Goldberg vs The Fiend WWE Showdown Highlights 27_2_20 Full

goldberg vs fiend match highlights

goldberg vs fiend match highlights - win

The Firefly Fun House — a theory.

The Firefly Fun House: a theory, part one— the Fun House
Since my last post was met with a surprisingly positive response, I figured I’d start digging a little more into the world of Bray Wyatt and begin to peel back it’s many layers in order to better understand the story that Bray is trying to tell.
And what better place to start than one of the biggest pieces of the mystery: the Firefly Fun House.
What is the Firefly Fun House exactly?
Well, the first thing we should attempt to figure out is whether it (the Fun House) exists in the physical world or if the Fun House itself is merely a supernatural projection of Wyatt/The Fiend’s creation.
One would assume that, because we’ve seen on multiple occasions, “visitors” to the Fun House, that it must be a physical location, right?
Not so fast.
It’s important to remember exactly who—or what—we’re dealing with in the Fiend. Is it out of the realm of possibility that the Fiend, in kayfabe, is powerful enough to conjure up a supernatural “fun house”, a place that only exists as an abstract concept, to act as the engine that drives the story being told by Wyatt? Remember, we’re talking about a character that is nearly immune to pain, can appear and disappear at any given moment, and can literally be immolated and still survive. He’s a horror movie villain come to life.
But what of all the visitors to the fun house,”you ask?
Well, before we answer that, let’s take a look at who thus far has appeared in the Fun House:
Seth Rollins John Cena Braun Strowman Adam Pierce Alexa Bliss
Of those 5 “guests”, 3 of them were involved in feuds with The Fiend: Rollins, Strowman, and Cena. Let’s focus on those 3 first.
Rollins first appeared in the Fun House by attacking Wyatt and lighting the Fun House on fire. This was all during the build up to the much maligned Hell in a Cell match at the PPV of the same name. Seth would go on to defeat the Fiend after a controversial (and confusing) referee stoppage after Rollins went berserk and crushed the Fiend’s skull in with a sledgehammer. But the ending of the match saw the Fiend rise from the stretcher to lay Seth out with a mandible claw to end the show.
Seth Rollins sets the Fun House ablaze
Rollins vs The Fiend, Hell in a Cell highlights
But what’s important to note is that there is a common thread throughout these encounters with the Fiend: all three superstars would go on to turn heel after feuding with him, except for Cena, who would just “disappear”, albeit after going heel mode and trying to lay Wyatt out with a chair in a replay of their WM30 moment. See what I’m getting at here?
Looking back at Seth, his face run had grown stale. Fans were losing interest, and you could see the signs of a possible heel turn in the near future. He had just come off a win at Clash of Champions against Braun Strowman, who we’ll look at shortly. For Rollins, you could tell his confidence was wavering, and there was definitely fear building in him with every ambush.
Rollins and Wyatt segment, RAW, 09.16.2019
I believe the psychological tactics played by The Fiend are with the intent of breaking his opponents, in which they then let him in, which often results in them committing some unspeakable act of violence, turning them heel in the process. In the case of Rollins, it was literally crushing the Fiend’s skull in with various weapons, including a sledgehammer and toolbox.
Now, IMO, the red light used during the match I believe is telling us that it is to be viewed as more “cinematic” and, in the case of Hell in a Cell, also used for practical purposes, especially for the finish. But I don’t believe what we were watching was necessarily supposed to be viewed from the perspective of “a wrestling match”, as much as it is to portray the idea of it being “cinematic”. When you view the match through that lens, it’s actually pretty good and I would suggest watching the whole thing again if you have the network.
Seth was fearful of failure and losing the title after barely beating Braun Strowman with 4 curb stomps and a pedigree.
This is what would play out in the Cell, with nothing in Rollins arsenal working against the Fiend. He no sold every move Rollins threw at him. It was he who was testing the lengths in which Rollins would go in order to keep his championship. He obviously went to pretty extreme lengths, but again, in the ended with Rollins laid out, coughing up blood.
