10 Wedding Ideas on a Budget You Didn't Know You Could DIY

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Best Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas On A Budget

Best Wedding Table Centerpieces Ideas On A Budget submitted by andreasconner to wedding [link] [comments]

Cousin just had to get married right before me, shitshow ensued

My cousin and I are very close in age and his mother is very narcissistic. She always made everything out to be a competition between us, no matter what it was, and extended it to the rest of our family. For example, we have family who live in a different state and my aunt demanded that they choose between my graduation and my cousin's. They wound up not coming to either of our ceremonies and those family members are way more close to me. It really hurt that they were forced to choose.
He and his girlfriend got engaged but kept calling it off because she kept cheating on him. Shortly after, my longtime boyfriend proposed to me and we announced our wedding date the next day to everyone. Great, right? Cousin's girlfriend and I were talking about the upcoming wedding and she said that my cousin didn't want to marry her anymore.
2 months before our wedding date, I got a phone call about them suddenly deciding to get married after all-and 2 weeks before our date. We were worried that once again, out of state family would be forced to choose when they get very limited time off of work and had already made travel arrangements. My grandmother suddenly refused to alter my dress because my aunt would freak out if she picked helping me over helping cousin's fiancée. I had to RSVP no to their wedding because I had used all of my paid time off for our honeymoon and the days leading up to our wedding. She actually asked me to be in their wedding party and got upset when I said I wouldn't be able to perform all of the standard duties and couldn't afford to take unpaid time off. I worked retail and I was only 6 months into my new job, I couldn't piss my boss off.
They sent out invitations sealed with duct tape 5 days before their wedding, spelled my cousin's last name wrong, after talking shit to me about forgetting to address our RSVP envelopes. Nobody had any idea what was going on until a couple days before the wedding and we were told to RSVP to a Facebook group. They refused to RSVP to ours until the last second, which isn't a total crime.
The day of their wedding came and it was visibly thrown together. The low income wedding post made me think of this. It was very very low budget because it was so last minute. No professional vendors could accommodate them because it was peak wedding season, so they did everything themselves. They are not artistic people so nothing looked very good. It just wasn't a good time, nothing seemed to go smoothly and for a couple who just got married, they acted very annoyed with each other. This is coming from all family who attended and you could see it in the pictures. The highlight was when the bride went to the gift table and started unwrapping the gifts during the reception, thankfully someone stopped her.
When our wedding day came, my cousin showed up halfway through the reception bitching that I gave him the wrong directions on the invitations. They were correct. His new wife was not in attendance despite promising to be there. He claimed she had to work, she later admitted to lying because she was angry about me not being able to go to their wedding or be a bridesmaid. He handed me a crumpled up 10 dollar bill and said "here's your gift" and left. It was kind to give us anything but it seemed really weird to do that.
My aunt later on admitted to my grandma that she wanted my cousin to get married first. Originally she tried to say they wanted a date with a 3 in it because 2 grandparents had wedding dates with 3s. Okay but there were several dates even a month after with a 3. She gave a few more lies before telling the truth. They could have had a really nice wedding, even if it were still low budget, had they not spent so much time trying to make sure they were first. His wife even told me that my aunt kept pushing that particular day and they went with it, that she got caught up in one upping us.
Btw they've been divorced for 6 years now. They started cheating on each other again a few months after the wedding. Moral of the story- do not schedule a wedding so close to that of a family member unless you can work out scheduling and make sure each couple gets their own day.
submitted by 69schrutebucks to weddingshaming [link] [comments]

A Case Of Accelerated Lifestyle Creep: How I Blew Over $350k on the "Digital Nomad Lifestyle"

This is a cautionary tale of how becoming a "Digital Nomad" ruined me financially.
It's also a post for seeking any advice that you think I could possibly use, and to formally document the start of my FI journey.And maybe even help someone who finds themselves in a similar position as me.
[CROSS POST] I have posted this in a few other subreddits. If this is not allowed then please remove it. I'm new to reddit and still figuring things out.
After receiving a decent amount of hate on my previous posts I thought I'd add disclaimers to those that read further.
[DISCLAIMER 1] The amounts are not exact, just as I remember them - but they are close enough. If I write a blog one day and enough people are interested I will dig into my bank statements, get exact amounts and post the screenshots of my biggest months/biggest expenses.
[DISCLAIMER 2] This is no way a bash on Digital Nomads or the lifestyle in general. It works and is possible, if you are intelligent and do it right. I was just dumb. Period.
***Scroll to the bottom of this post to if you would like to see my questions and have no interest in reading my "sex, drugs rock and roll" story.**\*
Time to swallow my pride. This is going to be a very embarrassing post for me, but I feel like I need to share it and get a real with myself. To put everything on the table, and also get a kick in the ass from this community with some added accountability - and hopefully advice from those who have achieved FI and have had similar experiences.
The last 4 years of my life has been a fun, wild and very expensive ride - one filled with lots of amazing moments, but also filled with insanely stupid financial decisions.
I'll start from 2016, Just before I decided to start my online business. My story began like many others do. I was working a low paying job in my home country of South Africa and wasn't entirely happy, ditto for my girlfriend (now fiancé).
I didn't quite hate it but I definitely was not fulfilled or earning the kind of money that I wanted. I got the taste of travel from when I took a gap year after university in 2013, and from then on I knew that I didn't want to be stuck in one place for the rest of my life.
So I started looking for other options -ones where I could travel and work at the the same time. By some stroke of luck I overheard a conversation at work about a book called The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss and it immediately hooked my attention.
"Work 4 hours a week while traveling the world? Are you kidding me? Now thats sounds like the dream!"
I immediately went out and bought a copy, devouring it in 2 days. It completely changed the way I looked at work, and shattered my paradigm about the way most people live life. I knew that this was the kind of lifestyle I have been yearning for all along.
I started voraciously researching how to make money online and eventually stumbled upon a super cool, hip subculture of people called Digital Nomads. Their ideas and values resonated with me so much that I became hellbent on becoming one. My north star was to become location independent, and work whenever I wanted, wherever I wanted - all I needed was my laptop.
In my research I found Amazon Publishing, which seemed like the most a straightforward online business model:
  1. Find hot non-fiction niche on Amazon.
  2. Hire professional writers to create content on said niche.
  3. Purchase the content from them, and self-publish the content on Amazon.
To top it off it seemed very passive, with the books continuing to make money for years without much further work once up on the platform. I bought a $67 course, did it within one week and took massive action with my girlfriend. We started seeing results right out of the gate and within the first 3 months I quit my job, as soon as I saw my online income had overtaken my traditional job.
My girlfriend soon followed suit - we where working at the same company.
Things really started to take off after the 6th month at it, and we got into a niche that was absolutely on fire. We couldn't believe our eyes when we had our first $50K month. Coming from a low to middle class background we had never seen this kind of money in our lives. This was more than our parents made in one year combined.
I felt like I was unstoppable, on top of the world and the money could never run out. We booked a one way flight to Thailand to begin our Digital Nomad adventure. I soon proposed to my girlfriend on little seclude beach island in the South Thailand, she said yes! Life was nothing short of perfect.
I bought my parents flights from South Africa to come celebrate our engagement in Thailand. This is when things went south. Long story short, my dad drowned in a freak accident while snorkelling in Koh Tao, Thailand. It was an absolute nightmare trying to get my dad's body back to Cape Town, and my distraught and delusional Mom onto a plane without him.
This is when the the idea of "life is and fragile", and "live in the now" belief was solidified in my mind.
It made me question the point of saving money, if I could die tomorrow. This false belief was very bad news for my spending habits. I began to spend money emotionally, trying and cover the pain of loss with a bunch of experiences and material "stuff".
We put our wedding off for months, not wanting to have it at such an emotionally sensitive time.
After spending some time at home to help my mother recuperate we soon hopped on the travel bandwagon again. We quickly got sucked into the "travel lifestyle". Spending more than 90% of our income most months became the new norm - despite earning an average of 15k/pm profit.
We bounced all over Asia, living in places like the island of Ko Lanta in Thailand, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Bali and visiting places like Dubai, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia...the list goes on. It was all 5-star hotels, lavish AirBnB's, business class flights, high-rise luxury condo's, expensive pool villas and beachfront apartments.
We spent thousands of dollars on new iPhones, Apple Watches, the latest and greatest Macbook Pro's, $5000 Sony Cameras and DJI drones - half of which I hardly ever used. If there was something we wanted we just went out and bought it. Because we could afford it right?
We made all of the other rookie errors such as eating out at overpriced restaurants 3 times a day , drinking expensive green tea lattes from Starbucks and paying way to much on fancy gym contracts when there was a cheaper option for a fraction of the price.
The real gasoline on the fire was social media. This was keeping up with the Joneses - but on steroids, fuelled by scrolling through the Instagram feed and comparing ourselves to our new “travel influencer” friends.
Hedonic adaptation lead us to always be chasing the next new thing. Each experience needed to be bigger and better than the last.
I started to noticed that my income started to decrease month by month as we focused less on work and got distracted by the constant travel, new friends and novel exotic experiences. This was the catalyst to get me me thinking about my exorbitant lifestyle expenses - maybe, just maybe, the money could run out?
I lowered my spending considerably, but definitely not to the level I should have . The "shiny object syndrome" took hold, and I started trying a bunch of new online business models - from affiliate marketing to Social Media marketing - in order to make money as fast as possible and get back to our original income.
This was a massive mistake.
Instead I should have just focused on the tried and tested Amazon business that was still giving us pretty much passive returns in the background. I spent over $30k on running Facebook ads while trying these other new online business ventures - and got less than half of the capital back in sales.
Then I hit another very big speed bump. Some bad tax advice got me to assume that I was tax exempt- since I was technically not residing in any country for more than a 3 month period. WRONG. I got hit with huge tax bill, which extracted another $40k from my collapsing profits.
Fast forward to March when COVID hit and I decide it was time to throw in the towel and head back home to South Africa, after my 3rd stint in Bali, Indonesia. With the developing situation and my businesses output decreasing at an exponential rate I thought it to be the smartest choice.
I booked our flights home with my income dwindling and my tail between my legs. I had around 20k in the bank and knew I had to re-focus in a place where I could control expenses and not be distracted by constant travel and stimulation.
Then just a month ago I lost my main Amazon Account due to copyright issues with on of our writers. This was a particularly hard blow, since I recently invested thousands of dollars into it - which I won't see a return on.
Its been quite the rollercoaster of ups and downs, which has now been brought to a grinding halt. I find myself living at home with my Mom at the age of 31 with little income or savings. The situation is depressing to say the least, but I'm trying to keep my head up, and every grateful for finding the FIRE community 2 months back (although I wish I found it earlier).
I 'm also aware that I am most likely being a big baby, and others have gone through far more dramatic experiences this year. First world problems - I know. I still have a roof over my head and food in the fridge, so who am I to complain - this is just my story and I thought I'd share.I welcome any comments that will bitch slap the perspective back into me. I probably need all the boot I can get.
I'm also well aware that there are plenty of people living the Digital Nomad lifestyle in a perfectly sustainable way - I was just a moron in the way I approached and executed it.I personally know people that are thriving using geoarbitrage so this is not way a bash on digital nomads. Again it's just my story.
Looking in the rear view mirror makes me disappointed, thinking of what could have been. I know I could have had very similar, rich experiences as I did - just not having haemorrhaged all of of that money. But I also know that living life in regret is not going to get me to the goals I now have, and I'm keeping positive - looking forward to re-write this storyIn retrospect, I made too much money too quickly and having no financial literacy screwed me over big time. That self-sabotage, the inability to process a traumatic experience in a productive way. Lesson learned.
I've now gone full-on frugal, track everything that leaves my wallet and I'm watching my expenses - the variable I can most control - like a hawk.
What my fiance and I have now come to realise is that our priorities have shifted over the past 4 years from "adventure and excitement" to "security and contentment".
My fiance and I have determined our new priorities and what we value most in life , this is our list:
- Exploring, creating and capturing memories
- Time with friends and family
- Good hearty food, coffee and wine.
- Quiet mornings with our own space
- Healthy, Gym, Sauna and the Outdoors (surfing for me)
- Learning new skills and creative time
- Feeling financially secure and independent

  1. I've calculated my leanFIRE number to be $780k which is probably not that accurate since I went back and ignored big expenses that I know I will never incur again, and calculated from there. I've decide to round this number up up to $1M since my fiancé and I are planning to get married, have at least one child and move to Portugal within the 6-7 year time frame while attempting to achieve this goal. Also, the a goal of $1M sounds a lot better and I like round numbers. Again, I know this is probably not entirely accurate and based on projections, but my type-A personality works better if I have a clearly defined goal to work toward.
  2. On the expense side of the pie I've identified the seeming force multipliers (the 80/20's) to achieving FI with regards to expenses, which seem to be housing and car payments - please correct me if I'm wrong here, or if I'm missing something. Rent while living with my mom is minimal ($260 a month), which covers her utilities and then a bit extra for her. Super grateful for this as I know I am extremely fortunate to have a loving parent. Bless her soul.My car is paid off and I hardly drive now it now anyway - so these two main expenses seem to be optimised.Will be looking at house hacking when I achieve the income that allows it. Please let me know what other rogue expenses that could pop up in the future, and I should be on the look out for.
  3. I have created a super tight budget of $800 for personal expenses, which was achieved last month. I now meal prep and make freezer meals for the month, eliminating eating out completely. Entertainment activities are only one day a week, and must be free or very cheap.
  4. I've sold everything I don't use for extra cash. (Apple watches, cameras, drones etc)
  5. On the income side I'm allocating 80% of my time to re-building my Amazon Publishing business. The other 20% of my time I'll be looking for side hustles to diversify my income and not relying on one income source. What are your favourite proven side hustles? Any input will be appreciated.
  6. I'm devouring all of the FI content I can get my hands on, namely:MMM blog; ChooseFI book+Podcast; Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier book+podcast; Quit like a Millionaire by Kristy Shen; Work Optional by Tanja Jester; I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi; Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robins; The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins; Mad Fientist blog+ podcast; Our Rich Journey Youtube channel and the Financial Mentor podcast. If there are any other recommendations it will be greatly appreciated.
  7. As soon as my income covers my business and personal expenses I'll be investing in broad based, low-cost index funds. Any other suggestions for starting out? Recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
Any comments on blindspots you can see I have, the actions you think I should be taking, and where I should be focusing my time will be most welcomed and appreciated!I'm wanting to implement all of the the building blocks of FI to make this life possible.
Thanks for reading and hope you have a groovy day :)
Peace and love,
submitted by -Ticon- to leanfire [link] [comments]

