrades are vastly different.
  • Healing no longer raises morale, and morale increased by Critical Hits has been dramatically reduced.
  • Union morale now fluctuates based on more conditions (IE: taking an action, successfully landing a hit, receiving damage, etc.). In the X360 version, union morale stayed somewhat static, usually changing when being healed, being KO'd/terminated, executing a successful Critical Trigger. It also did not drop to 0 whenever an offensive Special Art was executed, whereas it will do so on the PC.
  • Linking additional enemies together does not increase your Battle Rank further than having fought them separately.
  • Special commands, such as the use of David's Gae Bolg, are no longer interrupted by being raidlocked by a different union or having targeted enemy union defeated by an ally.
  • Allies now have the option to cure a friendly union's Curse status ailment via "Cure them even if it kills them!" command. This command is in the XBOX 360 version as well, but is only available when the union is Enthralled; it will not be available when the union is cursed.
  • Items are color-coded in the PC version, and a new preview feature lets you see what the item looks like in battle.
  • You can now toggle between viewing the stats of a weapon or shield and viewing a preview of what it looks like in battle.
  • Components and consumables are now categorized.
  • Items are now color-coded based on their rarity.
  • Creation or customization of some items require fewer components.
  • New items available via Blueprint 4.
  • Various weapon stats have changed.
  • Some very rare monster-specific drops can now be split from monsters (e.g., Godwood Timber, Spiritwood Timber).
  • The leader limit is no longer imposed. Unions can be composed entirely of leader units if the player desires.
  • Likewise, soldiers can now be set as union leaders.
  • The stat cap has been lifted for all characters to allow a maximum of 255 for each stat.
  • The Seven are now recruitable after completing Union of the Golden Chalice Task #70: For Our Lord.
  • Rush can now be removed from the active party.
  • Khrynia can learn the new Unique Art Dual Snowpetal.
  • Arts can be disabled, filtering which skills a unit may use in combat.
  • Leaders' requested components are displayed when viewing their stats.
  • Leaders' wield style can be changed depending on their equipped weapon.
  • Shields now prevent style changes mid-battle.
  • The following classes now prevent style changes: Guardian, Scout, Hunter, Wanderer, Thief, Alchemist, all Mystic classes, Vagrant, Mercenary, Aristocrat, Djin, Fortuneteller, Sage and General.
  • The experience required to advance Wield Style skills has been reduced, and the experience required to advance Weapon Type skills has been increased.
  • Three new classes are now available: Ataraxian, Cleric, and Ninja.
  • The Guardian, Fencer, and Warrior classes now require non-sovani wield styles, and are thus not available to Sovani.
  • The Gladiator class now requires Power Grip and Wards.
  • Hybrid classes (Item+Combat and Mystic+Combat) can now be achieved by units who do not start in one.
  • Some leaders now have a different weapon upgrade path, which caused some units to learn new Weapon Arts while others lost theirs.
  • Leaders can request weapons that do not coincide with their weapon upgrade path as long as they match their equipped weapon type and size.
  • Soldiers can now request weapon drops.
  • Some units have had their starting Unit BR level, stats, class, equipment, arts, and hiring wage changed.
  • The completion of At Hatred's End is no longer required in order to activate Things Unchangeable.
  • Duke of Ghor now has a … icon when you speak with him between the first, third, and fifth base battles.
  • The component requirements in The Assistant have lowered.
  • The DLC content is now unlocked differently; the majority of the extra content now requires the completion of certain guild tasks.
  • The Leader Extraordinaire guild tasks which required three units of a single class now only require one.
  • The Monsterslayer guild tasks require different enemies to be defeated.
New Game Plus and Hard Mode: After the epilogue and credits, you can now save your game. When you're taken back to the main menu, you can load this save to begin a new playthrough that carries over certain elements from your previous playthrough. You will also be given the option to start the new game in Hard Mode.
  • The PC version will warn you if you cannot leave an area without a fight.
  • Auto Save is now available, which automatically saves after having changed zones or having won a battle.
  • Battle Rank is now viewable outside of combat, in the party menu.
  • Battle Rank progression has been slowed considerably; it takes more encounters/enemy unions terminated to increase in rank.
  • Characters with … icons are now identified with markers on the map.
  • Enemies can no longer be respawned by saving and reloading an adjacent area.
  • New saving opportunities are now available, such as before the base's boss.
  • A warning message is now displayed if you attempt to save your game in an area which you cannot leave until you defeat a boss.
  • Mr Diggs's digging animations are now much quicker.
  • The loading screens that explained some of the game's mechanics have been disabled.
  • Many areas of the game have had their spawn tables altered or repopulated.
  • Starting battle music now coincides with starting morale in most battles.
  • "Turn the Tide" and "Beat the Odds" now play during the second half instead of after entering Elysion.
  • Union highlighting during the selection phase has been toned down (ie: ally unions don't look quite as blue).
  • Leaders in reserve no longer gain skills via the Rush only skill grind trick.
  • Soldiers now slowly improve their stats in reserves.
  • Camera in battle doesn't swing around as wildly anymore.
  • Mitra soldiers' idle stances now come in 2 varieties: the one shared by both male and female units and the one exclusive to larger male units, rather than just the "large male mitra" stance.

The Last Remnant Remastered PS4 & Switch:

Based on the PC version, also added:
  • Graphics now are in Unreal Engine 4
  • A new function to run faster on the overworld.
  • Extra save slots.
Yes I am salty about this if you can't tell, since they removed the PC version from steam.

~ Tales of Vesperia (Xbox360): vs PS3 vs Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition vs PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One. ~

Tales of Vesperia PS3:

  • Features full voice acting, nearly twice as much voice work as the original.
  • New Characters, including 2 new playable characters: Flynn (permanantly playable now), and Patty Fleur.
  • New subplots, skits, and main game quests, and sidequests.
  • New mini-games
  • New songs
  • Remodeled towns and new towns and dungeons.
  • New bosses.
  • The ability to replay boss fights.
  • New 8 Mystic Arts.
  • New artes, skills, and equipment.
  • New item: the "Artes Ball", which allows an additional eight artes shortcuts to be assigned to the previous eight slots combined with the L1 button, which allows for a maximum of 16 artes
  • New character costumes

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive editionvs PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One:

Based on the PS3 version, it has everything from it and all the DLC included for free, with higher resolution graphics depending on the system.