It’s said that an encounter with the Fiend changes you. In this case, Rollins would go on a losing streak after losing the UC to Wyatt at Super Showdown, eventually turning heel and calling himself the “Monday Night Messiah” and, if we’re being honest, doing some pretty f**ked up stuff... like gouging Rey Mysterio’s eye out with the steel ring steps. So, while Rollins won, so did the Fiend. Rollins had to “let him in” to beat the Fiend and he did. He did when he entered the fun house and lit it on fire. It was Rollins burning it all down, making a deal with the devil to get to Wyatt, but ended up losing himself to the Fiend’s evil.
Wyatt would go on to hold the Universal Championship for 118 days until eventually dropping it to Goldberg at Super Showdown in what proved to be a controversial decision, although one I completely agree with, but that’s a discussion for another post, perhaps.
This would lead him to a Wrestlemania feud with John Cena, who was making his return just to tell the WWE Universe he was stepping aside and not taking a match on the upcoming Wrestlemania card. This drew out the Fiend, who would go on to challenge John Cena to a “Firefly Fun House Match” at WM 36.
Cena encounters the Fiend on SD
Because this was a special appearance and not a full-fledged return for Cena, this is an interesting case.
Cena is notorious amongst the IWC for being the ultimate company guy; the guy who was shoved down our throats for over a decade as the next big mainstream star. With that level of success, there comes a certain perception that these individuals use their influence to “bury” other talent, and Cena has (sometimes unfairly) been accused of this. This is what a lot of the feud was centered around, going back to WM30, where Cena beat Wyatt in a match many believed Wyatt needed to win in order to cement his status as a star. Many also point this moment as the beginning of the end for the Wyatt character, as he struggled to gain footing after losing such a high profile feud, which would also end with Wyatt literally being buried under equipment at Payback.
The buildup leading to this match at Wrestlemania, however, we caught a real glimpse at what the Firefly Fun House really is.
During an in-ring, sit down interview with Michael Cole, Cena would go on to blame Wyatt for being a failure, calling him the most “overhyped, overvalued, over privileged WWE superstar in existence”, leading to Wyatt coming out and confronting Cena with what I believe to be one of the finest promos he’s delivered in his career.
Wyatt crashes Cena’s interview on SD: 03.13.2020
Here’s what Wyatt said in the promo: “....but you do have me all wrong John. You see, I’m not sick; you are. I know why you came here, John, and I know why you can’t say no. You don’t really think that we think that you care about the future, do we? I mean, John Cena cares about John Cena, right? And it doesn’t matter who he has to smash or bury along the way, as long as he gets his spotlight! 6 years ago, at Wrestlemania, you... you took something from me. And I thought about it—a LOT— matter a fact, I thought about it so much, that I wanted to take my hands and push them into my skull and smash my brain into a million pieces just so that I could have 5 seconds of piece without the voices talking to me but the voices they never stopped. And then something magical happened. One day I stopped fighting the voices and I started listening to them. And they took my crooked little world, and they turned it into a majestic fun house! You broke me John, but the Fiend... he put me back together. And at Wrestlemania, it’s going to be a slaughter... you just don’t know it yet. Let me in, John.”
And finally, that brings us to Cena finally entering the Fun House, which I believe happened on the go-home edition of SD before Wrestlemania. In the clip, Cena is cutting a promo about how he didn’t want the match, how Wyatt did, how he’s so brave and selfless and was actually gonna step aside, until the puppets appear at ringside.
Cena enters the Firefly Fun House: 03.27.2020
This is the moment I believe Cena enters the Fiend’s metaphysical world. The puppets begin to tell Cena that he’s going to play with them “forever”, and then announce the arrival of him. The Fiend appears on the balcony, looking down on Cena. This results in a surprisingly long stare down with a jump scare ending where Funhouse Bray appears behind Cena and says “LET ME IN” as the lights go out. When they come back, everyone is gone except for Cena in the ring, alone and shaken.
The match itself was heavily cinematic, taking a journey through the psyche of John Cena, as we watch the Fiend psychologically torture John Cena, eventually leading to the Fiend pinning John Cena in a ring while Wyatt makes the count and ends with Cena disappearing. Which, if you were paying attention, was exactly what Wyatt claimed Cena feared: fading from the spotlight.