This is my Time: Recap of 90 Day Fiancé S08E09

Welcome to your latest 90 Day Fiancé re-crap, where THIRTY MINUTES of fresh content is taffy-pulled into almost two hours, burdening shopkeepers, street artists, and apartment buildings everywhere.
BUT FIRST! Let’s take a moment to revisit this amazing line from Julia:“Fucking cute animals? I hate you.”
With that feeling in mind, Brandon’s parents have just called to order the last meeting of the Rational People’s Club, since their membership will be revoked the minute Brandon’s mom stops crying.
“Honestly, I don’t know how they got membership,” Colt is wearing his lanyard and adjusting his glasses. “They’re really out of control. Someone should call the police. Or find a new Brazilian girlfriend. That was a joke. It’s okay for you to laugh.”
Debbie doesn’t need a lanyard, because she’s clinging to Colt’s. “Do you think there will be a sMother boss fight? What are my chances, Colt?”
“You’ve got this mom,” Colt knows things. “You never even needed backup.”
Both parents order troughs of meat, and dad asks the waitress to make sure there’s not a single goddamn vegetable on that plate or he’s burning that fucking restaurant down to the sign, and then he’s dragging that sign into the fucking desert where he’ll shoot it to death and shit on the embers. The waitress runs, nearly smacking into Brandon as he joins mom and dad on their triad date.
“Did you say triad?” Settle down, Tarik.
Brandon doesn’t bother ordering, because he’s going to have to keep his stomach light if he’s going to outrun his mother. Mom asks if he wants a disposable placemat to color, while dad signals the waitress to bring the kids’ menu. Brandon asks them to pump the brakes, because he’s got some bad news: he’s an adult. That means he needs to set up a love nest for himself and Julia, far, far away from the family’s forced-labor camp.
“No no no no no!” Mom falls to her knees and screams at the sky, prompting the waitress to hustle over with a cold glass of water to throw in her face. “Whyyyyyyyy God and Jesus and dirt worshipper heathen things? Why does my precious pampered baby boy want to waddle out of the tight fist of our love? WINDS! WIIIIIIIINDS!”
The bar patrons scatter, and the waitress scrambles for the bar’s only Thorazine shot.
“Don’t you want a big wedding? Don’t you want to save for a house?” Mom outlines her plans for him to live at home for the next ten years.
Brandon says that part of the problem is the aforementioned cute fucking animals, and the rest is his mother, who insists breast feeding doesn’t have an age limit. Dad is disappointed to not be included in the ultimatum, so he throws a tantrum of his own, rerunning the “pass down the farm for generations” statement, because it’s important to make decisions for your family beyond the grave.
“He has to take control, and give it back to us!” Dad rages. “How about you can’t afford this?”
Brandon: I actually have a job, you guys. Like, besides the farm. Which, have I mentioned, is not my fucking dream?
Mom: I feel like he has to choose between us and her, because we made it that way!
Dad: You’re the man of the house! If I can’t manipulate you into staying with the words “stupid” and “right thing”, I’m going right for your masculinity!
Mom: If I cry enough, will you consider staying if we let you bang one out with Julia under our roof?
Dad: No! Absolutely not! You’re going to have to move out.
Brandon: Ah yes, a return to the beginning of our conversation. I like how you’re thinking, dad.
Dad: No, you’re the head of the house! Agree with me! Agree with me!
Mom: Okay, I’m going to touch the shoulder of the head of the household to indicate I’m about to do whatever the fuck I want.
The parents still don’t have any friends willing to step forward and tell them how batshit bananas they are, so dad has to yell in the parking lot about how Julia shouldn’t get away with being a person, not on his watch, and mom whispers that they just need to go to the compound and recalibrate, because there’s got to be a Stephen King novel with a solution.
Later on, Brandon snaps off Julia’s house arrest bracelet and they leave unsupervised. Julia declares that she likes the bar Brandon’s chosen, and how it’s all there and not outside or at his parent’s house, and she’s eager to learn to play pool. Over a little stick handling, Brandon shares the news that his mom said they could share a room, and Julia won’t have to work on the farm. Julia has met Betty before, and isn’t buying that this is a solution she embraces.
“No way,” Julia declares. “Your mom is like obsess with genitals. She put condom on bedroom door. Covers whole thing, you see, top to bottom. Then she stuff inside of door condom with crickets. CRICKETS. STAY. KITCHEN.”
“Don’t worry,” Brandon assures her. “Once mom starts crying, we’re one confrontation away from a new car.”
“She no say I’m bad girl stealing son? Because other day, I go to bathroom, and there was 200 post-its, all say, ‘Julia bad bad bad bad bad bad bad steal son’. What you think meaning with this?”
“She didn’t say you were a bad girl,” Brandon uses a direct quote loophole.
Julia knows these are her pending in-laws, and it’s really complicated filing a restraining order before citizenship, so she agrees to try this “little fix” short-term. Then she koalas onto Brandon’s body so they can dry hump all the way through the threshold of his childhood bedroom for two.
Big Mike is relieved the visit with mom went well, and mom is relieved that she’s leaving. Mike asks what she thinks of the woman he’d rather not think about, and mom carefully responds,“She tries very hard”. Then she questions whether they want the same things, and hey, how about a sprinkling of green card suspicion?
“Yes. Green card,” Natalie sighs. “I am here for isolation, and $30K in debt.”
Natalie is sad to see her therapist leave, and worries Mike won’t be nice to her the way he is when mom is translating. Later on she wants to pray over dinner, and Mke surrenders.
“Are you there no-god? It’s me, Mike. Please send a comet with a trailing banner explaining my atheism. Shout out to our alien overlords. Check out my cat photos. Click the subscribe button down below. Anemone.”
Natalie is anxious, battling low self-esteem, and grappling with having no one to interact with except for Mike and his closet smell. She tells Mike that everyone is asking about the status of her third wedding, and Mike says that status is that the budget is $27.50, and people should plan to BYOEverything. Mike is eager to escape this revolving door conversation that leaves them marooned in talking about their relationship more than they actually relate.
They head out for a woodsy walk, and as they drive there Mike discover his inner Jovi, and criticizes Natalie’s pre-hike makeup application.
“Don’t get me wrong. I’d be the first person to say she ‘looks tired’ if she wasn’t wearing any makeup,” Mike stereotypes. “She should just know it’s always too much and not enough.”
“My dick is taller than you,”the tree interrupts.
“For you I have embrace!” Natalie hugs the tree, and I’m sorry, this is normal out here. Have you seen PacNW trees? Half of them look like they’re wearing green sweaters. There are Ewoks hiding around here somewhere. She’d better hug that tree.
“Noice,” the tree is into it. “Give my branch a knock and wake up the faeries, if you would.”
“Oh yes very much cat scratch on tree. Meow noises,” Natalie has ideas. “Mike, can you flip me?”
“Like...I do around my dick?”
“Yes, but with clothes.”
Mike gives her a flip, and did I mention this shit should have been lost behind a delete key? Why, 90DF?
“What’s going on in Natalie’s head?” The producers really want to push this “bitches be cray” storyline. “Do you think she’s fucking crazy? What do you think they’re diagnosing her with on Reddit?”
“I don’t know,” Mike says, because he never asks, and can’t check Reddit while his truck is in motion.
The venture to a shop that follows is so exhausting and predictable, I’m just going to make some shit up.
Mike: My balls itch.
Natalie: Do you have smell for balls?
Shopkeeper: Are we talking unclean balls, everyday sweaty balls, or something more moist and jock-itchy?
Natalie: Michael won’t give me ring.
Shopkeeper: So alcoholic balls, got it. Let’s look at this spray called GetOffMy, for Testicles.
Natalie: I will walk into scent cloud. Hmmm. Menthol cigarettes in yellowed paperback. I like your style.
Mike: Do you have anything in sour cream and onion?
Shopkeeper: No.
Mike: How about ranch? You’ve gotta have ranch.
Natalie: What is ranch. Like with horses?
Mike: Yeah, but in a bottle.
Natalie: I do not understand this. I think is beer.
Mike: Goddammit even in this made up shit I can’t escape it.
Natalie: Hello, I am Mike, I want attractive Ukrainian girl who is also not person. Also, bring me all meat in restaurant and 10 alcohols for heart attack.
Shopkeeper: Where are you from?
Natalie: I think she asks me this because of my heavy accent.
Hermione Granger: Who called me here for this?
Mike: Wizards? Oh thank fuck.
Gandalf: Look to the east on the fifth day.
Mike: This is fucking awesome.
Natalie: Michael. Michael. Michael. Wouldn’t wizard look nice at wedding table?
Mike: Dude, did you bring dragons up in this bitch?
Hagrid: Will I do?
Mike: Can you shoot fire? I can’t even remember if you lived or died in the series.
Hagrid: That’s a touch harsh, Harry.
Mike: My name isn’t Harry. What the fuck is going on?
Natalie: Two fancy bottles, he has, for alcohol. Then he wonders why wizards are here.
Tree: Oh, there are wizards here? Let me know which one I’m supposed to trap.
Natalie: Mr. Tree, is like he doesn’t want wedding.
Melanie: Are you interested in a career as a PI, by any chance?
Speaking of booze, Jovi says it’s normal for him to want to have a drink when he’s awake, and hopes to soon be drunk enough to discover the hidden sliver of kindness hiding somewhere in his body. They wander through a street fair, and Yara declares that New Orleans’ street art is tacky, and doesn’t match her refined Pottery Barn and J. Crew taste. She sits down to get some henna, and after a few swirls Yara asks Jovi if he likes it.
“It’s different.” Jovi says, using the secret word for dislike.
“Interesting,” Yara retorts, using the secret word for stupid. Then she says she has something to tell him.
“What, you want to buy something?” Please, Jovi, stop selling yourself so hard.
“I’m pregnant,” she says.
“No you’re not.” Ah, what every woman longs to hear.
Through it all, the brave henna artist carries on with her craft. Way to keep it together when the douchebag levy is about to break. Yara frets that she thought he would be happy about this news, since he was so enthusiastically resigned about it last time.
“I thought I might have children one day. But not with the person I plan to marry.” Okay, Jovi.
“You know, every once in awhile I say that Eminem is the greatest rapper alive, just because,” Jovi wants us to know what he’s about. “No, I don’t listen to any other music. Why would I need other music? I also make fun of drug addicts while I’m drunk, because I’m just That Guy. Have you seen this video where this guy is talking about how he’s on a boat? Soooo funny.”
“I mean, will the real slim shady please stand up, amirite?” Looks like Colt got out of his cage.
“Did someone say prison?” Brandon’s dad isn’t done. “DON’T LET HER PLAY A BARGAINING CHIP.”
Jovi says that his muted enthusiasm stems from Yara’s habit of faking pregnancy. Yara says he’s exaggerating this, and that she did this like only once and confessed after ten minutes. I feel like these two crazy kids are really gonna make it.
Jovi insists Yara take another pregnancy test while she gives him a golden shower. After doing so she runs the test under water, in case it got extra baby on it. When the test comes out negative, Yara is upset because she knows she’s pregnant, because she remembers the feeling. Jovi is too busy feeling relieved and freshly urinated upon, and then Yara says she wants to take a third test. Back into the bathroom they go, Jovi closely monitoring urine transfer, and this test comes out positive. Faced with 2/3 evidence, Jovi is ready to offer a half-assed apology and the same level of enthusiasm often found in a jury duty room. Jovi shrugs, and kicks sand in a toddler’s face.
“I like to remind people why the North won the war,” he says, answering the lingering question.
Yara doesn’t know what this means for their future and wonders about his job, and Jovi insists there’s “no reason to think ahead,” which fits a lot of seasons of Love After Lockup. Yara admits she isn’t ready, but it’s already in her stomach, and abortion doesn’t exist on television.
Ryan and Stephanie are together for the first time in 10 months, and Steph is eager to make Ryan wish it were 10 months longer. Steph is concerned that her dick-on-demand didn’t immediately drop trou and salute her arrival. She insists that this isn’t to underscore what she believes he owes her, but for “bonding”.
“You could have just like, had sex with me for two or three minutes,” The intro of this R&B song is a little weird. “I wouldn’t even mind a quickie. For the bonding.”
“You keep saying you’re not into bondage,” Ryan tries to get on the same page. “But if you’ve changed your mind, here’s a nice ball gag for you to try on...”
“I mean, it was four times a night when I was here almost a year ago, and nothing changes,” Steph has so many concerns.
“She just wants her seks,” Danielle, OG 90DF cougar, answering the call.
If you’ve made it this far into the recap without suffering contact embarrassment, you didn’t read the Jovi section closely enough. But Steph is done drinking the blood of virgins and is ready to draw a dramatic reaction out of Ryan by looking back on the time she fucked his cousin.
“Sometimes you throw the grenade. Other times you pull the pins from all the grenades in your vest and run at your relationshit,” Ryan breaks it down. “For us, Stephanie is the grenade, and I’m bored. So I’m just going to lay here and disassociate while she smolders.”
“He offered to come over cause I was crying so hard,” Steph blubbers. “And he said he could offer up his dick for the bonding moment. You know how I feel about bonding.”
“Yeah, I already knew that shit,” Ryan briefly checks in as he remembers why he checked out. “And I never bonded that hard with anyone else. Not a true bond.”
Steph is flabbergasted, since she clearly thought this would be the high octane meltdown of her dreams. I mean, this is the part of the romance novel where they break up, but do they? Do they really? Ryan says that he’s over it when it comes to Stephanie, and that his cousin is dead to him, which he emphasizes when it’s obvious she gets a boner from his anger. Ryan requests they close the issue, but Steph insists he’s holding something back, because she really wants him to be the Edward.
The gods gave Amira beauty and the price was luck, obviously. Andrew’s too distracted to talk to Amira about her experience, and when he calls he makes a point of telling her he’s having a kick-ass time, parasailing and doing backflips off the balcony into the pool. Amira thinks that this might be an inappropriate response while your fiancé is suffering, but Andrew tries not to let societal pressures get to him.
Andrew could have addressed their visa issues by getting Amira out of detention, or putting another plan in motion immediately, but that would interrupt his vacation, and his concern is only performative. He gifts Amira concerned face, and tells her that the last idea he had that didn’t work is the only idea he has, except this time 4chan is recommending Serbia. Of course, Andrew won’t be going, because there aren’t any beach resorts in Serbia. Amira says she’s going to think about it, because she hasn’t spent enough time in America to know the phrase ‘go fuck yourself’ yet.
“I fell like it is endless,” Amira says. “It will never stop. But I don’t want to lose Andrew.”
“Hello Amira, I see you are brown girl,” Look at you, Hazel! “Yes, this is my type. Would you like to be best friends, sisters, and lovers?”
“What is happening? I have a shock,” Amira better get used to that.
“I’m gonna take a lot of pictures, so I can make a slide show of all the things you missed. Bye!” Andrew signs out.
Later on she meets up with her friend Xavier, who is as concerned about Amira as all of us at home. He manages to hold on to a straight face while she reports that Andrew continues to enjoy himself in Mexico, in what was supposed to be a 14 day quarantine, and is now a super-spreader event.
“It’s an abomination, really,” Amira’s friend Xavier speaks for all of us.
Amira knows she should move on, but it’s her dream to go to America. She says that the people who support her relationship with Andrew now number zero, and she’s not sure a green card is enough to justify that math.
Zied has been stateside for a few days, and he and Rebecca are settling in, trying to decide when to trot out the manufactured drama of living in the only apartment building in Georgia. The wait is over, as former boss Melanie arrives to demonstrate what happens when haircuts come alive.
“Melanie, Head PI, Karen Division,” she introduces the shit out of herself. “Not to be racist, but Rebecca’s ex = all brown men. If I have to repeat myself twice to your foreign ass, my tone will change from rogue PTA president to mall security guard. Like that.” She tries to snap her fingers, but her sweaty palms make her fingers slip, and Melanie blames the invading immigrant hoarde.
Melanie asks WTF Zied has been doing with his time during the three fucking days he dare set foot on American soil. Zied reports that they watched a movie, got their fuck on, and hey, he’s been there three days. This is overachieving in pandemic times.
“You’re not here for vacation, this is it! If I went to a foreign I’d bootstraps ball running flag freedom, USA. I’ll complain about you stealing a job from a real American later,” Melanie PI, Immigration Expert.
“He can’t work for 90 days. That makes hitting the ground running a little pointless,” Rebecca is going to try to logic this, but that didn’t work out well with her family, either.
“I’m not allowed to rational anymore, but I still like yelling,” Dad has escaped the Brandon compound.“I mean, come on, Zied! YOU’RE THE MAN OF THE HOUSE.”
“Maybe I like to take care of my man,” Rebecca is really just talking to herself here.
“Weren’t you in the apartment down the hall?” Melanie dramas. Whomp-whomp.
Zied is confused by this, and Rebecca is upset, and starts crying because all her friends suck, and Zied worries and comforts her. This presentation of affection isn’t enough to destroy Melanie. Zied, however, is done. “I don’t care if ex Rebecca stay here before. I’m with Rebecca, this is my time. Fuck everything.” There you go, Zied.
Melanie explains that she just has her guard up for the relationship she doesn’t know and isn’t a part of, so that’s a way to pass the time. Rebecca hugs Melanie, and says her behavior is “bordering” on disrespectful, if by border you mean a shitty fence. Melanie gives Zied a half-assed apology, and he disappears to shower her scent away.
“Being a private investigator for the google, I know some red flags,” Melanie can’t stop won’t stop. “The biggest red flag is happiness. It’s gonna take the full three months for me to realize they don’t care about my opinion,”
Tarik gets a notification that the governor has shut down Virginia, and the producer screams “RUN!” and everyone falls all over the boom mics to reach the van first, the gaffer rolling across the hood and the camera person clinging to the roof, before they peal away, leaving the producer behind. Later, the crew returns to filming, and Tarik brings Hazel to his bedroom to discuss the many different cultures he’s fetishized, and how they can get their triad popping again. Hazel says that growing up she had to hide her preferences, especially after her sister (who is also bi) came out of the closet. Her parents are pissed, but Hazel is feeling kinda free, and ready to resume hunting for a girlfriend.
They go online lady shopping based on body type and physical appearance, and Hazel insists that she be his type, because let’s face it, Minty was for Tarik. Tarik says his only request is for his daughter to remain isolated from their lifestyle, which Hazel is good with, and they upload their profile, and wait.
Next time: Andrew details his tropical suffering, a younger woman tests the red in Rebecca’s hair, Hazel talks to her son, Mike reluctantly goes to counseling to report he never lets anything go, Jovi can’t stop sucking or he’ll drown, and his friends are exactly as attractive as he is, and Steph is so salty about being denied theater that she’s ready to trot out the job sponsor nugget on the back of a psychic.
Thank you, Patreon supporters!
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The entire shrek script

Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort, which could only be broken by Love's first kiss. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire breathing dragon. Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but none prevailed. She waited in the dragon's keep in the highest room of the tallest tower for her true love and true love's first kiss. Like that's ever going to happen. What a loony. Shrek Beware Stay out I think he's in here. All right. Lets get it! Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? Yeah. He'll groan into your bones for his brains. Well actually that would be a giant. Now Ogres, huh, they are much worse. They'll make a soup from your freshly peeled skin. They'll chew your livers, squeeze the jelly from your eyes. Actually, it's quite good on toast. Back, back beast, back! I warned you! Right. This is the part, where you run away. Yeah! And stay out. Wanted. Fairytale creatures. Right, this one is full. Take it away. Give me that. Your fine days are over. -25 pieces of silver for the witch. Next. -Come on. Sit down there! And be quiet! This cage is so small. You wouldn't turn me in. I'll never be stubborn again. I can change. Please, give me another chance. Oh, shut up! Next. What do we got? This little wooden puppet. I'm not a puppet, I'm a real boy. Five shillings for the possessed toy. Take it away. No! Please, don't let them do it! Next. What do you got? Well, I've got a talking donkey! Right. Well that's good for ten schillings, if you can prove it. Oh, go ahead fella. Well? He's just a li..., just a little nervous. He's really quite a chatterbox. You boneheaded donkey! That's it. I have heard enough. Guards! No, no, he talks, he does! I can talk. I love to talk. I've talked to... Get her out of my sight! -No, no, I swear! Hey, I can fly. -He can fly! -He can fly! He can talk! -That's right, fool! Now I'm a flying, talking donkey! You might have seen house fly, maybe even a superfly. But I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly! Seize him! Get him! This way! Hurry! You there. Ogre. -I. By the order of lord Farquaad. I am authorized to place you both under arrest. And transport you to designated resettlement facility. Oh really? You and what army? Can I say something to you? Listen, you were really, really something, back there. Incredible. Are you talking to... ...me? Yes, I was talking to you. Can I just tell you that you were really great back there with those guards. They thought that was all over there. And then you showed up and BAM. There was tripping on over themselves like babes in the woods. That really made me feel good to see that. Oh, that's great. Really. Man, it's good to be free. Now, why don't you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? But I... I don't have any friends. And I'm not going out there by myself. Hey wait a minute. I have a great idea... I'll stick with you. You and me in green fighting machine. Together we'll scare the spin if anybody crosses us. Oh, a, that was really scary. Maybe you don't mine me saying. If that don't work, your breath will certainly do the job done, 'cause... you definitively need some tic-tac or something, 'cause your breath stinks! Man you've ??? my note! Just like the time... ...and then I ate some rotten berries. Man I had some strong gases leaking out of my but that day. Why are you following me? I'll tell you why. 'Cause I'm all alone, there is no one here, beside me. My problems have all gone. There's no one to derive me. But you got to have free ... -Stop singing! Well, it's no wonder, you don't have any friends. Wow! Only a true friend would be that truly honest. Listen! Little donkey. Take a look at me! What am I? A... ...really tall? No! I'm an Ogre. You know, grab your torch and pitchforks. Doesn't that bother you? Nope. Really? -Really really. Oh? Man, I like you. What's your name? A..., Shrek. Shrek?! But do you know, what I like about you, Shrek? You've got that kind of: "I don't care what nobody thinks of me" thing. I like that, I respect that, Shrek. You're all right. Uh, look at that. Who would wanna live in a place like that? That would be my home. Oh, it is lovely. Just beautiful. You know you're quite a decorator. It's amazing what you did with such a modest budget. I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder. I guess, you don't entertain much, do you? I like my privacy. You know I do to. That's another thing, we have in common. Like I hate it when you got somebody in your face. You try to give them a hint and they won't leave. And then there's that big occurred silence, you know? Can I stay with you? -What? Can I stay with you, please. Of course! -Really? No. -Please! I don't want to go back there. You don't how is like to be concerned like a freak. Well..., maybe you do. But that's why we have to stick together! You got to let me stay! Please! Please! OK, OK. -But one night only. -Huh, thank you! A, what are you do... No! This is going to be fun. We can stay up late, swap the manly stories. And in the morning... I'm making waffles. Where do I sleep? Outside! Oh, a, I guess that's cool. You know, I don't know you and you don't know me... ... so I guess, outside is best for me. Here I go. Good night. I do like that half door. I'm a donkey all alone outside. Sit by myself outside, I guess. I'm all alone, there's no one here beside me. -I thought, I told you to stay outside. -I am outside. Well James. This is far from the farm, but what choice do we have? It's not... What a lovely bed. -Got you! I found some cheese. Awful stuff. -Is that you Gordon? -How did you know? Enough! What are you doing in my house? Oh, no, no, no... Death prods off the table! Where would we supposed to put her. The bed's taken. What? I live in a swamp. I've put up signs. I'm a terrifying Ogre! What do I have to do, to get a little privacy? Oh, no! No, no! What are you doing in my swamp? All right, get out of here. All of you. Move it! Come on, let's go. And hurry up, hurry up. No, no, not there. Not there! Hey don't look at me. I didn't invite them. Oh gosh, no one invited us. -What? We were forced to come here. -By who? Lord Farquaad. He ??? All right. Who knows where this Farquaad guy is? Oh I do. I know where he is. Does anyone else know where to find him? -Anyone at all? -Me. -Anyone? Oh pick me, I know! Me, me. Ok, fine. Attention all fairy tale things! Do not get comfortable. Your welcome is officially warned up. In fact. I'm gonna see this guy Farquaad right now and get all off my land and back where you came from. You. You're coming with me. All right. That's what I like to hear, man. Shrek and Donkey, two stubborn friends off on a world and big city adventure. I love it. I'm on road again. Sing with me Shrek! I'm on road again... What did I say about singing? -Can I whistle? -No. -Well, can I hummer? -All right. That's enough. He's ready to talk. Run, run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread man. You monster. I'm not a monster here. You are. You and the rest of that fairytale trash, poisoning my perfect world. -Now tell me! Where are the others? -Eat me. I've tried to be fair to you, creatures. Now my patience has reached its end! -Tell me! Or I'll... -No, no, not the buttons. Not gumdrop buttons. All right! Who's hiding them? Ok, I'll tell you. -Do you know the muffin-man? -The muffin-man? -The muffin-man. -Yes, I know the muffin-man. Who lives on Proully lane? -Well, she's married to the muffin-man. -The muffin-man! -The muffin-man! -She's married to the muffin-man. My lord! We found it. Well then, what are you waiting for? Bring it in. Magic mirror. Don't tell him anything! Evening. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all? Well, technically, you're not a king. A..., felonious. -You were saying. -What I mean is a... ...you're not a king, yet. But you can become one. All you have to do, is marry a princess. Go on. So, just sit back and relax my lord, because it's time for you to meet today's eligible bachelorettes. And here they are. Bachelorette number one is a mentally abused shading from a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi and hottubbing anytime. Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for two evil sisters. Please welcome... Cinderella. Bachelorette number two is a kemp wearing girl from a land of fantasy. Although she lives with seven other man, she is not easy. Just kiss hers dead frozen lips and find out what a live wife she is. Come on. Give it up for... Show-white. And last but certainly not least. Bachelorette number three is a fire-breathing ????, dragon guarded castle, surrounded by a hot boiling lava. But don't let that cool you off. She's a loaded pistol who likes Pina Coladas and getting cut in the rain. Yours for the rescuing, Princess Fiona. So will it be, bachelorette number one? Bachelorette number two? Or bachelorette number three? -Two... -Three! -Two! One. No, no, no. Three. Pick number three my lord. Ok, ok. Number three. Lord Farquaad. You've chosen... princess Fiona. She's nice. Fiona. She's perfect. All I have to do is just find someone... But I probably should mention little thing that happens at night... -I'll do it! -Yes, but after sunset... Silence! I will make this princess Fiona my queen. And Duloc will finally have the perfect king! Captain! Assemble your finest man. We're going to have a tournament! That's it, that's, right there, that's Duloc. I've told you I'll find it. So. That must be lord Farquaad's castle. Aha, that's the place. Do you think maybe he's compensating for something. Hey, hey wait up Shrek! -Hey, you! -No, no! Wait a second. Look, I'm not gonna eat you. I just... It's quiet. Too quiet. Where is everybody? Hey look at this. Wow! -Let's do that again. -No. no. All right. You're going the right way for smack bottom. Sorry about that. That champion should have the honor, no, no... ...the privilege to go forth and rescue the lovely princess Fiona from the fireing keep of the dragon. If for any reason the winner is unsuccessful, the first runner up will take his place. And so on, and so forth. Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Applause. Let the tournament begin. What is that? Ugh, it's hideous. Oh, that's not very nice. It's just a donkey. Indeed. Knights! New plan. The one, who kills the Ogre, will be named champion. How about him. Oh, hey. Now, come on. Can't we just settle this over a pint? No? All right then. Come on. Hey Shrek! Let me, let me! The chair! Give him the chair! Thank you. Thank you, very much. I'm here until Thursday. Try the wheel! Shall I give the order sir? No. I have a better idea. People of Duloc. I give you our champion! What? Congratulation, Ogre. You've won the honor of embarking on a great and noble quest. Quest? I'm already on a quest. A quest to get my swamp back! -Your swamp? -Yeah, my swamp! Where you dumped those fairytale creatures. Indeed. All right Ogre, I'll make you a deal. Go on this quest for me and I'll give you your swamp back. Exactly the way it was? Down to the last slime covered toast tool. -And the squatters? -As good as gone. What kind of quest? Ok, let me get this straight! We gonna go find the dragon and rescue a princess just so Farquaad will give you back the swamp, which you only don't have, 'cause he filled it with full of freaks on the first place. -Is that about right? -You know what? Maybe there is a good reason, donkeys shouldn't talk. I don't get it Shrek. Why didn't you just pull some old Ogre stuff on them? You know, ??? . Grab his bones to make you brave. You know the whole Ogre trick. Oh, you know what. Maybe I could have decapitated entire village and put their heads on plate. Got a knife, cut open their spleens and drink their fluids. Does that sound good to you? A, no, not really, no. For your information, there is a lot more to Ogres than people think. -Example. -Example? OK, A-a-m, Ogres are like onions. -They stink? -Yes, no. -O, they make you cry. -No. Oh, you leave them out on the sun and they get all brown and start ??? little wild hairs? No! Layers! Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers. O, you both have layers. You know not everybody likes onions. Cake! Everybody loves cakes. Cakes have layers. I don't care what everyone likes. Ogres are not like cakes. You know what else everyone likes? Paffe. Have you ever met a person and you say: "Hey, let's get some paffe" and they say I don't like paffe. Paffe is delicious. No! You tensed, irritating, miniature peace of barden. Ogres are like onions. End of story. Bye, bye. See you lather. Paffe is maybe the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet. You know I think I've preferred your humming. Do you have a tissue or something, 'cause I'm making a mess. Just the word paffe has made me start slimying Why, Shrek, did you do that? Man you got to warn somebody before you just crack one off. My mouth was opened and everything. Believe me donkey, if it was me, you'd be dead. It's brimstone. We must be getting close. Yeah, right, brimstone. Don't be talking ??? brimstone. I know what I smell and ??? no brimstone. And they don't come of stone neither. Sure it's big enough, but look at the location. Oh, Shrek, remember when you said that Ogres have layers? Oh, yeah. Well, I have a confession to make. Donkeys don't have layers. We wear ??? sleeves. Wait a second. Donkeys don't have sleeves. -You know what I mean. -Oh, you can't tell me you're afraid of highs. No, I'm just a little uncomfortable of being on a rickety bridge over boiling lake of lava! Come on donkey, I'm right here beside you. Ok? For emotional support. We'll just hackle this thing together one little baby step after time. -Really? -Really really. Ok. That makes me feel so much better. Just keep moving and don't look down. Don't look down, don't look down. Shrek! I'm looking down! I can't do this. Just let me off right now, please. -But you're already half way. -Yeah, but I know that half is safe. Ok, fine. I don't have time for this. You go back. Shrek, no, wait. Don't do that! Oh, I'm sorry. Do what? -Oh. This? -Yes, that! Yes, yes. Do it. OK. -No, Shrek! -I'm doing it. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. Shrek, I'm gonna die. That will do Donkey, that will do. Cool. So where is this fire breathing pain in the neck anyway? Inside. Waiting for us to rescue her. I was talking about the dragon Shrek. -Are you afraid? -No, but shhhhh. Oh, good. Me neither. Because there's nothing wrong with being afraid. Here's a..., something responsible of the situation. Not to mention dangerous situation. And there's dragon that breathes fire. I'm sure he's meaner than a cow or anything, but they're scare. You know what I mean. I'm sure he's heavier than a cow... Donkey. Two things. Ok? Shut, up. Now go over there and see if you can find any stairs. Stairs? I thought we were looking for the princess. The princess will be up the stairs in the highest room in the tallest tower. What makes you think she'll be there? I read it in a book once. Cool. You handle the dragon, I'll handle the stairs. Oh, I'll find those stairs. I'll ???. That's right. Those stairs won't know which way they go. The drafting stairs, ??? Don't mess with me. I'm the stair master. I'm master of the stairs. I wish I had a stair right here right here now, I'd step all over it. Well, at least we know where the princess is. -But where is the... -Dragon! Donkey, look out! Got you. Oh, what large teeth you have. I mean, white sparkling teeth. You probably hear this all the time from your food, but you must bleach yourself, because that is one dashing smile you got there. And do I detect the hint of minty freshness? And you know what else? You're a girl dragon. Oh, sure. I mean 'course you're a girl dragon, 'cause you're just ricking the feminine beauty out. What's the matter with you? Do you have something in your eye? Man, I'd really love to stay, but you know I'm a asthmatic and I don't know if we would worked out. You'd be blowing smoke and stuff. Shrek! No, Shrek! Shrek! -Wake up! -What? Are you princess Fiona? I am. Awaiting a knight so bold as to rescue me. Oh, that's nice. Now let's go. But wait, sir knight. This be our first meeting. Should not be wonderful, romantic moment? Yeah. Sorry lady there's no time. Hey, what are you doing? You know, you should sweep me out of my feet. Out through the window and down the rope by to your valued steed. You've had a lot of time to plan this, haven't you? Uh-um. But we have to sing through this moment. You can residing of a poem to me. A ballad, a sonnet, a libretti. Or something. I don't think so. Well, can I at least know a name of my champion? Shrek. So, Shrek. I pray that you take this favor as a token of my gratitude. Thanks. -You didn't slay the dragon? -It's not my job to do this. Now, come on! But this isn't right. ??? That's what all the other knights did. Yeah. Right before they burst in the flame. That's not the point. Wait. Where are you going? Exit is over there. Well, I have to save my ass. What kind of knight are you? One of a kind. ...rush into a physical relationship. I'm not that emotionally ready for commitment of a this magnitude. That was the word I was looking for. Magnitude. Hey, that is unwanted physical contact. Hey, what are you doing? Ok, ok, let's just back up a little and take this one step at the time. I mean, we really should get to know each other first, you know what am I saying. As friends, maybe even as ??? Hey don't do that. That's my tail. That's ma personal tail. And you're going to tear it off.... Oh, no. No! -It talks?! -Yeah. It's getting to shut up, that's a trick. Ok, you two. Head for the exit. I'll take care of the dragon. Ruuuuun! You did it. You rescued me. Amizing, you're wonderful. You're a ... ...a little unorthodox I admit, but by deed is great and by heart is pure. I'm entirely in your debt. And where would a brave knight be without his noble steed. I hope you heard that. She called me a noble steed. She thinks I'm a steed. The battle is won. You may remove your helmet good sir knight. -Aah, no. -Why not? I have helmet hair. Please. I wouldst look upon the face of my rescuer. Oh, no, you wouldn't, dust. But, how will you kiss me? What? That wasn't in a job description. -Maybe it's a perk? -No. It's destiny. You must know how it goes. A princess locked in a tower and besieged by a dragon is rescued by a brave knight. And then they share true love's first kiss. With Shrek? You think, wait... ...you think Shrek is your true love? Well, yes. You think that Shrek is your true love. What is so funny? Let's just say, I'm not your type, ok? Of course you are. You're my rescuer. Now, now remove your helmet. Look. I really don't think this is a good idea. -Just take off the helmet. -I'm not going to. -Take it off! -No! -Now! -Ok, easy. As you command your highness. You're an Ogre. Oh, you were expecting Prince Charming. Well, yes, actually. Oh no. This is all wrong. You're not supposed to be an Ogre. Princess, I was sent to rescue you by lord Farquaad, ok? He's the one, who wants to marry