~ Tales of Symphonia (GC): vs PS2 (JP.ver only) vs PS3/PC. ~

Tales of Symphonia PS2 JP.ver only:

  • New animated sequences.
  • New Mystic Arts.
  • New Unison Arts.
  • New Arts for playable characters and enemies.
  • New Techniques.
  • The frame rate was lowered from 60 frames per second to 30 frames per second.
  • New customs.
  • The "Synopsis" option in the menu displays newer entries at the top
  • The Casino in the game is now actually fully playable with it's own mini-games, and chips to collecet and exchange for items.
  • The skits are graphically more dynamic. Portraits get larger or smaller quickly, swing from side to side, shake, and so on.
  • New Titles
  • More post-battle animations.
  • Niflheim dungeon extended and 6 new boss characters, fought in 2 new boss battles.
  • Bug Fixes
  • New events to help raise affection.
  • Includes new side quests, new camera angles on some cutscenes, new animated cutscenes not featured in the GameCube version

Tales of Symphonia PS3/PC:

  • More customs.
  • Improved character textures and improved some environments.
  • Dual-audio support: Japanese and English voiceovers, which neither the PS2 or GameCube versions had
  • Cutscenes support voice acting in both languages, but skits only have voice acting in Japanese. If you select English, you will just see the subtitles during skits. This is not a porting issue, as this is just how the GameCube version was.
  • While the original GameCube version ran at 60fps, the Japanese PS2 port which the PS3 Chronicles HD version is based off of ran at 30fps. The Steam version can run at 40FPS.
  • HD graphics

~ Skies of Arcadia (DC): vs Skies of Arcadia: Legends GC. ~

Skies of Arcadia: Legends GC:

  • New Ranks for the Swashbuckler Rating system.
  • Random encounters occur less frequently and load considerably faster than the Dreamcast version, and EXP offered per battle is adjusted to compensate.
  • Graphically, the game sports mild improvements to character models, most noticeably adding individual fingers to the designs. The modifier volume shadows and (weirdly enough) point-mipmapping from the original release are still present.
  • One of the new sidequests available is Bounty Hunting. Sailor's Guilds offer information about each person on the bounty list as they are unlocked through story progression. After reading about them, they can be found in a constant location.
  • There are a number of new discoveries to be found.
  • Two linked sidequests
  • "Pinta Quest" minigame was removed
  • DLC comes with the game.

~ Persona 3 (PS2): vs Persona 3 FES PS2 (English.ver) vs P3P PSP. ~

FES PS2 (English.ver):

  • A whole additional epilogue has been added, The Answer. This chapter is only available in one difficulty setting, which is supposed to be on par with Persona 3's Hard mode.
  • New Personas have been added
  • Secret videos of the protagonist's dorm mates have been added to flesh them out.
  • Koromaru can now be taken on walks.
  • Several of the Social Links have been modified slightly, such as Tanaka being available at a different time
  • Several new Quests have been added.
  • New costumes can be worn in battle.
  • A new event involving Chidori Yoshino was added.
  • Naganaki Shrine was completely overhauled.
  • A hard mode was added.
  • Save data from Persona 3 can be transferred into the game,


  • The Answer is not included in this verion.
  • Added a Female Main Character, so now you can choose between the Male and Female MCs.
  • The game lacks 3D environments and character models (outside of Tartarus), all anime cutscenes are gone, the graphics and audio quality were compressed,
  • The storyline of the female protagonist features many differences from that of the male protagonist, such as new social interactions as well as Social Links.
  • New voiced dialogue.
  • Players have the choice of selecting Elizabeth or a male-equivalent named Theodore to be Igor's assistant in the Velvet Room.
  • The ability to pick who the protagonist spends the last moments of the game with. This feature is only accessible on a New Cycle
  • The Desert of Doors from the Abyss of Time seen in The Answer will still appear, however, in an extra feature known as the Vision Quest. In this mode, the party can fight stronger incarnations of the Full Moon shadow bosses — save for Arcana Magician — and partake in special battles that test the party's abilities. When all of the battles have been successfully met, a second optional boss can be fought: Margaret, Igor's assistant in Persona 4 and guardian of the Desert of Doors in P3P.
  • There are now two overworld save points; Aside from the log book in the Iwatodai Dormitory, there is also one on the main character's desk at school.
  • In Paulownia Mall, the police station is now the only place where the protagonist can buy equipment and sell items. Aohige Pharmacy is now a buy-only store, and Be Blue V is just a part-time work site and hangout to improve the main character's condition
  • From previous versions, two difficulty modes have been added: Beginner and Maniac alongside Easy and Normal in Persona 3 and Hard in Persona 3 FES:
  • A new tactic, "Direct," has been added to the game, allowing control of the party members, unlike Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES.
  • The "Wait" command is replaced with the "Defense" command, and will decrease the damage and any knockdown effects of the next attack the user suffers.
  • The game grants "1 More" to a combatant who attacks multiple enemies not knocking all of them down; the original Persona 3 required all hit enemies to be knocked down for a 1 more.
  • Party members who have been knocked down no longer spend the turn by getting up and can act as soon as they stand.
  • Upon landing a critical hit or striking an enemy's weakness, party members can follow up with a co-op attack.
  • Fusion Spells from the original Persona 3 are now activated from items instead of equipping a persona and selecting it like other spells.
  • Allies can now take a fatal blow to the protagonist for them if they are able.
  • "Dizzy" has been added as a status effect.
  • Returning to the main lobby in Tartarus no longer automatically restores the party, and must now be done for a fee via the save point (this cost varies based on the date in-game and status effects currently inflicted on the party)
  • Floors can be directly returned to from the entrance of Tartarus instead of being restricted to the restore point like previous versions.
  • "Tired" status no longer is inflicted during Tartarus exploration, and is inflicted to all used party members after leaving (this will only drop to "Good" if the character used was at "Great" during exploration).
  • Unlike previous versions, money found by party members when split up will now be given to the protagonist.
  • Party members' equipment and status can now be accessed at any time from the pause menu, unlike in previous versions, which required the protagonist to speak to them while exploring Tartarus in order to change their equipment or view their status.
  • You can now control Party members directly.
  • The protagonists only have access to one weapon type (instead of having access to all weapon types like in P3 and FES); the male protagonist wields one-handed swords, and the female protagonist wields naginatas. As a result, the Skills "Fist Master," "Bow Master," "1hdSwdMaster" and similar skills have all been combined into a single skill called "Weapons Master." Its skill card is called "Phys Boost," and all Personas which had learned a "master" ability (like Cybele with Bow Master) now learn "Weapons Master."
  • Personas now have the ability to produce a Skill Card when raised to a specific level. Each card can be used on any Persona to teach them a skill.
  • The Inari Sushi in Naganaki Shrine no longer grants random bonuses for item gaining and Tartarus explorations. Instead, it offers to duplicate Skill Cards, which will take 5 days to complete

~ Persona 4 (PS2): vs Persona 4 Golden Vita vs Persona 4 Golden PC. ~

Persona 4 Golden Vita:

  • Two new Social Links.
  • A New Dungeon.
  • A New bad ending.
  • New Difficulty levels have been added: Safety/Easy/Normal/Hard/Risky.
  • Several new music tracks.
  • Additional voice-over dialogue.
  • Chie and Teddie have new voice actors in the English version.
  • New animated cutscenes.
  • More Personas, including new Ultimate Personas for the Investigation Team.
  • New areas can be visited.
  • New events.
  • The protagonist can now explore Inaba in the evening when Dojima is not home.
  • The protagonist and his friends now have motorized scooters to explore various areas.
  • Costumes are now available to buy at Croco Fur, in Okina City.
  • New Garden and Bug Catching features.
  • The ability to choose which skills can be inherited by the Persona the protagonist is fusing.
  • New scene skipping function
  • If the necessary criteria for at least the good ending are fulfilled, daily activities are expanded to February 14, 2012, giving more time for events and social links.
  • New epilogue has been added for the True Ending.
  • The list of Requests and the Fox' emas have been modified.
  • Rise can now assist the Investigation Team in All-Out-Attacks.
  • Added Tag Team attacks: two members can team up to perform a united attack.
  • Added Cavalry Attacks: Attacks from members of the Investigation Team that are not currently in the party.
  • Spell buffs and debuffs can now be used on the same character to prolong the effect
  • A new gallery menu has been added: "TV Listings." It displays bonus content unlocked through the main game at any time.
  • Floors and chests in dungeons can now reset by changing floors instead of leaving the dungeon and TV world, or visiting another dungeon.

Persona 4 Golden PC:

  • Bug fixes
  • The game will run at up to 4K resolution with 60FPS+ as opposed to the Vita's 476p resolution and 30FPS target
  • Includes dual audio language and multiple text language. The anime cutscenes now also include subtitles
  • In the Steam version, the player may customize their difficulty setting at any time, in contrast to the Vita version only letting you do so on New Game Plus.The player may select a preset difficulty setting, or individually alter the following parameters
  • The player may select a preset difficulty setting, or individually alter the following parameters.

~ .hack//G.U (PS2): vs .hack//G.U. Last Recode PS4/PC. ~

.hack//G.U. Last Recode PS4/PC:

  • A brand new episode titled Vol.4//Reconnection, which takes place a year and three months after the events of Redemption
  • HD graphical update for the whole game.
  • Ability to restart the battle from the beginning if Haseo dies.
  • Movement speed on foot has somewhat increased.
  • The item stack size has increased from 50 to 99. The maximum number of item stacks in the inventory has increased from 30 to 90
  • Item menu shortcuts and sort features
  • When using an item in the field, pressing the X button repeatedly will cause the item to be used again without navigating the menu a second time.
  • The maximum number of Chim Spheres and Virus Cores the player can possess has increased from 99 to 999
  • Platforms now include the Platform Recovery feature, recovering a large portion of the party's HP and SP. It can only be used once per visit to a field.
  • Saku and Bo no longer switch the active player based on their level being even or odd. They can instead be selected as separate options in the Party screen.
  • Decreased the probability of allies selling the items the player give them.
  • Voice clips for returning characters and NPCs between games have been updated to use the Volume 3 clips from the beginning, except where said clips are unavailable.
  • Attack power has been increased and hit stops during attacks have been reduced to speed up the battle tempo.
  • Learning weapons proficiency increased and acquired experience points increased.
  • Awakening scenes can be skipped using the Option/Start button.
  • Some of the really tough enemies have been made a bit easier
  • Skeith’s general shot bullet speed has increased during Avatar Battles.
  • Enhanced battle balance and game pacing to provide an optimal experience.
  • Avatar battles now show a stun gauge over the enemy's head. Red diamonds have been added around attacks meant to be deflected using scythe slashes that are in range.
  • Added suspend feature during Avatar battle gameplay.
  • In Volume 3, the player is given 22 "Promise" greeting cards, meaning it is possible to do the "Forever in Love" / "Best Wishes" events with all party members in a single playthrough.
  • A new Cheat Mode allowing players who want to just enjoy the story to start the game with a large amount of items, best equipment, maximum money and chim spheres, and maximum level and affection for the respective volume.
  • Save files from Cheat Mode plays can be converted to the next volumes.
  • The videos from “The End of the World” Terminal Disc included with the limited edition PS2 release of Volume 1 are included in the collection
  • A New Job Form for Haseo with a new weapon.
  • A New Form for Skeith.
  • Ovan joins the party.

~ Final Fantasy 12 (PS2): vs FF 12: International Zodiac Job System PS2 (JP.ver only) vs FF12 Zodiac Age PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One. ~

Final Fantasy 12: International Zodiac Job System PS2 (JP.ver only):

  • Addition of a "Zodiac Job System" featuring twelve jobs with individual License Boards corresponding to twelve zodiac signs
  • Addition of a 16:9 widescreen mode with menus and HUD at 4:3.
  • Addition of three new game modes: Trial Mode/New Game+ Strong Mode/New Game+ Weak Mode.
  • Pressing L1 will speed up gameplay. Conversations and events continue to play at normal speed.
  • Quickening doesn't consume MP. Now they use their own Mist gauge similarly to Limit Breaks from previous Final Fantasy titles.
  • UI Changes.
  • Playable characters' starting LP, consumables, gil, gambits, equipment, licenses, and base stats have been modified.
  • You have more control over Guests now, they also gain EXP/Item/Gold.
  • Many magick spells and technicks have been tweaked, renamed and recategorized.
  • Obtaining Quickenings no longer affects max MP and Mist charges do not diminish when MP is consumed (unless the player is affected by a reversed Elixir or Megalixir). The player's MP is also unaffected by the depletion of Mist charges. However, effects that recover the player's MP will also restore Mist charges. One Mist charge is granted each time the amount recovered totals the player's maximum MP. Effects that fully restore a player's MP recover all Mist charges.
  • You can now fully control Espers, they also require MP to cast magicks
  • Almost all attacks now break the 9999 damage limit from the original by default.
  • New items have been added, such as Cura Mote, Bubble Mote, Domaine Calvados, Baltoro Seed, Dark Energy and various Meteorites.
  • Bacchus's Wine now has 100% chance of inflicting Berserk (previously it was 50%).
  • Several equipment pieces were added, while some available in the original release were removed or tweaked.
  • New Weapons added.
  • Most shops had their assortments changed. Many weapons are now available from shops earlier because of the job system, and were thus made weaker.
  • Treasures respawn by moving just one area away as opposed to two. Treasures were moved around, changed the items they can give, or were removed altogether. The "forbidden chest" concept was removed, that in the original prevented the player from obtaining the Zodiac Spear in Necrohol of Nabudis if they opened a wrong treasure.
  • Dark Matter can no longer be acquired from the bazaar, and selling the ingredients needed to make it in the original will result in making the Dark Energy instead. The Dark Energy is an item that does not charge up with Knot of Rust or Devour Soul and always deals 50,000 damage to each enemy in range.
  • Treasure chests are now in different locations and contain different items.
  • There are more traps throughout the map.

Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One:

  • Remastered HD graphical upgrade.
  • English and Japanese voices (switch between them in the game configuration).
  • Original and newly re-recorded background music (switch between them in the game configuration).
  • Auto-save functionality added (game saves automatically when moving to each new screen, excepting boss arenas)
  • Improved high-speed mode and improved play time operability during high-speed mode
  • Ability to invert both the X and Y camera axes
  • The game balance has been overhauled to make it easier.
  • Each playable character can have two jobs at once.
  • Job Reset function added; talk to Montblanc in the Clan Hall to use.
  • The Effect Capacity system that limited spell-casting in the PlayStation 2 versions has been removed.
  • Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, and Cure only affect a single target again.
  • Espers' HP values have been doubled, but other stats kept the same as in Zodiac Job System.
  • The animation for summoning Espers is removed.
  • A glitch concerning Dyce's character model has been fixed.
  • New Game Plus and New Game Minus are now accessible from the beginning of the game.

~ Rune Factory 4 (3DS): vs Rune Factory 4 Special Switch. ~

Rune Factory 4 Special Switch:

  • HD Graphics.
  • Newlywed Mode.
  • Hell Difficulty.
  • Additional Movies.
  • Another Episode DLC.
  • Swimsuit Day DLC.
  • Many Town Events are now prioritized if requirements have been met. This includes Memories, which unlocks the last story arc and the events required for marriage.
  • The map has been moved to the main screen and can be removed and resized with the press of a button (the Switch has only one screen) or by using the touch screen icon.
  • The teleport spell has been mapped to a dedicated button. It can still be used from the touch screen.
  • You can now change the voice acting language between English and Japanese.
  • Many bug fixes.

This is just part 1, if you have any suggestions for titles to be in part 2, please post them here.

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The games section is divided up into slots, penny slots, table games and video poker. The software here is proprietary so players can enjoy a range of games not seen elsewhere. In fact the only other place where you can find this software is Winadays sister site, Slotland. Although some players may miss their favourite slots from big name softeare developers such as NetEnt and Microgaming, there are many new titles to enjoy so this site is perfect for players looking for something new and different.
The slot games section is the biggest section at Winaday Casino with some great titles here, such as: Alice in Wonderland, Busted, Castle Siege, Fluffy Paws, Gypsy Charm, Haunted, Ice Crystals, Olympus, Stardust and Zodiac. There are 36 slot games in the ‘slots’ section of the site, along with another 18 slots in the ‘penny slots’ section. The penny slots here include Sands of Gold, Safari Park, Deep Blue, Beauty Salon, and Amazonia.
The table games section is much smaller than the slots section and offers 2 types of roulette, La Roulette and Roulette 5, along with Power Keno and Keno 101. So blackjack players, or anyone wanting to play Baccarat, Casino Texas Holdem, Caribbean Stud Poker, Craps or any other casino table games, will be disappointed. There is a slot called 21 Slot which is based on the game of blackjack, so players will have to be satisfied with this if they are looking for the classic card game.
The video poker range is better than the table games selection with a number of classic titles available including Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, Bonus Poker and Aces and Faces. Winaday Casino is certainly more suited to slots and video poker players with the only table games on offer here roulette and keno. Most casino players would not class keno as a casino table game in any case, as it is more a lottery game. A regular Blackjack game is severely lacking here and will certainly be a surprising omission for most casino fans.
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Winaday Support

The customer support service at Winaday Casino is highly accessible as it is available 24/7, which is a pleasant surprise considering many other similar online casinos close their support service at night. You can access help via live chat and email, with the site promising to reply to emails within 3 hours. There is also a help section which has a FAQ list with answers to common queries.

Winaday Payments

There are various ways to deposit at Winaday Casino with the site accepting payment by credit and debit cards, Neteller, Skrill, cheque and wire transfer. Withdrawals can be made via Neteller, Skrill, Instadebit, cheque and wire transfer. There are some restricted countries here with players from the following countries prohibited from depositing and play at the site: Belarus, China, Czech Republic, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Slovakia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam, and the United Kingdom.
Withdrawals are processed within 12 hours for eWallets, within 3-4 days for credits and debit cards, within 1-3 days for bank transfers, and within 3-4 days for cheques. There are no withdrawal limits, which makes this site ideal for players wishing to withdraw large amounts regularly.
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Winaday Casino has a strong range of exclusive slot games that most players will never have played before. This makes the casino perfect for players who are tired of seeing the same old slots crop up again and again at different sites. The whole new range of games offers something entirely different and should keep new players entertained for a long time as they work their way through the different slot titles.
Casino table fans will be less excited about the site as there is only roulette and keno to choose from with the only blackjack game a slot loosely themed on the classic card game.
The 100% first deposit bonus is a solid offer if not one of the best, while the €500 bonus over 5 deposits gives some more cash to enjoy if only via 25% each time.
Overall, Winaday Casino is a strong choice for players looking for new games to try on proprietary software but the lack of table game choice will disappoint and surprise many casino players.
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How to choose the best online casino in 2020

How to choose the best online casino in 2020
The excitement and thrills of a casino are simply phenomenal; with improved technology, one can enjoy the same adrenalin rush sitting in the comfort of your own home. There are now over 4000 online casino games available.
We all know that gambling at a casino comes with its share of risks. The same dangers apply even to casino games that are played online. Other than that, online casino brings along with them the risks of online monetary transactions. For this, it is essential to สมัคร GCLUB (Apply for GCLUB) only with well-known and reliable websites that offer a secured payment platform. One must steer away from shady looking online casino sites or apps even if they seem far more lucrative or make big promises.

Here are a few tips from that come handy while playing casino games online

Choose your online casino wisely

Choosing an online casino is like choosing ice-cream. You are kind of stuck with it until you finish up. But as mentioned above, choosing a legitimate online casino is important. These casinos are known to have fair games where everyone has an equal chance of winning. The shady sites are often manipulated and reduce the chances of a fair game. Look out for casino sites that have a good reputation, like Zodiac Casino. You can find some of the best Zodiac Casino bonuses when you sign up.
You can also have a look at the license of the casino and check if it is from a valid government authority. In the case of Zodiac, they are regulated by the online Gaming Commission.

Online casino gifts and bonuses

To attract gamblers, many online casinos offer various freebies. These could include things like a welcome package, several bonuses, free spins, promotional offers as well as gifts; make the most of these gifts and bonuses. You need not hesitate to assume these are tricks; these very often are actually to serve their purpose. It is doing to outdo other competitors and attract more clients to their site. Take advantage of these bonuses. Pay particular attention to the casinos offering free spins no wagering requirements - they are like gold dust!