Bray Wyatt vs John Cena, Firefly Fun House match Hightlights, 04.05.2020
After winning the title from the Fiend, Goldberg would go on to eventually lose the title to Braun Strowman, who replaced Roman Reigns due to Roman not competing due to his battle with leukemia and the risk of performing during the COVID pandemic. Strowman would then enter a feud with The Fiend, who would pray on the vulnerability of the more recently “humanized” monster among men.
Braun is ready to “let him in”
Braun was fearful of his past. Wyatt was trying to remind Strowman of the monster he truly was, and bring him back into the family. This, I theorize, is the reason Braun was confronted by Funhouse Bray initially, because he cared about Braun. When Braun denied him, The Fiend used psychological attacks to lead Braun back to “the swamp”, by bringing back the “Eater of Worlds” Wyatt, and again, this match was highly cinematic. We were watching someone’s inner psyche, letting him in, and in this case, Braun being lead back to his past, back to the barbaric nature of the “monster”, which is exactly what happened. The Fiend used manipulation tactics and mind games to lead Braun back to his past, using his affection for Alexa, and then, as Strowman believed to have rid himself of Wyatt, he emerged from the water and drug him into “the swamp”, and in turn, buried Strowman’s human side, which is why, when he came back, he had developed a considerable mean streak and stopped at nothing to try and get his hands on the Fiend again.
Braun Strowman vs Bray Wyatt, Swamp Match highlights, Extreme Rules, 07.19.2020
Braun’s appearance in the Fun House saw him viciously beat Fun House Bray. Again, when we view the fun house as an idea, a concept, the fact that Braun came unhinged in the fun house was merely the physical represention of Braun allowing him in and embracing the monster he was meant to be. This is confirmed by Wyatt’s comment before being attacked; “what took you so long?” meaning, what took him so long to embrace the entity of evil that consumes Wyatt.
Braun attacks Bray in the Fun House
This is also where Alexa Bliss comes into the picture.
Alexa Bliss caught in the crossfire
Alexa Bliss consumed by the Fiend
Alexa Bliss was consumed by the Fiend because of what she was going through. For both Bray and Bliss, it was a feeling of abandonment and loneliness, which I believe is why Bliss was “chosen” to be “healed” by Wyatt. She accepted this evil entity to consume her much in the way it did Wyatt, as her anger and feelings of abandonment from Nikki Cross and Braun Strowman lead her to becoming another vessel for the Fiend, a mouthpiece, since I believe The Fiend will take a more permanent presence after the end of TLC and given that he doesn’t seem to talk much, Bliss will play as a perfect mouthpiece for the “new” Fiend.
Now he wants to play.
Play, as in “playground”.
Alexa’s playground.
Which I could easily see taking the place of “A Moment of Bliss” segments to serve as a way to reintroduce the new version of the Fiend. She did say, after all, that he might come to her Playground, which, due to the cinematic element of it all, suggests that this is meant to be viewed through the same lens as you would any other piece of cinema. Bray Wyatt is creating exactly that: live cinema. Wyatt is a big fan of horror, and the Fiend, IMO, is meant to be viewed as more of its own entity, and the world that is the “Firefly Fun House” is a supernatural projection into the mind of Bray Wyatt; now that the Fiend has been laid to rest in what I would assume is probably hell, I’m curious to see whether or not Alexa’s Playground will take the place of the Firefly Fun House for a while, or if Funhouse Bray was unaffected; although, I have a feeling that Funhouse Bray will be gone for a while. It’s likely that we’re going to be seeing and hearing a lot more Alexa Bliss and her “Alexa’s Playground” segments.
Alexa’s Playground segment, RAW, 12.21.2020
As for Pearce? Simple. The Fiend has shown the ability to merge realities, to project the psyche’s of those he inhabits into our physical world, as we’ve seen recently with superstars like Matt Riddle and R-Truth interacting with puppets like Huskus and Ramblin’ Rabbit. But these puppets weren’t always visible to those in our world. There were multiple times puppets could be found in random backstage cutscenes, as superstars and commentators were seemingly oblivious to the fact. When Wyatt or Bliss enters the Fun House, I don’t believe they do so physically; the reason for this is based around Nikki Cross’ interaction with Alexa Bliss, who was revealed to be assumedly possessed by the Fiend.