you. Well, then why didn't he come to rescue me? Good question. You should ask him that, when we get there. But I have to be rescued by my true love. Not by some Ogre and his pet. Well so much for noble steed. Look princess. You're not making my job any easier. Well I'm sorry, but your job is not my problem. You can tell lord Farquaad that if he wants to rescue me properly, I'll be waiting for him right here. Hey, I'm no ones messenger boy, all right? -I'm a delivery boy. -You wouldn't dare. -You coming donkey? -Put me down! Yeah, I'm right behind you. Put me down or you will suffer the consequences. This is not dignified. Put me down. Ok, here's another question. Let's say that a woman 'digged' you, but you don't really like her, that way. Now, how you let her down real easy, so her feelings aren't hurt? But you don't get burned to a crisp neither. How do you do this? Just tell her, she's not your true love. Everyone knows it what happens when you find... Hey! The sooner we get to Duloc, the better. Oh, yeah. You gonna love it there princess. It's beautiful. And what of my groom to be, lord Farquaad. What's he like? Well, let me put it this way, princess. Men of Farquaad's stature are in short supply. Oh no, Shrek. There are those who think little of him. Stop it. Stop it, both of you. You know, you're just jealous that you can never measure up to a great ruler like lord Farquaad. Yeah. Well maybe you're right princess. But I'd like you do that measuring when you see him tomorrow Tomorrow? It will take that long? -Shouldn't we stop to make camp? -No. That would take longer. We can keep going. But there are robbers in the woods. Whoa, time out Shrek. Camp is definitely something that sounds good. Hey. Come on. I'm scarier than anything we're gonna see in this forest. I need to find somewhere to camp, now! Hey, over here. Shrek, we can do better than that. Now, I don't think this is decent for princess. No, no, it's perfect. It just needs a few homey touches. Homey touches? Like what? A door. Well, gentleman I'll be d..., good night. Do you want me to come in and read you a bedtime story, 'cause I will... I said good night! Shrek! What are you doing? I just..., you know... Oh, come on, I was just kidding. And that one, that's Throwback. The only Ogre to ever spit over three wheat fields. Right. Yeah. Hey, can you tell my future form these stars? Well, the stars don't tell the future, Donkey. They tell stories. Look. There's Blodna, the "Flatulent" You can guess what he is famous for. All right. Now I know you're making this up. No. Look. There he is and there's the group of hunters running away from his stag. Man, there ain't nothing, but a bunch of little dots. You know donkey, sometimes things are more than they appear. Forget it. Hey Shrek. What are you gonna do when we get our swamp back, anyway? -Our swamp? -You know. When we're through rescuing the princess and all that stuff. We? Donkey, there is no we. There's no our. There's just me and my swamp. And the first thing I'm gonna do, is build a ten foot wall around my land. You cut me deep Shrek, you cut me real deep just now. You know, what I think? I think this whole wall thing is just a way to keep somebody out. No, do you think? -Are you hiding something? -Never mind Donkey. Oh, this is another one of those onion things, isn't it? No. This is one of those drop it and leave it alone things. -Why don't you want to talk about it? -Why do you want to talk about it? -Oh, Why you block? -I'm not blocking. -Oh yes you are. -Donkey, I'm warning you. -Who are you trying to keep out? Just tell me that Shrek. Who? Everyone, ok? -Oh, now we're getting somewhere. -Oh, for 'the love of pit'. Hey, what's your problem Shrek? What do you got against the whole world anyway? Look. I'm not the one with the problem, ok? It's the world that seems to have a problem with me. People take one look at me and go: AAA... Help! Run! A big stupid ugly Ogre. They judge me, before they even know me. That's why I'm better off alone. You know what? When we met, I didn't think you're just a big stupid, ugly Ogre. Yeah, I know. So, a... Are there any donkeys up there? Well, there's a Cabby. The small and annoying. Ok, ok. I see him, now. Big shining one, right there. That one, over there? That's the moon. Again. Show me again. Mirror, mirror, show her to me. Show me the princess. Perfect. Yeah. You know I like like that. Oh come on baby... -Donkey. Wake up. -What? -Wake up. Morning. How do you like your eggs? -Good morning princess. -What's all this about? You know, we kind of got of to a bad start yesterday and I wanted to make it up to you. I mean, after all, you did rescue me. Thanks. Well, eat up. We've got a big day ahead of us. -Shrek! -What? It's a compliment. Better out than in I always say. But that's no way to behave in front of a princess. -Thanks. -She's as nasty as you are. You know. You're not exactly what I've expected. Well, maybe you shouldn't judge people before you get to know them. Princess! What are you doing? ???mon shery, for I am your saviour. And I am rescuing you from this green...beast. Hey! That's my princess. Go find your own. Please, monster. Can't you see I'm a little busy here? Look, pal. I don't know who you think you are. Oh, of course. How rude that was. Please, let me introduce myself. Oh marry men! Man, that was annoying. Oh, you little... Shall we? ???all the forin??? Whoa, hold on, now. Where did that come from? -What? -That. Back there. That was amazing. Where did you learn that? Well, when one lives alone one has to learn these things in case there's a... There is an arrow in your butt. What? Oh, would you look at that. Oh, no... This is all my fault. I'm so sorry. -What's wrong? -Shrek's hurt. -Shrek's hurt? Shrek's hurt! -Oh, no. Shrek's going to die. -Donkey, I'm ok. You can't do this to me Shrek. I'm too young for you to die. Keep your legs elevated. Turn your head ???. -Does anyone know how to handle... -Donkey! Calm down. If you want to help Shrek, run into woods and find me a blue flower with red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Ok, I'm on it. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Don't die Shrek. And if you see a long tunnel, stay away from the light! -Donkey! -Oh, yeah. Right. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. -What are the flowers for? -For getting rid of the Donkey. Now, you hold still and I'll yank this thing out. -Hey! Easy with the yanking. -I'm sorry, but it has to come out. No, no. It's tender. What you're doing here is the opposite... -Don't move. -Ok, look. Time out. -Would you... Ok. What do you propose we do? Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. This would be so much easier if I wasn't colorblind. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Hold on, Shrek. I'm coming! Not good. Ok, ok, I can lose it. It's just about it. Nothing happened. We were just a... Look if you want to be alone, all you had to do is ask, ok? Oh, come on. That's the last thing on my mind. The princess here was just... Au! Hey, what's that? Is that... There it is, princess. -Your future awaits you. -That's Duloc? Yeah. I know. You'll shrink things lord Farquaad is compensating for something, which I think needs, he has a I guess we better move on. Sure, but Shrek... -I'm worried about Donkey. -What? I mean. Look at him. He doesn't look so good. -What are you talking about? I'm fine. -Well, that's what they always say. And the next thing you know you're on your back. -Dead! -You know she's right. You look awful. -Do you want to sit down? -You know, I'll make you up some tea. Well, I won't say nothing, but I've got this twinge in my neck. And if I turn my neck like this, look. Au, see? -He's hungry. I'll find us some dinner. -I'll get the firewood. Hey, where are you going? Oh man, I can't feel my thumbs. I don't have any thumbs!!! I think I need a hug. This is good. This is really good. -What is this? -Wheat rat. -Rotisserie style. -No kidding. -Oh, this is delicious. -Well, they also great in stews. Now, I don't mean to brag, but I make a mean wheat rat stew. I guess I'll be dining a little different late tomorrow night. Maybe you can come visit me in the swamp sometime. I'll cook all kinds of stuff for you. Swamp toast, soup fish, eye tartar. You name it. I'd like that. -Ah... , princess? -Yes, Shrek? I'm a.... I was wondering. Are you... a... Are you gonna eat that? Man, isn't this romantic. Just look at that sunset. Sunset?! Oh, no. It's late. It's very late. -What? -Wait a minute. I see what's going on here. You're afraid of the dark. Aren't you? Yes, yes. That's it. That's, I'm terrified. You know I'll better go inside. But don't feel bad, princess. I used to be afraid of the dark too. Until... Hey, no, wait. I'm still afraid of the dark. -Good night. -Good night. Ahh. Now I really see what's going on here. Oh, what are you talking about. Hey I don't wanna even hear. Look, I'm an animal and I got instincts. And I know that you two are digging on each other. I can feel it. Oh, you're crazy. I'm just bringing her back to Farquaad. Oh, come on, Shrek. Wake up and smell the fairemones. Just go in there and tell her how you feel. There's nothing to tell. Besides, even if I did tell her that... well you know. I'm not saying that I do, 'cause I don't. She's a princess and I'm... ...an Ogre. Yeah, an Ogre. -Hey, where are you going? -To get more firewood. Princess. Princess Fiona? Princess, where are you? Princess? It's very spooky in here and are we playing little games. -No, no. -Help! Shrek! Shrek! -No. -Shrek! -It's ok. It's ok. -What did you do with the princess? -Donkey, shhh. I'm the princess. -It's me, in this body. -Oh my god. You ate the princess. -Can you hear me? -Donkey! Listen, keep breathing. I'll get you out of there! Shrek! Shrek! Shrek! This is me. Princess? What happened to you? You're a... different. -I'm ugly, ok? -Yeah. Was it something that you ate? 'Cause I told Shrek those rats were a bad idea. -You are what you eat, I say. -No. I've been this way as long as I can remember. What do you mean? Look, I've never seen you like this before. It only happens when the sun goes down. By night one way, by day another. This shall be the norm until you find true love's first kiss. Then, take love's true form... -Oh, that's beautiful. I didn't know you wrote poetry. -It's the spell. When I was a little girl, a witch cast a spell on me. Every night I become this. This horrible ugly beast. I was placed in a tower to await the day when my true love would rescue me. That's why I have to marry lord Farquaad tomorrow, before the sun sets and he sees me, like this? All right, all right. Calm down. Look, it's not that bad. You're not that ugly. Wait, wait, I'll not lie, you are ugly. But you only look like this at night. Shrek's ugly 24/7. But Donkey, I'm a princess. And this is not how a princess is meant to look. Princess. How about if you don't marry Farquaad? I have to. Only my true love's kiss can brake the spell. But you know, you're kind of an Ogre. And Shrek... Well you've got a lot in common. Shrek? Princess, I... How is it going first of all? Good? Good for me to. I'm ok. I saw this flower and thought of you because it's pretty. And, well, I don't really like it, but I thought you may like it, because you're pretty. But I like you anyway. A.... I'm in trouble. Ok, here we go. Who could ever love a piece so hideous and ugly? Princess and ugly don't go together. That's why I can't stay here with Shrek, but only chance to live happily ever after is to marry my true love. Don't you see, Donkey? That's just how it has to be. It's the only way to break the spell. Well, at least you've got tell Shrek the truth. No, no. You can't breathe the word. No one must ever know. What's the point of being unable to talk? You got to keep secrets. Promise you won't tell. Promise! You know, before this is over, I'm going to need whole lot of serious therapies. All right, all right. I won't tell him. But you should. Look at my eye twitching. I tell him, I tell him not. I tell him. I tell him not. I tell him! Shrek! Shrek! There's something I want ... Shrek. Are you all right? Perfect. Never been better. I... There's something I have to tell you. You don't have to tell me anything, princess. I heard enough last night. -You've heard what I said? -Every word. I thought you'd understand? Oh, I understand! Like you said, who could love a hideous, ugly beast! -I thought that wouldn't matter to you. -Yeah, well, it does. Ah, right on time. Princess. I brought you a little something. What I missed? What I missed? -Princess Fiona. -As promised. Now hand it over. Very well, Ogre. The deed to your swamp. Cleared out as agreed. Take it and go. Before I change my mind. Forgive me princess for startling you, but you startled me. For I've never seen such a radiant beauty before. -I am lord Farquaad. -Lord Farquaad? Oh, no, no... forgive me my lord for I was just saying short... farewell. Oh. That is so sweet. You don't have to raise good manners on the Ogre. -It's not like it has feelings. -No. You're right. It doesn't. Princess Fiona, beautiful fair flawless Fiona, I ask your hand in marriage. Will you be the perfect bride for the perfect groom? Lord Farquaad, I accept. Nothing would make... Excellent! I'll start the plans for tomorrow we wedd... No! I mean I... Why wait? Let's get married today. Before sunset. Oh, anxious are we? You're right. The sooner, the better. There's so much to do. There is the camera, the cake, the band, the guests... Captain! Round up some guests. Farewell Ogre. Shrek, what are you doing? You let her get away. -Yeah, so what. -Shrek. There's something about her that you don't know. -I talked to her last night. She's... -Yeah I know you talked to her last night. You're great pal, aren't you? Now, if you two are such good friend, why didn't you follow her home? -Shrek. I want to go with you. -I told you, didn't I? You're not coming home with me. I live alone. My swamp, me and nobody else! Understand? Nobody! Especially useless, pathetic, annoying, talking donkeys! -But. I thought... -Yeah. You know what? You thought wrong. Shrek. Donkey? What are you doing? I was thinking of all the people, you would recognize a wall when you see one. Well, yeah. But the wall supposed to go around my swamp. Not through it. It is around your half. See? That's your half and this is my half. Oh, your half? Yes, my half. I helped rescue the princess. I did half the work. I get half the booty. Now hand me that big old rock, the one that looks like your head -Back off! -No. You back off! -This is my swamp. -Our swamp. -Let go, Donkey! -You let go! -Stubborn jackass. -Smelly Ogre. Fine! Hey, hey, come back here. I'm not through with you, yet. -Well, I'm through with you! -Well, you know. You were always me, me, me. Well, guess what? Now it's my turn! So you just shut up and pay attention! You are mean to me, you insult me, you don't appreciate anything that I do! You're always pushing me around or pushing me away. Oh, yeah? Well, if I treated you so bad, how come you came back? Because that's what friend do. They forgive each other! Oh, yeah. You're right Donkey. I forgive you for stabbing me in the back! You're so wrapped up in layers, onion boy. You're afraid of your own feelings. -Go away. -See? There you are, doing it again. Just like you did it to Fiona. And all she ever do, was like you. Maybe even love you. Love me? She said I was ugly! A hideous creature. -I heard that you two were talking. -She wasn't talking about you. She was talking about... ...somebody else. She wasn't talking about me? Well then, who was she talking about? No way, I'm not saying anything. You won't listen to me, right? Right? -Donkey. -No! Ok, look. I'm sorry, all right? I'm sorry. I guess I am just a big stupid, ugly Ogre. Can you forgive me? -Hey, that's the friends are for, right? -Right. -Friends? -Friends. So? What did Fiona said about me? Why are you asking me for? Why don't you just go ask her. The wedding! We'll never make it in time! Never fear! For where there is a will, there is a way. And I have I way. Donkey? -I guess this is just my act of magnetism. -Oh, come here, you. All right. All right. Don't get all started. No one likes kissass. All right, hop on. Hold on tight. I hadn't have a chance to install seat belts, yet. People of Duloc. We gather here today to bear witness to reunion of our new king... Excuse me. Could you just skip ahead to "I do's"? Go on. Go ahead and have some fun, if we need you, I'll whistle. How about that? Shrek, wait, wait a minute. You want to do this right, don't you? -What are you talking about? -It's the line, it's the line you got to wait for. The priest is going to say: "Speak now or forever hold your peace". And that's where you say: "I object". -I don't have time for this. -Wait, wait. What are you doing? Listen to me! Look, you love this woman, don't you? -Yes. -You want to hold her! -Yes. -Please her! -Yes! Then you got to, got to try a little tender love. -The chicks love that romantic crap. -All right. Cut it out. When does this guy say the line? We got to check it out. And as so by the power of these two... What do you see? -I now pronounce you... -There they go! -...he all ready said it. -Oh, for 'the love of pit'. I object! Shrek? Oh, now what does he want? Hi, everyone. Having a good time, aren't you? I love Duloc, first of all. Very clean. -What are you doing here? -Really, it's rude enough being alive, when no one wants you. But showing up uninvited to a wedding... -Fiona! I need to talk to you. -Oh, now you wanna talk? Well it's a little late for that. So if you'll excuse me. -But you can't marry him! -And why not? Because, because he's just marrying you so he can be king. -Outrageous! Fiona, don't listen to him. -He's not your true love. -What do you know about true love? -Well, I ...I'm in... Oh, this is precious. The Ogre has fallen in love with the princess. Laugh. Shrek. Is this true? Who cares. It's preposterious. Fiona, my love, we gonna kiss away for our happily ever after. Now kiss me! By night one way, by day another. I wanted to show you before. Well. That explains a lot. Oh. It's disgusting. Guards, guards. I order you to get them out of my sight. -Now! Get them! Get them, both! -No! This marriage is minding, and that makes me king. See? See? -Shrek! -No. -Don't just stand there, you dogs. -Get out of my way. No! Shrek! -And as for you my wife. -Fiona! I'll have you locked back in that tower for the rest of your days! I will have order. I will have potential. I will have... All right, nobody move! I got a dragon here and I'm not afraid to use it. I'm a donkey on the edge! Celebrity marriages. They never last, do they? Go ahead Shrek. -Fiona? -Yes, Shrek? I love you. Really? Really, really. I love you too. A time for true love's first kiss... Fiona? Fiona? Are you all right? Yes. But I don't understand. I'm supposed to be beautiful. But you are beautiful. I was hoping this would be a happy ending. God bless us, everyone.
submitted by -_HelloThere_- to copypasta [link] [comments]