Choose the banking options

Online casinos require you to first create an account and then deposit real money into these accounts. This could be potentially dangerous and so before you deposit any real money it is best to check for the banking options. Some of the genuine payment options include credit card, debit card, online payments, pre-pay cards and even money transfers are valid. It’s a good sign if the online casino has all the major payment options. But remember, credit card companies do not allow chargebacks on gambling activity.

Choose the online casino game strategically

Being an online forum, you cannot see the people you are dealing with. Plus, there are a huge number of games to be played. And so, it is best to go through all the options and choose an online casino wisely where you know your way around and the fact that your opponent is virtual does not matter.
submitted by hridoyahmed9 to YoucanWrite [link] [comments]

What's the history of your Hobby ? How did your biggest Hobby become your Hobby ?

As in : What was your moment when you noticed "Hey, this could really be awesome as a full-fledged hobby, this is something that I can have a lasting interest in ?
My main Hobbys are primary Movies, Film & Cinema, as well as Manga & Anime.
Fair Disclaimer : This is going to be way to long, I don't really expect anyone to read through all of it. More than anything I wrote that for myself, I just felt an itch that I needed to type that all out for once.
For me it was when I first watched Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Die Hard (1988). I had watched them both within the same week for the first time.
But before I can talk about that, I have to go back a little further.
Up to this point I had only watched Disney Cartoons (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy), Disney Movies (pretty much ALL the animated Disney classics + some Pixar, I guess). Parallel to watching a lot of Disney stuff, I also read many many Disney Comics starring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto and Many More (Here in Germany Disney Comics are pretty famous and well known).
And I watched A LOT of Anime (Shonen). And I mean a lot. My biggest Anime fandoms where no doubt Pokemon, Digimon, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh, Detective Conan and Inu Yasha. Of all these Animes, I had also read the Mangas. Later on, when I started to read more manga (including reading rough scanlations online) and watching anime subbed online, I got into Naruto, Shaman King, Hunter X Hunter, Bleach and Death Note. AND - what's important - even before I watched real movies I was pretty damn big on CLAMP X/1999, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Gantz, Trigun and a couple more I don't recall (Speed Grapher, Trinity Blood ?) ... So more mature stuff was not unheard of to teenage me.
I also was a huge Nintendo Fan : Super Mario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Pokemon, Kirby, F-Zero, Super Smash Bros. - you name it, but this is a whole different story altogether. I only ever owned Nintendo videogame hardware though and I exclusively played major Nintendo IP's. Never had a PlayStation, never wanted one. Yeah, I guess you can say I had picked my side.
Anyway, back to films :
The only live action films I had watched up to that point were superhero comicbook adaptations (DC Comics & Marvel Comics). I still watch those to this day, and I like them well enough, but I always knew and always felt that thes were just adaptations of a much bigger comic-universe and that there was verd little intrinsicly cinematic about then. Of course, with the advent of the Jaggernaut that is the MCU that has changed to a certain degree.
It's kinda hard to say why I was so wild for the Donner / Reeves Superman films, the Burton / Keaton Batman films, and yes, also the Schoemaker films (I know, I know ...) or the Raimi / Maguire Spider-Man films ... I don't exactly know why. Funnily enough I never really got into the DC Comics and Marvel Comics, which are the source material to these films. And neither did I ever really get into their cartoon adaptations. I am not sure why, wrong place, wrong time I guess. Plus I was effectively preoccupied with Anime.
Anyway, I suppose I was daunted by the sheer amount of material. I was always a kid who liked order and oversight in and over his collection and hobby. I didn't understand the publication history, multiple concurrently running series featuring the same hero, story arcs being spread out over up to 4 or 5 series, crossover events with other heroes, never knowing which crossovers are actually important. Add to that the fact that each issue in germany combined like 2 or 3 us-american issues, sometimes combining issues of different series into one german issue running under the brand of the main hero it featured, which made it all even more confusing. I tried to get into american superhero comics multiple times, bought quite a few issues and even read a couple of stories I really liked. But it just never clicked.
Then there are of course collected editions if story arcs or certains character runs by singular authors and artists (called graphic novels), but then there are also One-Off Standalone / Spin-Off / Elseworld stories and graphic novels. And last but not least, there are these company wide major mega crossover events that tend to reset large chunks of the universes and characters continuity. Supposedly in order to create new entry points for new readers, but I don't know ... To me, that made it even more confusing. Besides, I like to get a full story of a character I like. I don't want to be told basically "yeah, you know kid, basically 80% of what we have published until now doesen't count anymore lol".
With manga you have a clear beginning, one series, weekly or monthly chapters, collected volumes (tankobons) and once it's finished a clear ending. Sure it can be long as hell (in the case of One Piece over 90 volumes already), but at least when you read or watch it all you have a complete story. I guess I just always preferred that. Maybe that's why I liked the early Comicbook film adaptations of DC Comics and Marvel Comics : As a way of simplification.
Now, there was a time when I only watched DC and Marvel adaptions out of principle, even though even back then I already knew that some of them where pretty fucking bad. I had a weird obsession with Batman Returns though, which I still have to this day. Probably has something to do with the fact that I was like 10 when I first watched it and really, really liked Michelle Pfeiffers Catwoman, if you know what I mean.
But then my interest in - for lack of a better term - "real" Films started to rear it's head. Films that where originally cinematic.
I had a phase where I was pretty obsessed with the Die Hard and Indiana Jones movies. They proved to be pretty damn good gateway blockbusters. Indiana Jones functioned as a gateway to Star Wars and that whole universe George Lucas had created. By the way : Yes, I watched Indiana Jones before Star Wars. The Indiana Jones films also served as a gateway to ALL the other Steven Spielberg films (the serious ones as well). I was shocked how many movies I had heard of but never cared for were actually Spielberg movies. The unbelievable range from "Jaws" to "Schindlers List" or from "E.T. theExtra-Terrestrial" to "Amistad" or "Minority Report" first made me realize how important the DIRECTOR is.