Alexa Bliss is possessed by the Fiend, RAW, 11.02.2020
Because Nikki was approaching Alexa while possessed by the Fiend, she was not able to break through to her. I believe the reason Pearce was able to communicate with Wyatt is because he appealed to him by speaking to Wyatt in “character”, which is why McMahon gave Pearce the postman’s outfit before he left to seek out Wyatt to sign the contract. When we saw Pearce “arrive” in the Fun House, I believe it was more projection, and what we were seeing was nothing more than delusions within the mind of Wyatt being projected by The Fiend.
McMahon orders Pearce to seek out Bray Wyatt, SD, 08.28.2020
“Postman” Pearce “arrives” at the Fun House, SD, 08.28.2020
So, coming full circle, is the Firefly Fun House “real”?
In short, I believe the answer is “no”.
I believe that the Fun House is nothing more than an abstract idea, a place that only exists in spirit (unless he decides otherwise), a place where Wyatt (and now Bliss) can mentally escape to, a “safe space” where their pain and emotions are transformed and manifest as friendly puppets, meant to be viewed through a cinematic lens.
I also theorize that certain superstars were able to “visit” the FFH because he saw the potential for evil, the vulnerability, doubt —fear— and took special interest to bring them to his world. Their appearance in the fun house is merely a supernatural projection into the broken psyche of Bray Wyatt, symbolic of opponents letting him in, which in turn brings them into his fm, the evil that inhabits the vessel Bray Wyatt, exposing their innermost fears in the form of a “match”, usually cinematic (in Seth’s case, a Cell cloaked in red light; cinematic in its own right), that ends with the Fiend standing tall, the fears of his opponents manifesting themselves, signifying a change in character for those who have “let him in”.
submitted by BRKN_LOVE to WWE [link] [comments]

Rebooking Randy Orton's Title Run (2020-2021)

Authors Notes
When Randy Orton defeated Drew at Hell in a Cell many believed that he'd have quite a long reign as the champion, well of course this didn't happen because he dropped it 22 days later to Drew AGAIN which made the Title Run feel worthless in every single way. Instead of having Randy have another lack luster reign as WWE Champion I have decided to book Randy from when he won the Title at Hell in a Cell to WrestleMania. This is not a rebooking of WHEN or HOW he should have won it, anyone with a mind knows the time for him to win it was in his first or second match not his third but that is besides the point. Let's begin by doing the Build Up to Survivor Series. This is long but bare with me because it's pure gold. Yes I'm also booking other mini feuds on the side
Build Up to Survivor Series
As much as I love The Fiend I don't believe he should ever go for the World Title, a character and gimmick like him has no place feuding for a World Title, he's better than that. Did the Undertaker need a World Title Reign? No. Instead of involving The Fiend we will keep the same build up, Miz TV segments that teases a feud between The Miz and Orton, Drew wanting his title back, and Keith Lee making a name for himself on the Raw Roster. Drew is scheduled to have a match with Orton for the WWE Championship ahead of Survivor Series and during that match Orton wins via heel means, let's say he low blows Drew which costs him the match but allows him to retain the Championship.
Survivor Series - Randy Orton v. Roman Reigns
Randy Orton of course takes on Roman Reigns in the main event in a first ever match up, booking this match would be strange however I feel it could be booked correctly if both men play to there best heel sides. I can imagine an RKO counter to the Superman Punch which would be an awesome counter but as much as I'd put Randy over I can't simply because it'd derail Roman on Smackdown. Orton would lose the match after a hard fought battle and after Heyman saves Reigns with a "Foot on the Ropes" spot. Reigns would pick up the win off of a Spear after Randy goes for the running knee to the head of Reigns.