Meet The Freak 30

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Val and I lay around in bed as long as we could stand it but eventually wakefulness overtook us, and we moved to the couch instead, where Val curled up beside me.
"We need more of your little books," Val yawned, "One for each of us, I think."
"Just so you can summon breakfast?"
Val ran a hand through her hair, letting it flow through her fingers like violet mercury, "I'm not going much of anywhere with my hair like this, just making it here from the bed was difficult enough. Do you have a way for me to trim my hair? Or are you expecting me to figure it out on my own?"
"Oh, I've got some ideas," I assured her, "But I think I'll let you figure it out on your own."
"An effective way of keeping me confined to the bedroom," she mused.
I extricated myself from Valentine's grip, and rose from the couch, "I'm going to get showered, and then see if I can track down Cassius," I told her, "And if I feel like it, I might let Amity know you'd like something to eat."
Val leapt excitedly to her feet, "Mind if I join you?"
As I couldn't immediately come up with a creative way to mess with Val, I did end up letting Amity know that she'd like something for breakfast. Good thing too, since Amity knew where to find Cassius.
I tracked him down, not out gathering wood for his project, but in the private bar upstairs.
The hotel's event space was on the eighth floor and stretched across both wings. Set up for conventions, conferences, and weddings, the central hall's high ceiling rose to take up part of the ninth floor.
One could find the private bar in the space that remained, with large floor to ceiling windows that looked down upon the event floor.
It reminded me of the few times I'd watched a hockey game from a private box, the games being a reward handed down by executives who deigned to recognize the people who did all the work at the company.
Though not blessed with an abundance of space, it added to the charm. While the restaurant downstairs was well appointed, it was too large, too open to have the same cosy, private feeling as the upstairs bar.
Cassius and Phoebe sat in a corner booth, one of those circular ones that I always thought looked cool on television. The sort where the hero would find the mob boss and several of his henchmen, or maybe a pair of lightly-clad women.
A candle sat burning in the centre of the table, and I'd have thought it was just an ordinary candle, if not for the cloud of glowing motes that hung above and around the table. They were shades of red and orange. Their slight flicking gave the effect of being surrounded by firelight.
They were seated opposite each other and speaking quietly, but looked up as I approached.
"Sup man?"
"Good morrow, Wallace."
"Mind if I join you guys?"
Cassius did spare a look for Phoebe, but held out a hand towards the table, "Sure."
The bench creaked under my weight as I settled onto it, and Phoebe shuffled over to give me a little more room.
"You guys like the place?"
"Yeah, why? You got some plans for it?" Cassius asked.
I shrugged, "Still not sure yet, but one way or another, we're gonna end up with more people here. The restaurant and the lobby will be their area to gather and eat. I was thinking this could be ours."
Cassius looked at me askance, though I caught the grin encroaching upon his features, "I thought we were supposed to be all egalitarian and sh-" his glance at Phoebe was almost too quick to catch, "Uh, and stuff," he corrected.
"I found the place, and I'm the guy who knows how everything works," I gave a flippant shrug, "Hypocrisy is part of leadership."
Cassius was about to reply but was interrupted by Phoebe's a very unladylike snort.
"Sorry, sorry, go on," she insisted, stifling a laugh.
"Oh yeah, is that why you're up here? Because you know how everything works?"
"Fine. I know how almost everything works, and I'm bigger than everyone else, so I still get to be in charge. Besides, wait long enough, and you'll get to be the big man. By the time this place looks more like a small city and less like a post-apocalyptic ruin, I'll be dead, and you'll get to decide how hypocritical to be."
"Dude, you can't be more than twenty-five. I'm only like five years younger than you."
"And if I'm fortunate I'll get another twenty-five, but probably not."
"Are you ill?" Phoebe exclaimed.
Cassius grimaced as the realization hit him, "Ah shit," he sighed.
I turned to Phoebe, meeting her concerned gaze, "Humans my size don't live very long. Fifty is about the limit. Being so big puts a lot of strain on the heart and skeleton. I've got some other freaky shit going on that makes my bones crazy strong, and that takes the stress off my skeleton, but it means I weigh about double what I should."
"And puts yet more stress on your heart," Phoebe sympathized.
"And my joints," I nodded.
"Damn, I'm sorry man."
"Don't be," I insisted, "I've always known this is how it would be. So if you want the penthouse, you'll have to wait till my heart gives out."
Cassius threw up his hands, "Man, that's not even fair. How am I supposed to argue with you now?"
"I'm not certain you'll get the penthouse even after Wallace is gone," Phoebe observed, "for Valentine will remain."
"She knows?"
"Yeah, she knows."
Phoebe pursed her lips, but I saw the smile in her eyes, "Are you certain that spending time with little Valentine is the best thing if you're worried about your heart?"
"If I'm only going to get another couple decades, I'm damn well going to enjoy them," I retorted, "And to that end," I added, dragging the conversation back on track, "I want to get the bar, and the hotel up and running. You said robotics, does that include some wiring?"
"Some, yeah. Probably more than you, doing software work."
"We still don't have any Create mana, Val and I walked around for hours yesterday, but nothing I saw matched her torch. We'll keep looking, but we do have four elevator lift motors."
"Ah, run 'em backwards, I get it. I don't know if it'll be enough to power the whole building, but it should be enough for a couple of floors."
"May I be of assistance?" Phoebe offered.
"Well you know as much about wiring as Wallace, and are way better at magic, so sure, why not?"
"See? This is exactly what I'm talking about. It's not even a DC motor."
"It's not?" I asked haltingly.
"No. It's a tri-phase AC motor."
"Ah, of course," Phoebe intoned.
"It's not even that complicated," Cassius added, "The way you were talking, I thought we'd need to rewire the whole building to suck power out of the elevator motors, but they're already set up to do that."
"Really? Why?"
"Regenerative braking, like an F1 car. It'll only work if the building already has power, though."
Phoebe was holding her magic candle, and in the faux-firelight, I saw her frown, "Why would this building carry such a system? To only generate power if it's already present?"
"Safety," Cassius explained, "It's not meant to power the whole building. The system recovers energy that would otherwise be lost while braking. Instead of turning the kinetic energy into heat, the motor turns it back into electrical energy. It's not enough to power the whole hotel, but it makes a dent in the electricity bill. That's why it only works while the building is powered. If there's no power, either something has gone really wrong, or some dude is working on the wiring. If the motor put power into the grid, he'd fry."
"Wallace has already devised a way of powering Amity, might the same work here?"
"Actually yeah," Cassius grinned, "We'll need to disconnect the motor from the elevator cables, that'll probably be a pain. But once we do, we can hook up a power source and start the shaft spinning. Could you create an enchantment that does that?"
"Certainly," Phoebe agreed.
"What if we're generating too much power?" I put in, "Are we going to melt something if we're not careful?"
"Breakers should save us if we screw it up too much, though yeah, it could still mess up the motors," Cassius turned to Phoebe, "And we'll need a way to tell the enchantment to stop, or even just to spin more slowly, so keep that in mind," she nodded. Cassius turned back to me, "What I'm thinking is we set one elevator aside as a battery. We'll fill it up to its max load, and set it up so that any extra energy is sent to this motor," he explained, slapping the top of a nearby lift motor, "It'll lift the elevator, storing potential energy. This is what Fee's enchantment'll pay attention to when throttling back. And if we need more juice, the elevator lowers, and we get the energy back to power... I dunno, the washing machine probably."
"We'll need to set another aside to use as a normal elevator," I informed him, "Val can't wear her amulet if she's hurt, and without it, she can hardly make it up one flight of stairs, let alone make the climb to the penthouse."
Cassius winced, "That put's a cap on how far we can get without magic, but we'd be good for now," he checked the little metal plate carrying the motor's technical specs, "It says thirty-seven kilowatts per motor, but I don't know how much of that we'll get out of them."
"My apologies," Phoebe interjected, "How much is a kil-o-watt?"
"A thousand watts?" he explained, "But that's not gonna mean a lot to you. On average, someone from America or Canada is gonna use about one and a half kilowatts. But that's on average," he added, "the number'll go up or down depending on how much stuff you have on. Which means we don't just need to be able to cover the average, we need to cover the peaks, and I got no clue how high it could go."
"Well if the average is one and one-half of your units, I don't imagine the peak could be more than double the figure you provide," Phoebe pointed out, "Which would mean two dozen residents here at Wallace's fortress."
Cassius nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah, good point," he agreed, "But we can only count on one motor worth of power. The second one'll be free most of the time, but if we're counting on it and someone hops in the elevator, we'll have brownouts through the whole building."
"You intend to store power in one of them, by gravity, yes? Could one elevator lowering not lift another?"
"It's tricky. The energy recovery isn't one-to-one. It's not like a seesaw. It'd help, probably a lot, but we'd still need at least part of the second generator's output. And that assumes the storage elevator is at the top, which it won't always be. Nah, we'd need to be ready for a worst-case. So twelve people instead of two dozen."
"I don't know how much of our power budget would be heating, but we've got that handled already," I pointed out, "We should cut power to the HVAC and the two big chillers. It should make a pretty big dent."
Cassius threw up his hands, "It's complicated, okay? Getting something basic set up actually shouldn't be too bad. The tricky part'll be rigging up one of the elevators as a battery-"
"I'd be happy to help," Phoebe offered.
"Great," Cassius went on, "Once we've got power, I'll be able to get a feel for things, run the numbers, and see if anything needs changing. But you need to decide if you want this more than the ramp I'm also supposed to be building."
I shrugged, "We need both. Ideally, as soon as possible. Have you decided which way you're going to build the ramp?"
"Sorta? I know I want to build out of wood then transmute to stone. Don't have blueprints or anything though."
"Then you guys stay in here and work on this, the rest of us will get you the lumber you need."
"Oh. Well, thanks, man," Cassius relented.
"No problem, and don't worry too much if we can only generate enough power for twelve people. That's twelve more people than right now, it'll be enough for a while yet."
Still in the grip of The Long Night, I wasn't about to go running out to chop down trees, but I did recall seeing fire axes in 'break glass in case of' boxes. My long axe was ill-suited for chopping wood, but other than Valentine, I didn't have a lot to do at the moment, so I went round collecting tools.
I found one of the boxes on the ninth floor. While the bar occupied the centre of the building, there were pretty swanky rooms on the building's wings. Yet another reason to get the elevator going. The others had taken rooms in the second and third floors, but once the elevator was up and running, I expected they'd move up here where it was nicer. While not as spacious as the penthouse, they were pretty damn close.
I noted a lock on the red, glass-fronted case. Not wanting to leave a bunch of broken glass in the carpet, I headed down to the front desk to get the key.
It was on my way down that I ran into Regina. She came bounding up the stairs in great leaps that carried her from one landing to the next without touching a single step. I moved aside to let her pass, but she stopped when she saw me.
"Wallace, intruders approach the fortress."
"Just when I was getting bored," I sighed.
I followed Regina up to the roof, though took a moment to tap on the penthouse door and let Val know what was going on.
Regina took me to the northern end of the roof and set her paws on the low wall.
"I will be truthful," she rumbled, "I make no claims against the teaching ability of Felicity, but magic is not coming easily to me. However, I am unwilling to let your generosity go unanswered, so I've taken to patrolling your fortress's perimeter when not in Felicity's lessons. It's in this manner I spotted the torches."
Less than a mile to the north was a single torch, so near that I could distinguish two separate figures huddled around its light.
"They will reach us in under an hour, though are not what concerns me," Regina took her paws off the wall, and turned, "There is more."
The door to the roof clattered open, and Val emerged to join us as I followed Regina to the building's south end.
She'd dressed in appropriately sized human clothing, and had the simple T-shirt tucked into her pants. Her hair, in turn, was tucked into the T-shirt. Restrained by the waistband of her pants, it gathered against her back.
Despite the potential crisis, I still found time to smirk at her, and Val returned a look that promised vengeance.
Again, Regina put her paws up on the wall, but I didn't need her to point out what I should be looking for despite the distance.
"Damn, that's a lot of torches."
"Gauging the distance is difficult, but unless I miss my guess, they are on horseback. They came into view only recently, but have already crossed a great deal of ground. I expect them to reach us about the evening meal, perhaps shortly afterwards, should they take a rest."
"Twenty torches?" I guessed.
It was hard to get an exact count with the distance as they bobbed along the landscape, disappearing and reappearing as a tree blocked the light here or there.
"I believe so," Val agreed.
"Not more than forty, at the very least," Regina added.
"Well, they're obviously not from the village, and they can't be Prince Guillerme's men," I counted, lowering two of four fingers, "Which leaves Temerity, or one of several fey noblemen who might be looking to scoop you up."
"Another fey seems more likely," Val replied, "I could see Temerity sending a runner to take back your reply to her offer, even one under guard. But not in so great a number."
"Let's hope you're right."
"Wally," Val exclaimed, eyes wide.
"Whoa, not like that," I clarified, "But if Temerity is sending so many guys, then there's no simple way to deal with her. But if it's some fey dipshit and a bunch of mercs, we can just shoot the asshole and tell the mercs to take their money and go home. Or at least promise to go home next time The Long Night rolls around."
"And should the sellswords remain?" Regina asked.
"It may not even be sellswords," Val added, "Temerity has hired most of those available in the city, and any nobleman will have had time to gather any sprite soldiers at his disposal. Though I approve of your general sentiment, if there are sprites involved, I don't believe it is a simple matter of shooting people until they go away."
"A man can dream."
submitted by ThisHasNotGoneWell to HFY [link] [comments]