After that I had a phase where I wanted to be cool and prove to myself I am hardcore enough to watch A LOT of Horror. My idea of Horror though, back then at least, was limited to 90% slasher. So I obsessed over Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes and pretty much all of Romeros Living Dead (Zombie) films. It was arround that time that first torture porn wave swept over the Horror landscape and I was pretty proud of myself watching Saw and Hostel and talking about them at school, even though I remember HATING them.
During the same time there was the Fantasy craze of the 00's and I got pretty involved with the Harry Potter and the The Lord of the Rings movies as well, but that always remained a secondary interest. I never read any of the books of either series, I have admit to ny great shame. It just wasen't the right time for me to read young fantasy or high fantasy novels. Even though I did like to read as a child and youngster. But when Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings were all the rage I just was preoccupied with different interests, so it kinda fell through the cracks. I do however remember that I liked those films of Harry Potter that I had seen and most certainly all of the The Lord of the Rings films a great deal.
Anyway, after the Spielberg well ran dry I took advice from my friend who was a couple of years older than me. He was like you like Die Hard, well good for you since there's a whole world of 80s balls to the walls action flicks out there. Thusly, the door to Schwarznegger and James Cameron opened.
I probably don't have to tell you that The Terminator movies where my highlight (as well as Predator, which I was pleasantly surprised to learn had the same director as the first Die Hard). After I had seen Aliens, which I loved, I was shocked to find out it was a sequel. So I went back to the first. And so I discovered Ridley Scott. Funnily enough by means of arguably his worst film Alien 3 I learned about David Fincher, who remains one of my favourite director to this day. David Finchers two best works, by the way, are Zodiac and The Social Network, and not - albeit great - Seven and Fight Club, as many would have you believe. That is a fact and nobody will ever convince me otherwise.
Ridley Scott led to me discovering Blade Runner (the Final Cut on my first watch, thankfully) which, for some time, I was convinced was the final word in cinematic quality. I also developed an almost unhealthy obsession with the hard-boiled Michael Douglas starrer Black Rain. I guess it spoke to me because it was set in Japan and I was such a big anime fan.
Parallel to all this, roughly arround the time I started watching Cameron flicks, I also got balls deep into Quentin Tarantino. I remember I felt so smart and accomplished for having "discovered" Tarantino, I felt like a connoisseur of fine wine haha. What did I know he was mainstream. Well he wasn't for ME at the time. Needless to say, I loved all his films, even the slower paced Jackie Brown. Didn't like Death Proof so much, which was his newest release at the time. Naturally Tarantino led me to Robert Rodriguez, whose films I NEVER liked. Not even the ones generally considered good (From Dusk till Dawn, Sin City). For me he always felt like a pretentious poor mans Tarantino. Anyway, Quentin Tarantinos films taught me, for the very first time just how important a screenwriter and a good screenplay are.
After discovering hard SciFi with Ridley Scott and Christopher Nolan's The Prestige (who of course was on my radar because of Batman Begins and nothing else lol), I finally felt smart enough to tackle Stanley Kubrick who, as I had heard and read on multiple occasions, was supposed to be the best director of all time, or at least one of the very best. So I bought a BluRay set containing all of his films from Lolita all the way to Eyes Wide Shut. And while I am sure HE IS one of the best directors of all time ... for me ... NOPE. His aesthetics, his way of telling a story , everything ... simply not for me. Stanley Kubrick's kino and I would not become friends. Not gonna lie, that made me a little sad back in 2008 / 2009 I think, because I really wanted to like his work. I felt like I was supposed to.
But then I caught - totally by chance - Martin Scorseses Casino (1995) by aimlessly flipping through TV channels at night. It was the last 20 minutes of all things. I think I didn't skip to the next channel because I thought the verbal house fight between DeNiro and Sharon Stone was hilarious (Note : The only thing I knew Robert DeNiro from at this time was Jackie Brown).
Anyway, then came the montage of the whacking with House of the Rising Sun which culminated in the now infamous cornfield murder. It was so raw and brutal. There was no music. There was no style or choreography to the beating. It wasn't "cool". There was no heroic escape nor was there a daring hero swooping in to save the day (note that at this point I didn't know that the Joe Persci character was a despicable gangster in his own right). All of it ... it just felt like I was watching a real mafia killing. And I ... WAS ... HOOKED. I rented Casino the next day and watched the whole thing. Talked about it with the guy from the video store. So he gave my GoodFellas. Mean Streets. The Departed. Raging Bull. The Aviator. Taxi Driver. The King of Comedy. After Hours. Scorsese Scorsese Scorsese.
Now I gotta say I was never big on the crime genre, neither in movies nor television. So I probably would have never actively looked out for this movie. But I found it. And that's that.
While Spielberg made me love movies as a medium, Scorsese and DeNiro made me love the craft of actually directing a movie and the art of acting.
DeNiros filmography led me to the films of Francis Ford Coppola and Sergio Leone. And with these movies I realised why I didn't like Kubrick. While Kubrick was cold and sterile, albeit highly intelligent, Coppolas and Leones movies where more character driven, driven by plot, story and acting performances ... and in general simply "warmer", if that makes any sense. They just felt like their was more blood and life and passion to them, compared to all of Kubricks work.
I first got into The Godfather movies and The Dollars trilogy of course, but over time I came to appreciate, in some cases even love, the smaller, quirkier, more unknown movies of these directiors like The Conversation (a film that taught me the value and importance of sound-mixing), Rumble Fish (my first glance into surrealism / expressionism) or Duck, You Sucker ! which was the first movie that I watched that got a message through to me about genuine class struggle and the futility of revolutions though history. Apocalypse Now made me realize and think about for the first time in my life what philosophy is all about. Once Upon a Time in the West made me understand why people like the opera. Something I never understood prior to watching this movie. When I was watching Once Upon a Time in the West for the third or fourth time it finally struck me, that, by all means, I was watching (and enjoying !) what was essentially an opera on film. And finally, Once Upon a Time in America, which I first saw at the age of 24 or 25, for the first time in my life made me think about topics such as true lasting friendships, the passing of time, missed opportunities, my own inevitable mortality, one-sided love and bitter regrets.
And so films, my primary hobby as of today, HAVE definitely had a big influence on how I look at the world, who I am and how I think about certain things. And for that, I will be forever grateful.
submitted by SovietBrotkasten to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