Build Up to TLC
As much as I hate to do it the feud must conclude with one final match between Orton and Drew at TLC, instead of just rehashing the feud build it around the fact that "If I were Champion I could have defeated Roman Reigns" in which Randy would basically say "You've had more than one chance to defeat Roman and you've lost every time". The Miz continues to tease a cash in ahead of there TLC Match as well which furthers the possible feud between The Miz and Orton
TLC - Randy Orton v. Drew McIntyre in a TLC Match
The match I'd imagine would go on for at least 25 to 30 minutes, it would be brutal for Randy for most of it since he's dealing with an enraged McIntyre however in the end Randy would pick up the victory off of a RKO off the ladder which allows him to climb the ladder and retain the championship. The Miz would not cash in during this match for somewhat obvious reasons.
Build Up to Legends Night
So some context, after Drew loses at TLC he continues his relationship storyline with Sheamus and forms a Tag Team in the Tag Team Division however it goes slow, there is still a major part of Drew that wants to regain his title and this somewhat drives an edge through both men. Sheamus believes Drew should focus on the tag team and not focus on the title anymore while Drew sees the team as somewhat of a way to meet ends, they begin a feud with the Raw Tag Team Champions The Hurt Business which would be quite a damn good rivalry. In the main event of the show there would be a Fatal Fourway between Keith Lee, Matt Riddle, A.J. Styles, and Braun Strowman for a chance at the WWE Championship on next weeks show, this is done in part to keep building Randy as Champion and actually make his somewhat of a fighting champion. Keith Lee would win this match and would go on to face Randy at... Raw Legends Night.
Raw Legends Night - Keith Lee vs Randy Orton
Similar to actual Legends Night, Randy Orton would patrol backstage and would basically bully legends such as Ric Flair, Big Show, Hulk Hogan (assaults him cause Screw Hulk Hogan), Mark Henry, and Shawn Michaels. Also on the show The Hurt Business takes on Drew and Sheamus (Celtic Cross or Union maybe? Not gonna give them a name) in which The Hurt Business would win with a roll up by Cedric on Drew which would continue this Sheamus v. Drew feud in the future. Keith Lee would have a star making performance however would lose to a RKO from a Big Bang Catastrophe (imagine that freaking move dude). In a storyline that ACTUALLY makes sense, Randy Orton is confronted by Goldberg near the end of the Show which sets up Goldberg v. Orton at the RR. The confrontation would most likely result in Goldberg and Randy brawling for a small time but ending with Goldberg winning because... Goldberg.
Build Up to the Royal Rumble
The Raw after Raw: Legends Night (hate that show) would start off with Randy on Miz TV which would of course cause some tension because The Miz is Mr. Money in the Bank. Goldberg would also be on the show and both men would confront each other and Randy being Randy would cut a sick as hell promo on Goldberg and would basically say how he's an old out of date legend and that he's the legend killer. The Miz would also insight the rage of Goldberg along with Morrison and the end of the segment would have Goldberg with the help of Drew and Sheamus against Randy, Miz, and Morrison but since we all know Goldberg would never compete on Raw it'd be Keith, Drew, and Sheamus vs Randy, Miz, and Morrison. Randy would be a hardcore heel against the likes of Drew and would use Drew's hatred and desire to win back the title to his advantage. Sheamus would be pinned due to Randy moving Sheamus in front of a failed Claymore in which when Drew stood he would be nailed with an RKO as JOHN MORRISON GETS THE PIN. Screw WWE for not allowing him to win anything. The next two weeks would pretty much just be promo packages for Randy v. Goldberg
Royal Rumble - Randy Orton vs Goldberg
Kicking off the show, Randy Orton would defeat Goldberg with a RKO counter off of the spear in a record breaking time of 45 seconds. Two RKO's was all it took to beat Goldberg because screw Goldberg. Sheamus and Drew take on The Hurt Business for the Tag Team Championships and The Hurt Business retains after Sheamus takes the pin which angers Sheamus quite a bit however the team does not split... yet. In the Men's Royal Rumble Daniel Bryan wins and heads on to face Roman Reigns at WrestleMania for the Universal Title (avoiding all spoilers). Randy watches the Rumble the entire time and it's obvious he's looking for someone...