UPDATE: Bougie Bride Part III: The Bridal Shower Bust

Greetings and salutations good people of Reddit! I know it's been a little bit of a delay between posts, but between work and the real world outside of reddit, it's been difficult to find time to put pen to paper. Alas, the show most go on, and here I am with part three!
First and foremost I want to say thank you to so many posters asking about MOH and whether or not she's ok. Let me just address this now so you can all rest easy in future posts: MOH is doing well and is no longer living at home with parents. She has since moved out and found a great job AWAY from her crazy family, and you can all breathe a sigh of relief knowing that, while this all did sadly transpire, it happened about a year ago so we all have had time and space away from the madness. As many of you eagle-eyed readers pointed out and hypothesized, MOH does in fact come from a household with a legitimate history of psychological disorders. Some of you have even suggested subreddits like /raisedbynarcissists, which I can assure you I found a few years back and passed along to my cousin. I genuinely want to thank you all who sympathize/empathize with MOH enough to go out of your way to suggest help and advice, but I also want everyone to know that MOH is in a much better place now. When I first created this series I:
  1. Never thought people would be interested enough in our crazy family to even make it a series lol, and
  2. Never intended to really share anything too personal about the how's and why's behind the family dysfunction. I just wanted a place to share some of my crazy stories and get a laugh out of one or two of you.
However, along with the kind words of support and general reactions, I also noticed in the last post there was a lot of naysayers and doubters who questioned MOH's sanity and intellect, going so far as to suggest it was MOH's own fault for being stupid enough to agree to the bridal shower when she didn't have money. At first I will admit I was annoyed by the critiques of my cousin who is such a wonderfully kind and generous person, and who has unfortunately experienced a lot of grief and trauma at a young age, but I realized that if you're going to share something private on a public forum, any and everything goes. After a while, though, I honestly kind of came to understand the battle cry of skepticism and the need to actually be able to rationalize the irrational. As a third person party to my cousin's dysfunctional family, who understands and is able to recognize what is healthy and what isn't, even I didn't realize just how unhinged a lot of what I wrote actually sounded until people started asking why MOH didn't just leave or say no. I wish there was an easy answer, but as someone who has studied psychology and gone into the profession as a direct result of my cousin, all I can say is it's never that easy, and there is a lot of work that goes into beginning the process of separation, healing, and forgiveness. What is normal to some is abnormal to others, and it’s always easier to pass judgement from a place that's a comfortable distance away from the situation than try and understand why things unraveled the way they did. I promise that if MOH could have walked away, she would have. Unfortunately, it was really the combination of extenuating circumstances that I already mentioned in my previous posts (like losing her job) that created this perfect storm of entrapment, and for reasons that won't necessarily make sense to people who have never had to deal with this level of toxicity, manipulation, guilt, and control, it probably won't ever make sense. Capturing the nuances of family dysfunction isn't really a tangible reality in a post meant to shame weddings and blow off some steam, nor was it my intention, but now you all know just a little bit more about the reality of the situation, and I hope it clears up any questions or doubts as to why MOH did what she did.
Also, MOH was relatively aghast and appalled at how mild mannered I made her sound throughout the wedding lol. So while everything that I wrote down did happen, it should be noted that MOH did NOT go quietly into that good night, and none of what happened transpired without MOH expressing loudly and clearly all of her issues with what was being asked of her and the manner in which her sister was going about everything. In the interest of time and characters and not writing anymore of a novel than I already did, some things came off slightly different I suppose than how they actually happened, but one of the reasons MOH clashed and still clashes with her parents so much is because she is the black sheep of the family in the sense that she challenges the status quo and questions the very fabric upon which her family's dysfunction is woven. MOH is VERY opinionated and VERY outspoken, and most importantly, she does not cow tow to her parents’ fear-mongering. They have actually had quite a few fights because of this, but during the time of the wedding MOH kind of had to swallow her pride and go along to get along. If some of you have never been put in a position where you've had to compromise yourself in some way or another just to temporarily get by, then you are very lucky and blessed, but MOH put up as much of a fight as her situation allowed before she had to bend to her family's distorted politics. In any event, she wanted it known that she did not take the wedding laying down, so I hope that clears some things up, as well. With that said, I'd like to take the spotlight off of the severity of growing up in an unhealthy household and refocus on the topic at hand: my cousin's ridiculous wedding and the ridiculous shenanigans that went on during it!
I call this installment of Bougie Bride "The Bridal Shower Bust." "But you already dissed the bridal shower!" I hear the collective groans and disappointment of my ardent and avid readers. Rest assured fellow redditors, I would not steer you adrift, and as much as I wish nothing of infamy took place on that fated day, the actual bridal shower had its own problems, too. Let's go back in time to when me and MOH had to actually begin preparations for the bridal shower. As many of you know, the big event was ultimately decided upon at meddling mother in law's house (MMIL from here forward). No big deal, me and MOH made the necessary arrangements and began contacting vendors to cater food, flowers, and party rentals. This was not a huge deal, as I've already mentioned me and MOH are a bit like unofficial party planners, so we had a great pool of contacts that came through for us in a pinch. But like I also mentioned previously, the remaining half of the bridal party (BB's poor lacky of a best friend and GG's reluctant sister) did NOT, in fact, want much of anything to do with it. Every text was met either by static silence from GG’s sister or an excuse as to why that time/place/event just couldn’t possibly work for BB’s best friend (from this point onwards affectionately dubbed BB’s Bitch). So literally the entire setup for the bridal shower and any preparations fell on MOH and myself. Well, and one other person. Readers, here’s where I implore you to harken back to that special time and place where I mentioned that BB accused MOH of stealing her (former) best friend. Let’s call that best friend Serena. Well, BB didn’t so much steal Serena as she saved her, but again I digress, what matters here is that Serena and MOH did in fact remain friends after the dissolution of BB and Serena’s friendship, and who should enter stage left like the savior me and MOH were praying for? Why, none other than Serena! That’s right, redditors, BB single handedly ostracized each and every one of her other friends that she had no one left to lean on, and the one sad sap of a friend she still had left (BB’s Bitch) still didn’t like her all that much to do anything for her. So the shit had to be shoveled by her old best friend. We are talking about a girl who BB lied to repeatedly, emotionally exploited and manipulated, and generally treated like a third-rate citizen whose existence relied solely on how she could benefit BB. Essentially, we are talking about a girl who BB ruthlessly talked so much shit about you could smell it two counties away. But Serena is the type of girl who shows up for her friends, and when she found out that everything was falling on our shoulders, she offered to help us despite everything BB had previously put her through. Serena didn’t do what she did for BB, she did it for us, but to illustrate what a lonely and pathetic person BB had grown into I needed to set the scene and make it known that nearly every aspect of the bridal shower was carried out by three people who actively disliked BB. In fact, three-fourths of her bridal party didn’t even like her, nor did we want to be there, and I did take a little solace in the fact that, while BB could pretend everything was alright, she knew as well as we all did that no one who was there, was there because they wanted to be. We weren’t there to support her or celebrate her or because we loved her. We were there out of duty and obligation, and BB knew that, and I know it killed the narcissist inside of her.
But let’s not get so sentimental! There is a bridal shower we need to discuss! Enter MMIL! It wouldn’t be a wedding story from hell if the in-laws didn’t make an appearance in some form or another, and boy oh boy did MMIL make up for the fact that her husband was actually a nice guy. So in the midst of trying to get everything together for a venue she insisted on (her backyard if you all remember), MMIL also wanted to essentially usurp the entire party. This would have actually been a warm welcome if MOH wasn’t paying for everything, so for the next some-odd weeks MMIL repeatedly kept calling MOH with ideas and suggestions completely outside the scope of what we had already planned. Instead of a garden party (the theme we chose relative to the setting) she wanted a tropical luau, instead of pink flowers she wanted all red roses, and on and on the nitpicking went. Whenever the full moon commenced her transformation from Meddling Mother-in-Law into Mad, Mangy Werewolf-in-Law, she also would call insisting there absolutely wasn’t enough guests and that we needed more. Obviously I’m being hyperbolic but she called enough times that MOH had to finally get firm with her and explain that because she was paying for a party that was already bigger than what she initially budgeted for, there simply wasn’t the money to invite Great Great Grandma Bea who GG hadn’t seen since he was one and who they only wanted to invite as a count towards one more PRESENT! (Remember, presents are paramount to GG’s family and were honestly the only reason MMIL wanted to increase the party size. This was confirmed to us by the devil herself BB when she stupidly confided to us, as if it were something to boast about, that MMIL was trying to get in touch with absolutely obscure family members so she could ensure GG and BB got as many goodies as they could possibly need. “We’re just trying to squeeze what we can out of everyone before we have to start paying for things on our own.” You enjoy that bop brought to you by yours truly, BB.).
Once MOH shot down the ever-expanding guest list for good, next came the dietary accommodations. Now, good readers, I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea about me or MOH. We are actually both very understanding people, especially when it comes to dietary restrictions and allergies (especially considering MOH has a pretty crippling food allergy herself), but this wasn’t your run-of-the-mill, little Timmy can’t eat peanuts or Aunt Sally is allergic to shellfish type of restriction. No, it was more along the lines of GG’s step-mom is vegan and the sight of meat makes her sick; GG’s step-sister is vegetarian so she can actually eat animal byproducts; some obscure cousin is gluten-intolerant but would feel ostracized if they couldn’t eat any of the desserts other party guests had access to; and some other cousin (yes, there were really that many cousins) was lactose intolerant. We did actually manage to accommodate everyone, but it wasn’t the fact that we had to grapple with several dietary restrictions that was annoying, it was the way that MMIL handled it. She expected us to accommodate the cousins (who were on MMIL’s side of the family), but because step-mom and step-daughter were on dad’s side of the family, (and MMIL has a whole subreddit full of issues with and resentment for dad) she didn’t think to tell us about those restrictions until we were about a week out from the event. She was completely flippant about the entire thing and had no regard whatsoever for how me and MOH would look, (you know, the one’s actually throwing the party) if we accommodated half of the shower guests but not the other half. We ended up putting in a rush order for step-mom and daughter and all went well, but it was a headache neither of us really needed. MMIL thought the whole thing was hilarious, and “it would have served them right for the shit they’ve put me through.” Please keep in mind that step-daughter is ten…
Somewhere between all of that, MMIL also kept changing the dates on us to better accommodate her guests only. She tried multiple times to get the party moved to a date which several of BB’s family members could not attend, but because it worked for GG’s side of the family (and because BB is dickmatized and therefore prioritizes what GG prioritizes), she insisted it was the most “advantageous” time. We did manage to work something out, but only because party guests on BB’s side were kind enough to rearrange their schedules to work around MMIL. If you’re keeping count, so far it’s MOH:1; MMIL:1.
Ok! So we’ve finally arrived to the big day of the shower! And what should we be greeted by first thing in the morning? Well, not to MMIL helping us with everything (we had a lot of decorations we were personally setting up, so we arrived a few hours early to get started. We also needed to be there for the table rentals, floral deliveries, etc., so we needed all the help we could get. I will even admit that BB’s Bitch and GG’s sister helped us that day, as well.). No, what we were greeted by was a lump of flesh moaning from the sofa for us to let ourselves in because she couldn’t move. So we all enter tentatively, looking around for where the sounds of a beached whale are coming from, and we spot MMIL with her foot propped up on a coffee table. Apparently, she stubbed her toe that morning, and it was so bad it completely knocked her off her feet. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t walk, she could hardly do anything! In my head I was thinking, well of course this conveniently happened when we need all hands on deck moving and arranging chairs and tables and decorations, but at the same time neither me or MOH really thought she was going to be much help regardless of whether she was able-bodied or not. We had gone to the house with the intention of doing what we do best: setting a party up quick and easy. So we offered MMIL our condolences, told her to stay off her feet and take it easy, and let her know we would be in the back getting ready.
Nope, wasn’t good enough for MMIL. I honestly don’t know what she expected (for us to drop everything and coddle and coo her?), but she didn’t want us to go. She tried to come up with every trick in the book to keep us in the living room listening to her sap story about her toe! Finally, when we had exhausted all of our sympathies and there wasn’t really anything else to say, she insisted that we look at it. So she took her pathetic bandage off her foot and showed us…a normal toe. She kept insisting you could see the chunk where her skin had come off, and how that was why she was walking off balance, but putting aside my disdain for MMIL, her foot honestly looked completely normal. I am not discounting that it hurt, and that maybe it even really did throw off her balance when it first happened, but there was no blood and no chunk of skin missing. It wasn’t even bruising. We all just kind of smiled awkwardly and told her to keep it on ice. The only way we were able to get away from the great Toe Disaster was when MOH finally said we needed to get the cake into the fridge.
Aaaaaaaand that brings me to our next debacle! One thing you need to keep in mind is that our story takes place in the heat of a North American summer. It was hot that day, and humid. It was so hot that when the flowers were delivered, they nearly started wilting upon arrival. It was so hot that even in the comfort of an air conditioned house, the cake we had custom ordered for the party was still breaking out in little beads of sweat. The bottom line was, it was hot, and when we had previously discussed arrangements and storage with MMIL several weeks prior, she promised us she would clear out fridge space for all the desserts and cakes we would serve. Also keep in mind that this is a woman with three refrigerators. I think you know where I’m going with this one, good readers. True to Murphy’s Law, MMIL did NOT clear out even one of her refrigerators. In fact, there was hardly any space at all to put ANYTHING. We had to actively start taking out food from her fridge just to clear a space for the regular food we needed to serve, but it was impossible to make room for the quite enormous cake that needed storing (we essentially would have had to clear out two shelves and then dismantle them so that we could fit the height of the cake). What’s worse is that when we questioned MMIL about why there was no room and what we should do, she kind of got passive aggressive with us and kept repeating that she didn’t know we were bringing so much food, or that we had such a large cake with us. Of course that was a lie and she knew FULL WELL that we were bringing food to feed the many mouths of all the guests she insisted be there, but she told us there really wasn’t anything she could do and that we would have to leave the cake outside. Safe to say we were NOT happy with this solution, but there was literally nothing else we could do. She kept promising us that the house was cool enough to preserve the cake, but we knew it wasn’t going to end well. Unfortunately, we did not have the convenience of time on our side and kind of had to make do with what we had, because we still had an entire party to set up.
Well what should happen but a small miracle once we got outside! The Holy Spirit must have come down and blessed MMIL that day because once the attention was off of her, her foot MAGICALLY healed! Enough for her to waddle outside, stand around, watch us set up, and loudly complain about how she wished she could help us but her foot was in so much pain she didn’t even know how she was walking on it. We kept telling her to sit down and go inside if it hurt so much, but clearly the foot was not the problem. MMIL wanted attention and was not getting it, and she made it infinitely harder to do what we had to do standing around like a lawn ornament.
With that drama behind us, we actually got set up and the party finally got started. It went smoothly for the most part, and MMIL completely forgot about her injured toe and was walking around and greeting people like nobody’s business. Ghetto Groom’s family was just as ghetto as him and didn’t really talk/engage much with either BB’s side of the family or us—the hosts. We went around and greeted everyone but they really didn’t want anything to do with anyone who wasn’t already in their family. No biggie, we had a party to oversee and there are worse things in life than not having to talk to ungracious party guests. Honestly, our main concern was with getting through the party and getting through the day alive, so it really cut through the BS and helped us laser focus on moving things along so it would all be over.
At the insistence of MMIL, it came time to serve dessert. It should be noted that we had originally planned to play bridal games before dessert, but MMIL went behind our backs while we were inside and prematurely announced to the whole party that dessert would be served. She also had her friends start cleaning up so that a good chunk of the guests were missing, and by that point me and MOH just didn’t think a fight was worth it. And so dessert was served, and with it, it had also become glaringly obviously why MMIL didn’t clear out fridge space. Upon checking on the status of our poor cake, it looked a little worse for wear and was sweating profusely. MMIL gently suggested we didn’t serve it, and in place we could serve her good friend’s pre-packaged dessert cookies and cakes that she just happened to have on hand. That’s right, turns out MMIL’s good friend was the owner of an aspiring bakery, and said friend thought it would be nice to bring dessert enough to stock a small bomb shelter. Everything conveniently had her logo on it, too, and things started to smell suspiciously like a conspiracy meant to give MMIL’s friend some free exposure. Yes, the stench of stinginess so strongly associated with GG was evidently a family affair. We told MMIL we were absolutely still serving our desserts and cake and that, while it was very nice of her friend to bring her own food, we didn’t need them nor did we have room for them outside on the limited table space. MMIL said she understood, and while we were doing damage control on our cake (which mostly consisted of us pathetically dabbing it down with a paper towel to make it look less sweaty), MMIL had filled up half of the table space with her friend’s desserts. To say we were frustrated would be an understatement, and the heat of the day certainly didn’t make it any better, but to confront MMIL and make a big scene honestly felt futile, and we just ended up shoving her friend’s desserts towards one small end of the table so we could display our food the way we wanted. MMIL didn’t seem happy, but by that point nothing really felt like it mattered anymore.
What else could have possibly gone wrong? Not much, tbh, but I’ll leave you good readers with this last little anecdote of tackiness. As I’ve already said, because GG prioritizes his family over BB’s, so does BB. And so when it came time to open the PRESENTS, you’d think BB was raised by a pack of wolves, with no family or mother to vouch for her existence. You see, once BB sat down, MMIL started yelling for party guests to move out of the way so that Grandma could be escorted to the front of the venue to have a front row seat. Grandma has leg issues and can’t walk unsupported, nor can she stand for long intervals, so she needed to be accompanied to the front and then a chair needed to be provided for her to sit down on. This would have been all fine if 1. Grandma wasn’t as much of a selfish, tacky human being as the monster MMIL that she raised (Grandma wasn’t even going to come to the shower because she didn’t want to bear the shame of using a walker until MMIL broke down and begged her to. She also believes weighing 2 pounds and looking “glamorous” is more important than being healthy), and 2. If Grandma didn’t suddenly take precedence over the bride’s actual mother. That’s right, BB and GG’s family were totally fine with BB opening gifts while BB's mother had to stand awkwardly in the back, behind all the first and second and third cousins whose names BB didn’t even know, until MOH actively stopped the present opening and insisted that their mother be brought to the front so that she could be present during her own daughter’s bridal shower. The cherry on top was BB’s Bitch sitting beside BB, frantically scribbling down every gift given, the name of the gift giver, and how much they spent on said gift, with BB and BB’s Bitch whispering relatively loudly so that it was kind of obvious to everyone what was going on. I privately laughed to myself and thought that you couldn’t really write it any better, and that no matter what, people always showed their true colors.
After that the party wrapped up without any more drama really, and me, MOH, and Serena rode into the sunset deliriously singing along to the Eurovision soundtrack. The wedding may have been far from over, but in that moment we had emerged from battle wounded but alive, and we nursed our small victory with the knowledge that it would all be over soon.
submitted by NiceDayForAWytWdding to weddingshaming [link] [comments]