King Billy Casino 200 Gratis Spins and $1500 Free Bonus

King Billy Casino 200 Gratis Spins and $1500 Free Bonus

King Billy Casino Free Bonus and Gratis Spins
Get $1500 Match Bonus and 200 Free Spins on Starburst or Fruit Zen at King Billy Casino! Exclusive bonus codes and promotions for new players.
  • 1st deposit: 100% limited to $ 300 + 200 Free Spins on Starburst, Fruit Zen
  • 2nd deposit: 50% limited to $ 300. Bonus Code: WELCOME2
  • 3rd deposit: 25% limited to $ 450. Bonus Code: WELCOME3
  • 4th deposit: 25% limited to $ 450. Bonus Code: WELCOME4
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King Billy Casino Review

King Billy Casino is operated by a Curacao-based company called Direx N.V. and has received a license from the Government of Curacao. You can enjoy online casino gaming services in six languages and wager in multiple currencies, including AUD, EUR, CAD, and USD.
If you want to make plenty of casino buddies and interact with them, you simply have to follow the online casino on social networking sites such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. King Billy appears to have a great reputation, considering the fact that it bears the approval of several online casino advocacy websites such as Slots Up, Slot Catalog, Ask Gamblers, Casino Professor, Casino Smash, and Pokies Portal.
King Billy Casino cares for the welfare of its customers, whom it affectionately calls “citizens.” If you need to talk to someone at the online casino, you only have to click on the red Live Chat button on the right of the website to instantly connect with a courteous and well-trained casino host. Customer support is also available through phone and email.
In addition, the online casino encourages its citizens to use its gambling management tools to play in a sensible manner. It also advises its citizens to protect their minor wards from gambling sites by using software filtering services such as Net Nanny, Cyber Patrol, GamBlock, and Solid Oak. If you are a problem gambler, you can approach the online casino’s partners GamCare, Gambling Therapy, and Gamblers Anonymous.
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Overview of Promotions

The aristocratic entertainment at King Billy Casino starts with five no-deposit free spins on Fruit Zen or Starburst slots. Once players load their accounts, they can claim a large four-level bonus of up to $1000 plus 200 free spins on featured slots.
And this isn’t all as there are special bitcoin bonuses, cashback offers, free spins, and match bonuses waiting for players at the online casino.
  • If you make a Bitcoin deposit, you can claim 51% up to 0.051BTC on your deposit (bonus code BTC).
  • If you load $20 to $49.99 in your account, you qualify for 20 free spins on Butterfly Staxx slot. If you load $50, the online casino will credit 50 free spins to your account.
  • The online casino also offers 25% on Monday deposits along with 25 free spins plus an unlimited, wager-free cashback bonus of 13% on Thursdays.
  • In addition, the online casino runs some lucrative tournaments, giving players opportunities to win some extra cash and plump their bankrolls.
The online casino also challenges players to climb up the aristocratic ladder through its five-level rewards program. You can earn King’s Points through real money play on slots and table games. Based on the number of King’s Points you have earned, you will be assigned levels such as Baron/Baroness, Duke/Duchess, Prince/Princess, and King/Queen. Depending on your loyalty level, you will be pampered with cashback offers and VIP managers. However, you can become a King/Queen only on invitation.
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Games and Software Providers

King Billy is a provably fair online casino that operates on the SoftSwiss browser-based software platform. Softswiss is famous for its rich portfolio of 2000+ online casino games developed by more than 20 providers, as follows:
  • iSoftBet
  • PlaynGo
  • NetEnt
  • NYX
  • Elk Studios
  • Thunderkick
  • Ainsworth
  • Yggdrasil
  • BGaming
  • Microgaming
  • Amatic Industries
  • Ezugi
  • Endorphina
  • Belatra
  • GameArt
  • Mr. Slotty
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Booming Games
  • EGT
  • Platipus
  • Spinomenal
  • Habanero
  • Evolution Gaming
  • Iron Dog Studio
  • 1x2 Gaming
The online casino library includes slots, table games, bitcoin games, and live games.
  • Slots– Play slots such as Football Superstar, Knockout Football, Chinese Zodiac, Hound Hotel, Football 3x3, Great Rhino, and Lucha Maniacs.
  • Table Games - The online casino has listed several variants of live dealer games, blackjack games, roulette games, and other popular table games in this category. You can choose from titles such as Party BJ, Blackjack Classic 1, Double Exposure, Baccarat Controlled Squeeze, Casino Hold'em, and Punto Banco.
  • Live Casino - Play live dealer games such as Auto Roulette, Baccarat Squeeze, and Blackjack Classic, all developed in the sophisticated studios of Evolution Gaming.
  • Bitcoin Games - Play Fruit Zen, Wild Shark, Aztec Magic, Satoshi's Secret, and Lucky Little Devil, to mention just a few.
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Jackpot Games at King Billy Casino

King Billy Casino offers 54 jackpot games that can make you richer by hundreds and thousands of dollars. Some of these jackpots run into six and even seven figures. For example, the jackpot of Glam Life is now worth $766,954 and rising, and the jackpot of Diamond Wild is $109,824 and rising.
Some of the most popular jackpot games at King Billy Casino are:
  • Cosmic Fortune
  • Gunslinger
  • Treasure Room
  • Mega Joker
  • Neon Reels
  • Tunzamunni
  • Lotsaloot
  • Diamond Progressive

King Billy Mobile Casino

King Billy operates on a robust browser-based software platform that uses HTML5 technology. The multi-vendor games at King Billy, therefore, are capable of tweaking their software to fit into the screen of any device in the world. As long as you have a mobile device with a browser and an Internet connection, you can play the games at King Billy on the move. You don’t have to download any app or software program. You just have to login and load the games on your browser.


King Billy supports multiple currencies such as EUR, CAD, USD, SEK, AUD, NOK, RUB, ZAR, and Bitcoin. You can load your online casino gaming account instantly and free of charge. However, you have to wait for three banking days to see the funds in your account if you are depositing with Sofort.
The online casino permits a minimum deposit of $10 and a maximum deposit of $2500. However, the maximum limit for deposits made through iDebit and Instadebit is $3500. If you have selected Bitcoin as your preferred withdrawal method, you can load a minimum of 0.01 BTC to a maximum of 2BTC in your account.
The online casino offers the following safe, secure, and reliable payment options:
  • Credit cards such as MasterCard and Visa
  • Electronic wallets such as Skrill and Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Bitcoin
  • iDeal
  • Instadebit
  • Sofort
  • Zimpler
  • Trustly
  • Qiwi
You can withdraw your winnings instantly and free of charge at King Billy Casino. However, Bank Transfer withdrawals take up to three working days. The online casino allows players to withdraw winnings in the range of $20 to $2500. However, you can withdraw up to $3500 if you choose iDebit and Instadebit as your withdrawal options. If you select Bitcoin as your withdrawal option, you can withdraw in the range of 0.01BTC to 0.125BTC. The only downside is that Australian players cannot use Neteller, EcoPayz, Skrill, and Trustly as withdrawal methods.
You can select one of the following whenever you want to withdraw money from your gaming account:
  • Credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard
  • Electronic wallets such as Neteller and Skrill
  • Trustly
  • Qiwi
  • Instadebit
  • Bank Transfer
  • Bitcoin
  • Qiwi
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In Conclusion

If you are looking for browser-based gaming platform capable of integrating games from multiple vendors, King Billy is the ideal online casino for you. The games are not only provably fair, but also tested thoroughly by iTech Labs. You can not only play on your desktop, but also on smartphones or tablets. King Billy has a great theme, offers an excellent rewards program, and welcomes players with generous bonuses.
It has a great support system too, which includes 24/7 live chat and an exhaustive FAQ. If you need help, you can send an email to [email protected] or use the telephone number +356-277-822-63.
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

A Comprehensive List of All The Escape Rooms in Melbourne!