Current Raw Champions
WWE Champion - Randy Orton
United States Champion - Keith Lee (has a feud with The Hurt Business)
Raw Tag Team Champions - The Hurt Business
Build Up to Elimination Chamber
In the build up to the elimination chamber it's revealed that Randy will... NOT compete in the Elimination Chamber (builds heat) due to supposed "Injury" to his ribs. The competitors in the Elimination Chamber are revealed to be Bobby Lashley, Matt Riddle, A.J. Styles, Elias, Mustafa Ali, and finally... Sheamus which defeated Drew to make it in. It was a friendly bout but more cracks form between Sheamus and Drew. Randy would taunt Drew and would purposely bully him to an extent saying that "Sheamus was always better" or something along the lines to make Drew think about his relationship with Sheamus which Sheamus in a lot of ways has been neutral.
Elimination Chamber Match
As all men are entering the chamber one does not make it... this is call back to when Kofi Kingston was beaten down and not allowed in the Cell in which Edge inserted himself into the Chamber. Edge attacks Elias (yes this happens) and enters the Chamber in his place but little did he know Elias was starting the thing off against Bobby Lashley. Edge would battle his way against everyone in the chamber to eventually win the match, he sets up future feuds with Elias, A.J. Styles (BIG FUTURE FEUD), and Mustafa Ali. It's important to note that all throughout the chamber it keeps flashing backstage to Randy who is watching from the comfort of his couch and when Edge wins he spits out water out of anger.
Build Up to Fastlane
Randy and Edge will not be facing each other at Fastlane because this match is a WrestleMania level match however to build the feud Randy actually denies Edge's opportunity siting that "You can't force you're way into a title match" and when Randy is cutting this promo Elias nails him with a guitar in the back (attacks Edge, worded that wrong but you get the point). This sets up an interim feud between Elias and Edge and in the tag picture Sheamus and Drew begins a feud with Retribution and the winner of this feud faces The Hurt Business at WrestleMania, in the main event it's Jeff Hardy v. Matt Riddle v.A.J. Styles for a chance at the WWE Championship at Fastlane and Jeff Hardy wins. So the match card would look a little like this
The Hurt Business v. Miz and Morrison for the Raw Tag Team Championships (Yes I Booked this)
Sheamus and Drew McIntyre v. Retribution (Winner goes to WrestleMania)
Keith Lee v. Matt Riddle for the US Title
Elias v. Edge and if Edge loses Elias faces Randy at WrestleMania
Randy Orton v. Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship
For the Smackdown Side (I'm not booking Smackdown but...) Roman Reigns v. Shinsuke Nakamura, Alpha Academy v. Dirty Dogs or whatever the hell, Big E v. Apollo Crews, and probably a feud between Aleister Black and Owens which Black wins (personal bias).
Fastlane - Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy would of course lose to Randy Orton which would once again have a highlight RKO, this feud alone would take a lot from what happened in the past between Hardy and Orton and would bring it back. After the match however Orton would go for the "I'm gonna rip you're ear off" crap but before he could he'd be attacked by Edge which won his match against Elias which would drive Orton off. Edge and Hardy would embrace in the ring as long time foes, allies, and friends. On the rest of the card you'd have Sheamus and Drew finally turning on each other with Drew claymore kicking Sheamus which in a way is warranted due to the constant hot tags, Keith defeats Riddle in a good showing, The Hurt Business of course retain and on the Smackdown side... well it's pretty predictable besides the fact Apollo wins the IC Title (as a heel).
Build Up to WrestleMania
In the build up to WrestleMania there is of course confrontations between Randy and Edge but everyone knows the story so not much TRUE building is needed in that aspect. Drew and Sheamus continue there new feud which neither is heel or face in this, leaving the fans to kinda decide who they wanna cheer and boo. Retribution starts there feud with The Hurt Business and Mustafa Ali begins a feud with Keith Lee for the United States Championship. Everyone has something going on basically.
WrestleMania Night 1 - Randy Orton v. Edge
The match would be a straight up Extreme Rules match where both men would battle each other viciously, the match would of course end in Edge winning the WWE Championship and ending this feud once and for all. Randy would have a 169 Day title reign which is well deserved and I'd say this reign was a very good one for Orton. The other matches would see Retribution winning the Tag Titles, Mustafa Ali winning the US Title (YES I DID THIS DEAL WITH IT), Sheamus defeating Drew (Part 1 of this feud), and finally the Raw Womens stuff which I haven't touched on at all.