This is My Time: Recap of 90DF S08E09

Welcome to your latest 90 Day Fiancé re-crap, where THIRTY MINUTES of fresh content is taffy-pulled into almost two hours, burdening shopkeepers, street artists, and apartment buildings everywhere.
BUT FIRST! Let’s take a moment to revisit this amazing line from Julia:“Fucking cute animals? I hate you.”
With that feeling in mind, Brandon’s parents have just called to order the last meeting of the Rational People’s Club, since their membership will be revoked the minute Brandon’s mom stops crying.
“Honestly, I don’t know how they got membership,” Colt is wearing his lanyard and adjusting his glasses. “They’re really out of control. Someone should call the police. Or find a new Brazilian girlfriend. That was a joke. It’s okay for you to laugh.”
Debbie doesn’t need a lanyard, because she’s clinging to Colt’s. “Do you think there will be a sMother boss fight? What are my chances, Colt?”
“You’ve got this mom,” Colt knows things. “You never even needed backup.”
Both parents order troughs of meat, and dad asks the waitress to make sure there’s not a single goddamn vegetable on that plate or he’s burning that fucking restaurant down to the sign, and then he’s dragging that sign into the fucking desert where he’ll shoot it to death and shit on the embers. The waitress runs, nearly smacking into Brandon as he joins mom and dad on their triad date.
“Did you say triad?” Settle down, Tarik.
Brandon doesn’t bother ordering, because he’s going to have to keep his stomach light if he’s going to outrun his mother. Mom asks if he wants a disposable placemat to color, while dad signals the waitress to bring the kids’ menu. Brandon asks them to pump the brakes, because he’s got some bad news: he’s an adult. That means he needs to set up a love nest for himself and Julia, far, far away from the family’s forced-labor camp.
“No no no no no!” Mom falls to her knees and screams at the sky, prompting the waitress to hustle over with a cold glass of water to throw in her face. “Whyyyyyyyy God and Jesus and dirt worshipper heathen things? Why does my precious pampered baby boy want to waddle out of the tight fist of our love? WINDS! WIIIIIIIINDS!”
The bar patrons scatter, and the waitress scrambles for the bar’s only Thorazine shot.
“Don’t you want a big wedding? Don’t you want to save for a house?” Mom outlines her plans for him to live at home for the next ten years.
Brandon says that part of the problem is the aforementioned cute fucking animals, and the rest is his mother, who insists breast feeding doesn’t have an age limit. Dad is disappointed to not be included in the ultimatum, so he throws a tantrum of his own, rerunning the “pass down the farm for generations” statement, because it’s important to make decisions for your family beyond the grave.
“He has to take control, and give it back to us!” Dad rages. “How about you can’t afford this?”
Brandon: I actually have a job, you guys. Like, besides the farm. Which, have I mentioned, is not my fucking dream?
Mom: I feel like he has to choose between us and her, because we made it that way!
Dad: You’re the man of the house! If I can’t manipulate you into staying with the words “stupid” and “right thing”, I’m going right for your masculinity!
Mom: If I cry enough, will you consider staying if we let you bang one out with Julia under our roof?
Dad: No! Absolutely not! You’re going to have to move out.
Brandon: Ah yes, a return to the beginning of our conversation. I like how you’re thinking, dad.
Dad: No, you’re the head of the house! Agree with me! Agree with me!
Mom: Okay, I’m going to touch the shoulder of the head of the household to indicate I’m about to do whatever the fuck I want.
The parents still don’t have any friends willing to step forward and tell them how batshit bananas they are, so dad has to yell in the parking lot about how Julia shouldn’t get away with being a person, not on his watch, and mom whispers that they just need to go to the compound and recalibrate, because there’s got to be a Stephen King novel with a solution.
Later on, Brandon snaps off Julia’s house arrest bracelet and they leave unsupervised. Julia declares that she likes the bar Brandon’s chosen, and how it’s all there and not outside or at his parent’s house, and she’s eager to learn to play pool. Over a little stick handling, Brandon shares the news that his mom said they could share a room, and Julia won’t have to work on the farm. Julia has met Betty before, and isn’t buying that this is a solution she embraces.
“No way,” Julia declares. “Your mom is like obsess with genitals. She put condom on bedroom door. Covers whole thing, you see, top to bottom. Then she stuff inside of door condom with crickets. CRICKETS. STAY. KITCHEN.”
“Don’t worry,” Brandon assures her. “Once mom starts crying, we’re one confrontation away from a new car.”
“She no say I’m bad girl stealing son? Because other day, I go to bathroom, and there was 200 post-its, all say, ‘Julia bad bad bad bad bad bad bad steal son’. What you think meaning with this?”
“She didn’t say you were a bad girl,” Brandon uses a direct quote loophole.
Julia knows these are her pending in-laws, and it’s really complicated filing a restraining order before citizenship, so she agrees to try this “little fix” short-term. Then she koalas onto Brandon’s body so they can dry hump all the way through the threshold of his childhood bedroom for two.
Big Mike is relieved the visit with mom went well, and mom is relieved that she’s leaving. Mike asks what she thinks of the woman he’d rather not think about, and mom carefully responds,“She tries very hard”. Then she questions whether they want the same things, and hey, how about a sprinkling of green card suspicion?
“Yes. Green card,” Natalie sighs. “I am here for isolation, and $30K in debt.”
Natalie is sad to see her therapist leave, and worries Mike won’t be nice to her the way he is when mom is translating. Later on she wants to pray over dinner, and Mke surrenders.
“Are you there no-god? It’s me, Mike. Please send a comet with a trailing banner explaining my atheism. Shout out to our alien overlords. Check out my cat photos. Click the subscribe button down below. Anemone.”
Natalie is anxious, battling low self-esteem, and grappling with having no one to interact with except for Mike and his closet smell. She tells Mike that everyone is asking about the status of her third wedding, and Mike says that status is that the budget is $27.50, and people should plan to BYOEverything. Mike is eager to escape this revolving door conversation that leaves them marooned in talking about their relationship more than they actually relate.
They head out for a woodsy walk, and as they drive there Mike discover his inner Jovi, and criticizes Natalie’s pre-hike makeup application.
“Don’t get me wrong. I’d be the first person to say she ‘looks tired’ if she wasn’t wearing any makeup,” Mike stereotypes. “She should just know it’s always too much and not enough.”
“My dick is taller than you,”the tree interrupts.
“For you I have embrace!” Natalie hugs the tree, and I’m sorry, this is normal out here. Have you seen PacNW trees? Half of them look like they’re wearing green sweaters. There are Ewoks hiding around here somewhere. She’d better hug that tree.
“Noice,” the tree is into it. “Give my branch a knock and wake up the faeries, if you would.”
“Oh yes very much cat scratch on tree. Meow noises,” Natalie has ideas. “Mike, can you flip me?”
“Like...I do around my dick?”
“Yes, but with clothes.”
Mike gives her a flip, and did I mention this shit should have been lost behind a delete key? Why, 90DF?
“What’s going on in Natalie’s head?” The producers really want to push this “bitches be cray” storyline. “Do you think she’s fucking crazy? What do you think they’re diagnosing her with on Reddit?”
“I don’t know,” Mike says, because he never asks, and can’t check Reddit while his truck is in motion.
The venture to a shop that follows is so exhausting and predictable, I’m just going to make some shit up.
Mike: My balls itch.
Natalie: Do you have smell for balls?
Shopkeeper: Are we talking unclean balls, everyday sweaty balls, or something more moist and jock-itchy?
Natalie: Michael won’t give me ring.
Shopkeeper: So alcoholic balls, got it. Let’s look at this spray called GetOffMy, for Testicles.
Natalie: I will walk into scent cloud. Hmmm. Menthol cigarettes in yellowed paperback. I like your style.
Mike: Do you have anything in sour cream and onion?
Shopkeeper: No.
Mike: How about ranch? You’ve gotta have ranch.
Natalie: What is ranch. Like with horses?
Mike: Yeah, but in a bottle.
Natalie: I do not understand this. I think is beer.
Mike: Goddammit even in this made up shit I can’t escape it.
Natalie: Hello, I am Mike, I want attractive Ukrainian girl who is also not person. Also, bring me all meat in restaurant and 10 alcohols for heart attack.
Shopkeeper: Where are you from?
Natalie: I think she asks me this because of my heavy accent.
Hermione Granger: Who called me here for this?
Mike: Wizards? Oh thank fuck.
Gandalf: Look to the east on the fifth day.
Mike: This is fucking awesome.
Natalie: Michael. Michael. Michael. Wouldn’t wizard look nice at wedding table?
Mike: Dude, did you bring dragons up in this bitch?
Hagrid: Will I do?
Mike: Can you shoot fire? I can’t even remember if you lived or died in the series.
Hagrid: That’s a touch harsh, Harry.
Mike: My name isn’t Harry. What the fuck is going on?
Natalie: Two fancy bottles, he has, for alcohol. Then he wonders why wizards are here.
Tree: Oh, there are wizards here? Let me know which one I’m supposed to trap.
Natalie: Mr. Tree, is like he doesn’t want wedding.
Melanie: Are you interested in a career as a PI, by any chance?
Speaking of booze, Jovi says it’s normal for him to want to have a drink when he’s awake, and hopes to soon be drunk enough to discover the hidden sliver of kindness hiding somewhere in his body. They wander through a street fair, and Yara declares that New Orleans’ street art is tacky, and doesn’t match her refined Pottery Barn and J. Crew taste. She sits down to get some henna, and after a few swirls Yara asks Jovi if he likes it.
“It’s different.” Jovi says, using the secret word for dislike.
“Interesting,” Yara retorts, using the secret word for stupid. Then she says she has something to tell him.
“What, you want to buy something?” Please, Jovi, stop selling yourself so hard.
“I’m pregnant,” she says.
“No you’re not.” Ah, what every woman longs to hear.
Through it all, the brave henna artist carries on with her craft. Way to keep it together when the douchebag levy is about to break. Yara frets that she thought he would be happy about this news, since he was so enthusiastically resigned about it last time.
“I thought I might have children one day. But not with the person I plan to marry.” Okay, Jovi.
“You know, every once in awhile I say that Eminem is the greatest rapper alive, just because,” Jovi wants us to know what he’s about. “No, I don’t listen to any other music. Why would I need other music? I also make fun of drug addicts while I’m drunk, because I’m just That Guy. Have you seen this video where this guy is talking about how he’s on a boat? Soooo funny.”
“I mean, will the real slim shady please stand up, amirite?” Looks like Colt got out of his cage.
“Did someone say prison?” Brandon’s dad isn’t done. “DON’T LET HER PLAY A BARGAINING CHIP.”
Jovi says that his muted enthusiasm stems from Yara’s habit of faking pregnancy. Yara says he’s exaggerating this, and that she did this like only once and confessed after ten minutes. I feel like these two crazy kids are really gonna make it.
Jovi insists Yara take another pregnancy test while she gives him a golden shower. After doing so she runs the test under water, in case it got extra baby on it. When the test comes out negative, Yara is upset because she knows she’s pregnant, because she remembers the feeling. Jovi is too busy feeling relieved and freshly urinated upon, and then Yara says she wants to take a third test. Back into the bathroom they go, Jovi closely monitoring urine transfer, and this test comes out positive. Faced with 2/3 evidence, Jovi is ready to offer a half-assed apology and the same level of enthusiasm often found in a jury duty room. Jovi shrugs, and kicks sand in a toddler’s face.
“I like to remind people why the North won the war,” he says, answering the lingering question.
Yara doesn’t know what this means for their future and wonders about his job, and Jovi insists there’s “no reason to think ahead,” which fits a lot of seasons of Love After Lockup. Yara admits she isn’t ready, but it’s already in her stomach, and abortion doesn’t exist on television.
Ryan and Stephanie are together for the first time in 10 months, and Steph is eager to make Ryan wish it were 10 months longer. Steph is concerned that her dick-on-demand didn’t immediately drop trou and salute her arrival. She insists that this isn’t to underscore what she believes he owes her, but for “bonding”.
“You could have just like, had sex with me for two or three minutes,” The intro of this R&B song is a little weird. “I wouldn’t even mind a quickie. For the bonding.”
“You keep saying you’re not into bondage,” Ryan tries to get on the same page. “But if you’ve changed your mind, here’s a nice ball gag for you to try on...”
“I mean, it was four times a night when I was here almost a year ago, and nothing changes,” Steph has so many concerns.
“She just wants her seks,” Danielle, OG 90DF cougar, answering the call.
If you’ve made it this far into the recap without suffering contact embarrassment, you didn’t read the Jovi section closely enough. But Steph is done drinking the blood of virgins and is ready to draw a dramatic reaction out of Ryan by looking back on the time she fucked his cousin.
“Sometimes you throw the grenade. Other times you pull the pins from all the grenades in your vest and run at your relationshit,” Ryan breaks it down. “For us, Stephanie is the grenade, and I’m bored. So I’m just going to lay here and disassociate while she smolders.”
“He offered to come over cause I was crying so hard,” Steph blubbers. “And he said he could offer up his dick for the bonding moment. You know how I feel about bonding.”
“Yeah, I already knew that shit,” Ryan briefly checks in as he remembers why he checked out. “And I never bonded that hard with anyone else. Not a true bond.”
Steph is flabbergasted, since she clearly thought this would be the high octane meltdown of her dreams. I mean, this is the part of the romance novel where they break up, but do they? Do they really? Ryan says that he’s over it when it comes to Stephanie, and that his cousin is dead to him, which he emphasizes when it’s obvious she gets a boner from his anger. Ryan requests they close the issue, but Steph insists he’s holding something back, because she really wants him to be the Edward.
The gods gave Amira beauty and the price was luck, obviously. Andrew’s too distracted to talk to Amira about her experience, and when he calls he makes a point of telling her he’s having a kick-ass time, parasailing and doing backflips off the balcony into the pool. Amira thinks that this might be an inappropriate response while your fiancé is suffering, but Andrew tries not to let societal pressures get to him.
Andrew could have addressed their visa issues by getting Amira out of detention, or putting another plan in motion immediately, but that would interrupt his vacation, and his concern is only performative. He gifts Amira concerned face, and tells her that the last idea he had that didn’t work is the only idea he has, except this time 4chan is recommending Serbia. Of course, Andrew won’t be going, because there aren’t any beach resorts in Serbia. Amira says she’s going to think about it, because she hasn’t spent enough time in America to know the phrase ‘go fuck yourself’ yet.
“I fell like it is endless,” Amira says. “It will never stop. But I don’t want to lose Andrew.”
“Hello Amira, I see you are brown girl,” Look at you, Hazel! “Yes, this is my type. Would you like to be best friends, sisters, and lovers?”
“What is happening? I have a shock,” Amira better get used to that.
“I’m gonna take a lot of pictures, so I can make a slide show of all the things you missed. Bye!” Andrew signs out.
Later on she meets up with her friend Xavier, who is as concerned about Amira as all of us at home. He manages to hold on to a straight face while she reports that Andrew continues to enjoy himself in Mexico, in what was supposed to be a 14 day quarantine, and is now a super-spreader event.
“It’s an abomination, really,” Amira’s friend Xavier speaks for all of us.
Amira knows she should move on, but it’s her dream to go to America. She says that the people who support her relationship with Andrew now number zero, and she’s not sure a green card is enough to justify that math.
Zied has been stateside for a few days, and he and Rebecca are settling in, trying to decide when to trot out the manufactured drama of living in the only apartment building in Georgia. The wait is over, as former boss Melanie arrives to demonstrate what happens when haircuts come alive.
“Melanie, Head PI, Karen Division,” she introduces the shit out of herself. “Not to be racist, but Rebecca’s ex = all brown men. If I have to repeat myself twice to your foreign ass, my tone will change from rogue PTA president to mall security guard. Like that.” She tries to snap her fingers, but her sweaty palms make her fingers slip, and Melanie blames the invading immigrant hoarde.
Melanie asks WTF Zied has been doing with his time during the three fucking days he dare set foot on American soil. Zied reports that they watched a movie, got their fuck on, and hey, he’s been there three days. This is overachieving in pandemic times.
“You’re not here for vacation, this is it! If I went to a foreign I’d bootstraps ball running flag freedom, USA. I’ll complain about you stealing a job from a real American later,” Melanie PI, Immigration Expert.
“He can’t work for 90 days. That makes hitting the ground running a little pointless,” Rebecca is going to try to logic this, but that didn’t work out well with her family, either.
“I’m not allowed to rational anymore, but I still like yelling,” Dad has escaped the Brandon compound.“I mean, come on, Zied! YOU’RE THE MAN OF THE HOUSE.”
“Maybe I like to take care of my man,” Rebecca is really just talking to herself here.
“Weren’t you in the apartment down the hall?” Melanie dramas. Whomp-whomp.
Zied is confused by this, and Rebecca is upset, and starts crying because all her friends suck, and Zied worries and comforts her. This presentation of affection isn’t enough to destroy Melanie. Zied, however, is done. “I don’t care if ex Rebecca stay here before. I’m with Rebecca, this is my time. Fuck everything.” There you go, Zied.
Melanie explains that she just has her guard up for the relationship she doesn’t know and isn’t a part of, so that’s a way to pass the time. Rebecca hugs Melanie, and says her behavior is “bordering” on disrespectful, if by border you mean a shitty fence. Melanie gives Zied a half-assed apology, and he disappears to shower her scent away.
“Being a private investigator for the google, I know some red flags,” Melanie can’t stop won’t stop. “The biggest red flag is happiness. It’s gonna take the full three months for me to realize they don’t care about my opinion,”
Tarik gets a notification that the governor has shut down Virginia, and the producer screams “RUN!” and everyone falls all over the boom mics to reach the van first, the gaffer rolling across the hood and the camera person clinging to the roof, before they peal away, leaving the producer behind. Later, the crew returns to filming, and Tarik brings Hazel to his bedroom to discuss the many different cultures he’s fetishized, and how they can get their triad popping again. Hazel says that growing up she had to hide her preferences, especially after her sister (who is also bi) came out of the closet. Her parents are pissed, but Hazel is feeling kinda free, and ready to resume hunting for a girlfriend.
They go online lady shopping based on body type and physical appearance, and Hazel insists that she be his type, because let’s face it, Minty was for Tarik. Tarik says his only request is for his daughter to remain isolated from their lifestyle, which Hazel is good with, and they upload their profile, and wait.
Next time: Andrew details his tropical suffering, a younger woman tests the red in Rebecca’s hair, Hazel talks to her son, Mike reluctantly goes to counseling to report he never lets anything go, Jovi can’t stop sucking or he’ll drown, and his friends are exactly as attractive as he is, and Steph is so salty about being denied theater that she’s ready to trot out the job sponsor nugget on the back of a psychic.
Thank you, Patreon supporters!
submitted by fractalfay to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