So! I'm Link and I have a real passion for escape rooms. I'm also on the spectrum so this is probably just a hyperfixation thing, but that's besides the point.
I wanna go and do every room in Melbourne and beyond someday, so I decided to make a list of every room I could find on Google based in the Melbourne area and I thought some people might appreciate if I shared it!
There are actually a surprising amount of venues I discovered when compiling this list that I'd never even heard of before, so making it and learning about them was good fun. There may have been some that I ended up missing though, even though I scoured every website that I could, so if there's anything I'm missing, let me know and I'll happily add it to the list!
Oh yeah, it'd probably good to mention too that I'll be noting down the one I've completed and seen around just to provide a hint of anecdotal evidence for whether these places are worth going to or not, but always take them with a grain of salt or two because I'm...well, me.
Okay, enough said, here's what I've found!

Ukiyo Escape Rooms:

Notes: Okay, if you haven't heard of these guys or are looking for a platinum-standard escape room to do, I couldn't recommend them any higher. I went in there with really high expectations (seeing that they'd been rated a 4.9/5 on Google), and even then I was quite literally blown out of the water. I can confidently say that Deep Space was one of the, if not the best escape room I've ever played in. The immersion, technology and story was on a level that I couldn't even possibly imagine, to the point where I was legitimately panicking towards the room's climax. I'm looking to get in a booking for The Crumbling Prince soon because it's supposedly even better than Deep Space, with multiple chapters and an over-arching story. Plus, with a Deep Space sequel on the horizon, I would recommend keeping an eye on Ukiyo more than any other venue in the country and I can't say that with any more sincerity.

Torx Escape Rooms:

Notes: At the time of writing, Torx has 2 new rooms on the way to accompany the Green Hospital as their "Season 2" rooms, so keep your eyes peeled!

Escape Hunt Rooms:

Escape Room Melbourne Rooms

Notes: Ahh, this takes me back. ERM was the first ever (at least, as far as I'm aware) escape room to open in Melbourne and it was also the place that set off my obsession with escape rooms to begin with! Me and my sister were the first ever teen-aged team to make it out of Disappearance on time, and recalling the experience is a delight. Disappearance is one of the best examples of a gold-standard escape room I could think of, and it would definitely stand against many of the more modern and technologically-reliant rooms of today. My mother also participated in the Mine Escape room, and gave it huge kudos for its environment, if that's anything to go by at all.

RUSH Escape Rooms

Notes: If you'd be interested at all, RUSH is running a haunted house event from 28 October 2019 - 3 November 2019 called The Exorcist with some puzzle solving elements, but it'll be retired after the Halloween season is over. No info on whether it'll come back, so definitely check it out if you're a horror buff like myself!

TRAPT Bar & Escape Rooms

Adventure Rooms

Notes: While I haven't attended this venue yet, they advertise this thing called a Duel Adventure which seems like good fun. According to their website: "The Duel Adventure format is designed for larger groups. It allows teams to compete against each other in a cat-and-mouse style game. This way Team A has to escape while Team B has to try to catch them before they are able to escape. After 30 minutes the roles are reversed. There is a 10-15 minute break to reset the game."

The Mystery Rooms

Notes: While these games are presented in a very specific order to be played in to present the story (which, if you couldn't tell by now, I absolutely LOVE rooms that are able to incorporate a good story into themselves), Chapters 1-3 can be played in any order. However! To qualify to play A Grimm Finale, the hardest of all the rooms, you must complete all of the previous chapters and be ready for a challenge. Let's hope that you're up to it. >;)

Doctor Q Escape Rooms

Notes: There are some really special things to note about Doctor Q's rooms. Namely, Biohazard and We Are Detectives, in that they're not the typical escape room experiences. We Are Detectives is more of a murder-mystery game with 8 players, 8 scenes and 1 murderer hidden amongst the group. Almost like a real life version of ONUW or Town of Salem. Biohazard on the other hand is a seemingly stupidly immersive escape room, that comes with a 2 hour game time and even NPCs that you can interact with and branch choices around in the game. I'll be trying this one soon and I'm really excited for it!

Drop Bear Escapes

Notes: Another venue with multiple rooms containing one continuous story (in the order listed above), Operation Mindfall shuts down in 10 days as of writing, so grab some tickets quickly if an outdoor open-world escape room sounds fun! Note also that these chapters don't have to be played in order, but should be if you're a stickler for storytelling like me.


Notes: LOST AUS is my most commonly visited venue, as you can probably tell by my completion rates, and it's for good reason. While none of the rooms are extraordinarily outstanding in my opinion, they're still lots of good fun and offer plenty of variety as my silver-standard to gold-standard of escape rooms. Aokigahara is the last room I plan to play through here though, as it's the hardest one they have (with only a 3% clear rate according to the website) and the Exodus room doesn't seem very interesting to me with a 70% clear rate and weirdly biblical theme.


Notes: Another venue I'd never caught breeze of before compiling this list, LOST in MELBOURNE also has a 4.9/5 rating on Google, putting it on-par with Ukiyo as far as reviews go. This place is definitely on top of my hot-list now and I'll be sure to edit this post with my review of the place after a room or two.

Woodbury Escape Rooms:

Notes: Another unheard of venue! This one looks kinda promising as well. It's kinda crazy seeing just how many of these places go unnoticed unless you literally scroll through the pages at the bottom of your Google search.

Locked In Escape Rooms

Time is Key Escape Rooms



Notes: You won't find Alien Invaders at any Strike venue, except up in Surfer's Paradise, but the reason I put it here is because all of the above games are distributed by the same company (who's name I'm furiously trying to find, but I'm having no luck right now), called Cubescape. There is another venue called Red Herring which has opened recently at Crown Casino that has Alien Invaders, Shutdown and The Old Haunt available to play, so if you wanna try that one, head up to Red Herring instead of buying a plane ticket to Queensland.

Extreme Escape Rooms

Notes: It genuinely makes me sad that these more underground escape room businesses don't get that much public attention, I know I'd personally hate it if I put so much into a business that I enjoy so much and it wasn't exposed to the mainstream public... :(

escapeXperience Rooms

Notes: This one seems really highly rated, it might be worth a look sometime!

Excape Escape Rooms

And that's all of them I could find! Please, please, please let me know if I've missed any and I'll happily add them to the list. Until then, have fun and be good people. :)
EDIT: VaughnJess suggested Timezone Eastland! This venue has 2 rooms, Blackbeard's Cabin and Pharoah's Curse.
EDIT 2: thudworm suggested Omescape, but their site/venue is currently closed for an upgrade, I'll be sure to keep posted on this one!
EDIT 3: alilbitpsycho informed the that Prohibition at TRAPT ran their last sessions on 14/08/2019, so I've crossed it out on the list. Also, 6516440 FOUND THE DAMN COMPANY! It's called Cubescape, so thanks for that!
EDIT 4: MY FIRST EVER GOLD!!!!!!!! Thanks, kind stranger :))
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