WrestleMania Night 2 - Roman v. Bryan
Basically I'd say Bryan wins the Universal Championship for one last run in the company however to set up his first feud, and I know this might be unpopular but imagine the shock and surprise heat from this, The Miz cashes in on Bryan and wins which gives the Miz his well deserved title (probably lasts a month or two) but Bryan would probably win it back at Money in the Bank or somewhere close to that to set up Miz v. Morrison.
Final Thoughts
To be honest I believe this to be a FAR better run for Orton instead of a 22 day reign and I feel everything else happening on the card it kinda neat. Edge was the logical choice to defeat Orton for the title and probably post WrestleMania he'd feud with Elias, A.J. Styles, Mustafa Ali (maybe), Keith, and others, he'd have a damn good reign. But this basically concludes my booking, give me you're thoughts and if you wish I could do a follow up of booking Edge's title reign which could be quite fun. Thank you and have a fantastic day!
submitted by OfficerBlazeIt420 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

Fantasy Mania Challenge #6 (Story 2)

Fantasy Mania is a group of bookers who pick weekly challenges and best stories are than posted here. To join us private message me or comment below .
WrestleMania 37 Card:
Leading up to WrestleMania:
The Fiend hasn’t been seen since he was burnt alive at TLC.
The Royal Rumbles are won by Daniel Bryan and Sonya Deville, Edge, Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar return during the match.
Dwayne Johnson announces himself as host, as does Mathew McCounaghey
Goldberg is embarassed by Roman Reigns at Super Showdown.
John Cena fails to get a match at WrestleMania
Cesaro and Nakamura turn face after being attacked by Joe, Rollins and The Usos.
The Usos won the SmackDown Tag Team Championships against The Street Profits
Chad Gable enters the #1 contenders tournament for the NXT Championship and draws his last match against Ciampa. Both are crowned winners.
Night One:
Host: Dwayne Johnson
Otis wins comfortably crushing Tucker.
Main Show:
The Rock opens the show and welcomes everyone to WrestleMania.
A great match that ends with Deville tapping Sasha Banks. Deville is the new Smackdown Women’s Champion.
A great fight with spots like Cesaro swinging Rollins into a Ladder and The Street Profits diving through the Usos on tables. Cesaro picks up the win by smashing Rollins with a flying uppercut.
Elias performs his album at WrestleMania but is interrupted by The Rock. The Rock asks Elias if he could join him. Elias agrees. Rock says he has one more person that wants to join them. Adam Sandler shows up! The Rock and Adam Sandler take over, which angers Elias. Elias gets ready to hit Sandler with a guitar but R-Truth’s music hits. Sandler and The Rock stand in front of him. R-Truth rolls up Elias for the three count, becoming new 24/7 Champion. He hits Elias with a guitar and celebrates with Adam Sandler and The Rock.
A great match that includes a spot where Jeff Hardy dives onto Shelton Benjamin and a spanish fly from the top of a ladder from Cedric onto Kofi Kingston. Cedric Alexander grabs the belt for the win.
A good and quick match that ends with Bayley rolling up Asuka for the win. After the match, Shayna Bazzler chokes down Nia Jax and walks out.
A great match that rivals their NXT bouts but Nakamura gets the win over Samoa Joe hitting him with his finisher.
A great match that includes multiple spots including a Coup De Grace reversal into an ankle lock by Chad Gable, Ciampa catching Gable with a running knee and Balor hitting a Coup De Grace on a standing Ciampa on the outside. Gable almost manages to win the match but is caught by a Coup De Grace from Balor. Balor retains his NXT Championship.