This is my Time: Recap of 90DF S08E09

Welcome to your latest 90 Day Fiancé re-crap, where THIRTY MINUTES of fresh content is taffy-pulled into almost two hours, burdening shopkeepers, street artists, and apartment buildings everywhere.
BUT FIRST! Let’s take a moment to revisit this amazing line from Julia:“Fucking cute animals? I hate you.”
With that feeling in mind, Brandon’s parents have just called to order the last meeting of the Rational People’s Club, since their membership will be revoked the minute Brandon’s mom stops crying.
“Honestly, I don’t know how they got membership,” Colt is wearing his lanyard and adjusting his glasses. “They’re really out of control. Someone should call the police. Or find a new Brazilian girlfriend. That was a joke. It’s okay for you to laugh.”
Debbie doesn’t need a lanyard, because she’s clinging to Colt’s. “Do you think there will be a sMother boss fight? What are my chances, Colt?”
“You’ve got this mom,” Colt knows things. “You never even needed backup.”
Both parents order troughs of meat, and dad asks the waitress to make sure there’s not a single goddamn vegetable on that plate or he’s burning that fucking restaurant down to the sign, and then he’s dragging that sign into the fucking desert where he’ll shoot it to death and shit on the embers. The waitress runs, nearly smacking into Brandon as he joins mom and dad on their triad date.
“Did you say triad?” Settle down, Tarik.
Brandon doesn’t bother ordering, because he’s going to have to keep his stomach light if he’s going to outrun his mother. Mom asks if he wants a disposable placemat to color, while dad signals the waitress to bring the kids’ menu. Brandon asks them to pump the brakes, because he’s got some bad news: he’s an adult. That means he needs to set up a love nest for himself and Julia, far, far away from the family’s forced-labor camp.
“No no no no no!” Mom falls to her knees and screams at the sky, prompting the waitress to hustle over with a cold glass of water to throw in her face. “Whyyyyyyyy God and Jesus and dirt worshipper heathen things? Why does my precious pampered baby boy want to waddle out of the tight fist of our love? WINDS! WIIIIIIIINDS!”
The bar patrons scatter, and the waitress scrambles for the bar’s only Thorazine shot.
“Don’t you want a big wedding? Don’t you want to save for a house?” Mom outlines her plans for him to live at home for the next ten years.
Brandon says that part of the problem is the aforementioned cute fucking animals, and the rest is his mother, who insists breast feeding doesn’t have an age limit. Dad is disappointed to not be included in the ultimatum, so he throws a tantrum of his own, rerunning the “pass down the farm for generations” statement, because it’s important to make decisions for your family beyond the grave.
“He has to take control, and give it back to us!” Dad rages. “How about you can’t afford this?”
Brandon: I actually have a job, you guys. Like, besides the farm. Which, have I mentioned, is not my fucking dream?
Mom: I feel like he has to choose between us and her, because we made it that way!
Dad: You’re the man of the house! If I can’t manipulate you into staying with the words “stupid” and “right thing”, I’m going right for your masculinity!
Mom: If I cry enough, will you consider staying if we let you bang one out with Julia under our roof?
Dad: No! Absolutely not! You’re going to have to move out.
Brandon: Ah yes, a return to the beginning of our conversation. I like how you’re thinking, dad.
Dad: No, you’re the head of the house! Agree with me! Agree with me!
Mom: Okay, I’m going to touch the shoulder of the head of the household to indicate I’m about to do whatever the fuck I want.
The parents still don’t have any friends willing to step forward and tell them how batshit bananas they are, so dad has to yell in the parking lot about how Julia shouldn’t get away with being a person, not on his watch, and mom whispers that they just need to go to the compound and recalibrate, because there’s got to be a Stephen King novel with a solution.
Later on, Brandon snaps off Julia’s house arrest bracelet and they leave unsupervised. Julia declares that she likes the bar Brandon’s chosen, and how it’s all there and not outside or at his parent’s house, and she’s eager to learn to play pool. Over a little stick handling, Brandon shares the news that his mom said they could share a room, and Julia won’t have to work on the farm. Julia has met Betty before, and isn’t buying that this is a solution she embraces.
“No way,” Julia declares. “Your mom is like obsess with genitals. She put condom on bedroom door. Covers whole thing, you see, top to bottom. Then she stuff inside of door condom with crickets. CRICKETS. STAY. KITCHEN.”
“Don’t worry,” Brandon assures her. “Once mom starts crying, we’re one confrontation away from a new car.”
“She no say I’m bad girl stealing son? Because other day, I go to bathroom, and there was 200 post-its, all say, ‘Julia bad bad bad bad bad bad bad steal son’. What you think meaning with this?”
“She didn’t say you were a bad girl,” Brandon uses a direct quote loophole.
Julia knows these are her pending in-laws, and it’s really complicated filing a restraining order before citizenship, so she agrees to try this “little fix” short-term. Then she koalas onto Brandon’s body so they can dry hump all the way through the threshold of his childhood bedroom for two.
Big Mike is relieved the visit with mom went well, and mom is relieved that she’s leaving. Mike asks what she thinks of the woman he’d rather not think about, and mom carefully responds,“She tries very hard”. Then she questions whether they want the same things, and hey, how about a sprinkling of green card suspicion?
“Yes. Green card,” Natalie sighs. “I am here for isolation, and $30K in debt.”
Natalie is sad to see her therapist leave, and worries Mike won’t be nice to her the way he is when mom is translating. Later on she wants to pray over dinner, and Mke surrenders.
“Are you there no-god? It’s me, Mike. Please send a comet with a trailing banner explaining my atheism. Shout out to our alien overlords. Check out my cat photos. Click the subscribe button down below. Anemone.”
Natalie is anxious, battling low self-esteem, and grappling with having no one to interact with except for Mike and his closet smell. She tells Mike that everyone is asking about the status of her third wedding, and Mike says that status is that the budget is $27.50, and people should plan to BYOEverything. Mike is eager to escape this revolving door conversation that leaves them marooned in talking about their relationship more than they actually relate.
They head out for a woodsy walk, and as they drive there Mike discover his inner Jovi, and criticizes Natalie’s pre-hike makeup application.
“Don’t get me wrong. I’d be the first person to say she ‘looks tired’ if she wasn’t wearing any makeup,” Mike stereotypes. “She should just know it’s always too much and not enough.”
“My dick is taller than you,”the tree interrupts.
“For you I have embrace!” Natalie hugs the tree, and I’m sorry, this is normal out here. Have you seen PacNW trees? Half of them look like they’re wearing green sweaters. There are Ewoks hiding around here somewhere. She’d better hug that tree.
“Noice,” the tree is into it. “Give my branch a knock and wake up the faeries, if you would.”
“Oh yes very much cat scratch on tree. Meow noises,” Natalie has ideas. “Mike, can you flip me?”
“Like...I do around my dick?”
“Yes, but with clothes.”
Mike gives her a flip, and did I mention this shit should have been lost behind a delete key? Why, 90DF?
“What’s going on in Natalie’s head?” The producers really want to push this “bitches be cray” storyline. “Do you think she’s fucking crazy? What do you think they’re diagnosing her with on Reddit?”
“I don’t know,” Mike says, because he never asks, and can’t check Reddit while his truck is in motion.
The venture to a shop that follows is so exhausting and predictable, I’m just going to make some shit up.
Mike: My balls itch.
Natalie: Do you have smell for balls?
Shopkeeper: Are we talking unclean balls, everyday sweaty balls, or something more moist and jock-itchy?
Natalie: Michael won’t give me ring.
Shopkeeper: So alcoholic balls, got it. Let’s look at this spray called GetOffMy, for Testicles.
Natalie: I will walk into scent cloud. Hmmm. Menthol cigarettes in yellowed paperback. I like your style.
Mike: Do you have anything in sour cream and onion?
Shopkeeper: No.
Mike: How about ranch? You’ve gotta have ranch.
Natalie: What is ranch. Like with horses?
Mike: Yeah, but in a bottle.
Natalie: I do not understand this. I think is beer.
Mike: Goddammit even in this made up shit I can’t escape it.
Natalie: Hello, I am Mike, I want attractive Ukrainian girl who is also not person. Also, bring me all meat in restaurant and 10 alcohols for heart attack.
Shopkeeper: Where are you from?
Natalie: I think she asks me this because of my heavy accent.
Hermione Granger: Who called me here for this?
Mike: Wizards? Oh thank fuck.
Gandalf: Look to the east on the fifth day.
Mike: This is fucking awesome.
Natalie: Michael. Michael. Michael. Wouldn’t wizard look nice at wedding table?
Mike: Dude, did you bring dragons up in this bitch?
Hagrid: Will I do?
Mike: Can you shoot fire? I can’t even remember if you lived or died in the series.
Hagrid: That’s a touch harsh, Harry.
Mike: My name isn’t Harry. What the fuck is going on?
Natalie: Two fancy bottles, he has, for alcohol. Then he wonders why wizards are here.
Tree: Oh, there are wizards here? Let me know which one I’m supposed to trap.
Natalie: Mr. Tree, is like he doesn’t want wedding.
Melanie: Are you interested in a career as a PI, by any chance?
Speaking of booze, Jovi says it’s normal for him to want to have a drink when he’s awake, and hopes to soon be drunk enough to discover the hidden sliver of kindness hiding somewhere in his body. They wander through a street fair, and Yara declares that New Orleans’ street art is tacky, and doesn’t match her refined Pottery Barn and J. Crew taste. She sits down to get some henna, and after a few swirls Yara asks Jovi if he likes it.
“It’s different.” Jovi says, using the secret word for dislike.
“Interesting,” Yara retorts, using the secret word for stupid. Then she says she has something to tell him.
“What, you want to buy something?” Please, Jovi, stop selling yourself so hard.
“I’m pregnant,” she says.
“No you’re not.” Ah, what every woman longs to hear.
Through it all, the brave henna artist carries on with her craft. Way to keep it together when the douchebag levy is about to break. Yara frets that she thought he would be happy about this news, since he was so enthusiastically resigned about it last time.
“I thought I might have children one day. But not with the person I plan to marry.” Okay, Jovi.
“You know, every once in awhile I say that Eminem is the greatest rapper alive, just because,” Jovi wants us to know what he’s about. “No, I don’t listen to any other music. Why would I need other music? I also make fun of drug addicts while I’m drunk, because I’m just That Guy. Have you seen this video where this guy is talking about how he’s on a boat? Soooo funny.”
“I mean, will the real slim shady please stand up, amirite?” Looks like Colt got out of his cage.
“Did someone say prison?” Brandon’s dad isn’t done. “DON’T LET HER PLAY A BARGAINING CHIP.”
Jovi says that his muted enthusiasm stems from Yara’s habit of faking pregnancy. Yara says he’s exaggerating this, and that she did this like only once and confessed after ten minutes. I feel like these two crazy kids are really gonna make it.
Jovi insists Yara take another pregnancy test while she gives him a golden shower. After doing so she runs the test under water, in case it got extra baby on it. When the test comes out negative, Yara is upset because she knows she’s pregnant, because she remembers the feeling. Jovi is too busy feeling relieved and freshly urinated upon, and then Yara says she wants to take a third test. Back into the bathroom they go, Jovi closely monitoring urine transfer, and this test comes out positive. Faced with 2/3 evidence, Jovi is ready to offer a half-assed apology and the same level of enthusiasm often found in a jury duty room. Jovi shrugs, and kicks sand in a toddler’s face.
“I like to remind people why the North won the war,” he says, answering the lingering question.
Yara doesn’t know what this means for their future and wonders about his job, and Jovi insists there’s “no reason to think ahead,” which fits a lot of seasons of Love After Lockup. Yara admits she isn’t ready, but it’s already in her stomach, and abortion doesn’t exist on television.
Ryan and Stephanie are together for the first time in 10 months, and Steph is eager to make Ryan wish it were 10 months longer. Steph is concerned that her dick-on-demand didn’t immediately drop trou and salute her arrival. She insists that this isn’t to underscore what she believes he owes her, but for “bonding”.
“You could have just like, had sex with me for two or three minutes,” The intro of this R&B song is a little weird. “I wouldn’t even mind a quickie. For the bonding.”
“You keep saying you’re not into bondage,” Ryan tries to get on the same page. “But if you’ve changed your mind, here’s a nice ball gag for you to try on...”
“I mean, it was four times a night when I was here almost a year ago, and nothing changes,” Steph has so many concerns.
“She just wants her seks,” Danielle, OG 90DF cougar, answering the call.
If you’ve made it this far into the recap without suffering contact embarrassment, you didn’t read the Jovi section closely enough. But Steph is done drinking the blood of virgins and is ready to draw a dramatic reaction out of Ryan by looking back on the time she fucked his cousin.
“Sometimes you throw the grenade. Other times you pull the pins from all the grenades in your vest and run at your relationshit,” Ryan breaks it down. “For us, Stephanie is the grenade, and I’m bored. So I’m just going to lay here and disassociate while she smolders.”
“He offered to come over cause I was crying so hard,” Steph blubbers. “And he said he could offer up his dick for the bonding moment. You know how I feel about bonding.”
“Yeah, I already knew that shit,” Ryan briefly checks in as he remembers why he checked out. “And I never bonded that hard with anyone else. Not a true bond.”
Steph is flabbergasted, since she clearly thought this would be the high octane meltdown of her dreams. I mean, this is the part of the romance novel where they break up, but do they? Do they really? Ryan says that he’s over it when it comes to Stephanie, and that his cousin is dead to him, which he emphasizes when it’s obvious she gets a boner from his anger. Ryan requests they close the issue, but Steph insists he’s holding something back, because she really wants him to be the Edward.
The gods gave Amira beauty and the price was luck, obviously. Andrew’s too distracted to talk to Amira about her experience, and when he calls he makes a point of telling her he’s having a kick-ass time, parasailing and doing backflips off the balcony into the pool. Amira thinks that this might be an inappropriate response while your fiancé is suffering, but Andrew tries not to let societal pressures get to him.
Andrew could have addressed their visa issues by getting Amira out of detention, or putting another plan in motion immediately, but that would interrupt his vacation, and his concern is only performative. He gifts Amira concerned face, and tells her that the last idea he had that didn’t work is the only idea he has, except this time 4chan is recommending Serbia. Of course, Andrew won’t be going, because there aren’t any beach resorts in Serbia. Amira says she’s going to think about it, because she hasn’t spent enough time in America to know the phrase ‘go fuck yourself’ yet.
“I fell like it is endless,” Amira says. “It will never stop. But I don’t want to lose Andrew.”
“Hello Amira, I see you are brown girl,” Look at you, Hazel! “Yes, this is my type. Would you like to be best friends, sisters, and lovers?”
“What is happening? I have a shock,” Amira better get used to that.
“I’m gonna take a lot of pictures, so I can make a slide show of all the things you missed. Bye!” Andrew signs out.
Later on she meets up with her friend Xavier, who is as concerned about Amira as all of us at home. He manages to hold on to a straight face while she reports that Andrew continues to enjoy himself in Mexico, in what was supposed to be a 14 day quarantine, and is now a super-spreader event.
“It’s an abomination, really,” Amira’s friend Xavier speaks for all of us.
Amira knows she should move on, but it’s her dream to go to America. She says that the people who support her relationship with Andrew now number zero, and she’s not sure a green card is enough to justify that math.
Zied has been stateside for a few days, and he and Rebecca are settling in, trying to decide when to trot out the manufactured drama of living in the only apartment building in Georgia. The wait is over, as former boss Melanie arrives to demonstrate what happens when haircuts come alive.
“Melanie, Head PI, Karen Division,” she introduces the shit out of herself. “Not to be racist, but Rebecca’s ex = all brown men. If I have to repeat myself twice to your foreign ass, my tone will change from rogue PTA president to mall security guard. Like that.” She tries to snap her fingers, but her sweaty palms make her fingers slip, and Melanie blames the invading immigrant hoarde.
Melanie asks WTF Zied has been doing with his time during the three fucking days he dare set foot on American soil. Zied reports that they watched a movie, got their fuck on, and hey, he’s been there three days. This is overachieving in pandemic times.
“You’re not here for vacation, this is it! If I went to a foreign I’d bootstraps ball running flag freedom, USA. I’ll complain about you stealing a job from a real American later,” Melanie PI, Immigration Expert.
“He can’t work for 90 days. That makes hitting the ground running a little pointless,” Rebecca is going to try to logic this, but that didn’t work out well with her family, either.
“I’m not allowed to rational anymore, but I still like yelling,” Dad has escaped the Brandon compound.“I mean, come on, Zied! YOU’RE THE MAN OF THE HOUSE.”
“Maybe I like to take care of my man,” Rebecca is really just talking to herself here.
“Weren’t you in the apartment down the hall?” Melanie dramas. Whomp-whomp.
Zied is confused by this, and Rebecca is upset, and starts crying because all her friends suck, and Zied worries and comforts her. This presentation of affection isn’t enough to destroy Melanie. Zied, however, is done. “I don’t care if ex Rebecca stay here before. I’m with Rebecca, this is my time. Fuck everything.” There you go, Zied.
Melanie explains that she just has her guard up for the relationship she doesn’t know and isn’t a part of, so that’s a way to pass the time. Rebecca hugs Melanie, and says her behavior is “bordering” on disrespectful, if by border you mean a shitty fence. Melanie gives Zied a half-assed apology, and he disappears to shower her scent away.
“Being a private investigator for the google, I know some red flags,” Melanie can’t stop won’t stop. “The biggest red flag is happiness. It’s gonna take the full three months for me to realize they don’t care about my opinion,”
Tarik gets a notification that the governor has shut down Virginia, and the producer screams “RUN!” and everyone falls all over the boom mics to reach the van first, the gaffer rolling across the hood and the camera person clinging to the roof, before they peal away, leaving the producer behind. Later, the crew returns to filming, and Tarik brings Hazel to his bedroom to discuss the many different cultures he’s fetishized, and how they can get their triad popping again. Hazel says that growing up she had to hide her preferences, especially after her sister (who is also bi) came out of the closet. Her parents are pissed, but Hazel is feeling kinda free, and ready to resume hunting for a girlfriend.
They go online lady shopping based on body type and physical appearance, and Hazel insists that she be his type, because let’s face it, Minty was for Tarik. Tarik says his only request is for his daughter to remain isolated from their lifestyle, which Hazel is good with, and they upload their profile, and wait.
Next time: Andrew details his tropical suffering, a younger woman tests the red in Rebecca’s hair, Hazel talks to her son, Mike reluctantly goes to counseling to report he never lets anything go, Jovi can’t stop sucking or he’ll drown, and his friends are exactly as attractive as he is, and Steph is so salty about being denied theater that she’s ready to trot out the job sponsor nugget on the back of a psychic.
Thank you, Patreon supporters!
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wedding table ideas on a budget video

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Guest list control will help you out here, too. The same $3 favors for a guest list of 30 will cost you under $100. Beyond throwing a small wedding, here are some other ideas for low-cost wedding favors: 27. Caramel popcorn in a mason jar. Another DIY idea. These DIY Wedding Centerpieces Are Beautiful And Easy To Make. No Matter What Your Style, You'll Be Able To Create Cheap Wedding Table Decorations That Are Budget-friendly. I receive several requests from brides EVERY SINGLE DAY. Requests to help them DIY their dream wedding ideas, wedding centerpieces and wedding decorations on a budget.. So I am constantly looking for wedding ideas to help brides who need inexpensive and cheap wedding ideas. Budget wedding ideas that of course don’t look inexpensive and cheap. DIY Wedding Decor Ideas 1. Embellished Mason Jar Vase. makinghomebase. For DIY wedding ideas that get noticed, add this burlap wrapped mason jar vase to the mix. A perfect way to creatively decorate the tables at your wedding reception on a budget, this DIY mason jar craft makes a cheap centerpiece idea for the bride on a budget. Wedding decoration ideas can still be incredibly unique on a budget. Your guests will love the extra-special care you gave to having their names spelled out in elegant calligraphy. Fran Johnson House laser cut table names for wedding parties, from $1 each, Etsy.com Modern Cocktail Napkins Whether you are getting married or looking for a DIY craft to make and sell, you're going to want to know just how simple it is to make beautiful wedding centerpieces. Not only can you get terrific results, but it's easy to stick to your budget. Because DIY projects and crafting are more popular than ever before, you'll find supplies are well within reach. Do you have small wedding decor budget? Check out my wedding decorations ideas under $1oo. Decorate your wedding altar with a macrame wedding backdrop and bohemian lanterns. Style your wedding tables with a sheer table runner and an elegant floral arrangement. Enjoy your wedding night with fun lawn games such as Jenga and ring toss on the lawn. Much of wedding decor can be done at home, so get creative or find others that are willing to help you. Dive deep into creative, affordable ideas and spend the rest on your honeymoon or things that really matter. We hope we’ve sparked your imagination with some unique and fun wedding reception ideas to add a spark to the evening’s festivities. Add some whimsy to your wedding reception with a vase or jar full of paper pinwheels on each table. You can easily find paper to use in your wedding colors or even go with a classic white or silver. Put a wedding table number beside the centerpiece, and you have a complete design. Planning a wedding can be expensive, so use these cheap wedding decoration ideas to plan a DIY wedding on a budget. Planning a wedding can be expensive, so use these cheap wedding decoration ideas to plan a DIY wedding on a budget. Edible Wedding Table Decor; Continue to 5 of 7 below. 05 of 07.

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wedding table ideas on a budget

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