Randy Orton is standing in a burnt down Firefly Funhouse. Orton is calling for Bray Wyatt. Orton teases Wyatt. Orton freezes. He sees a black door and enters through it. He enters a black space, but he’s wearing a shirt and trousers. RNN appears. Randy talks to the camera and tells us that The Fiend is here. Randy turns around and walks through another door. Orton is on top of Bray Wyatt. Triple H is also present. Orton is celebrating with the World Heavyweight Championship before he’s dropped by Wyatt. Orton gets us and Alexa Bliss and Bray Wyatt are there. Orton cuts a promo like he’s leading his old group Legacy, whilst holding the spinner WWE Championship. Alexa turns to Orton and the Fiend’s face is present. Orton turns to Wyatt and is knocked down. Orton gets back up and he’s standing with the Authority. They praise Orton. The place goes black and comes back up. Orton’s head is laid on cinder blocks as he’s curb stomped by Wyatt. He walks up in the ring and The Fiend looking more demonic appears. He destroys Orton. The Fiend drags Orton into a cage and locks it. Orton wakes up scared as The Fiend stands. The match ends.
An instant classic between the two. Reigns is outclassed at points. Bryan bring his indies days back and wrestles like he’s never wrestled before. Reigns’ power is balanced by Bryan’s technical abilities. The match could go either way. Bryan attempts a running knee that is blocked and Reigns runs onto the ropes to hit Bryan with a spear. Reigns pins him for the three count, Reigns gets on top and hammers punches onto Bryan even after the match. Roman Reigns wins and retains his Universal Championship. Roman grabs the microphone and calls The Rock to come out and celebrate. The Rock comes out but he’s in no laughing mood. He doesn’t enter the ring. Reigns challenges him to a match at next year’s WrestleMania. The Rock accepts.
Night Two:
The battle royal is won by Bianca Belair in impressive fashion. Highlights include Belair eliminating Tamina via bodyslam and Billie Kay being eliminated by Peyton Royce.
Main Show:
Matthew McCounaghey opens Night Two of WrestleMania!
A 7 minute match that ends with Mustafa Ali securing the win by tiring out Goldberg. Retribution destroy Goldberg.
Hulk Hogan enters and shares his joy for WrestleMania. John Cena interrupts and gives his praises to Hogan until he stops. He starts to talk about Hogan’s failures and aims to be better than Hogan. He makes the claim that he can do everything Hogan did better. He tells Hogan, that he is a new Cena. Hogan leaves the ring in disgust, whilst Cena goes off on the industry of wrestling and his treatment by the fans. Cena ends by teasing a new order on RAW.
The match is won by Murphy, last eliminating Dominik Mysterio.
A brilliant match that includes spots like Owens powerbombing Zayn through a table and Zayn hitting a Tornado DDT onto a chair. Zayn’s fighting style becomes more babyface through the match. The match ends with Owens stunning Zayn for the win. After the match, Owens and Zayn shake hands before Zayn hugs Owens. Owens carries Zayn into the back.
A hard hitting match with all the men getting huge moves on each other. Lashley pins Strowman for the win.
A great match that ends with Black hitting a black mass on Mysterio for the win.
Another instant classic between two phenomenal wrestlers that ends with a Styles clash being reversed into a Spear by Edge for the win. Edge and Styles shake hands after the match.
A brilliant match between two giants that ends with Big E hitting the Big ending to win and retain his title.
A great match that highlights the feuds between the three. Asuka almost grabs the win on Charlotte but is pinned by Rhea Ripley, she is your new RAW Women’s Champion.
The match is hard hitting and highlights include McIntyre hitting a claymore on both men, Keith Lee spirit bombing Lesnar onto the steel steps and Lesnar F-5ing McIntyre into the announce table. The match ends with Keith Lee hitting Lesnar with the Spirit Bomb to become your nee WWE Champion.
Matthew McCounaghy and Keith Lee celebrate the win.
submitted by MammothCaptain9 to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

Year Long WWE Brand Warfare Ideas

Hi Guys! Hope everyone's doing well. Recently, I've been thinking about how especially in the past few years or so, the two main shows of WWE, Raw and Smackdown seem to no longer have much to set them apart from one another. This seems especially true with this year's draft where many of the storylines from Raw were just brought to Smackdown and vice-versa. Because of that and probably cause Survivor Series is around the corner, I came up with an idea that by incorporating an overreaching storyline of Brand Warfare throughout a year or so, there may be an incentive to make each show more unique to itself in order to set itself apart for the purpose of proving their supremacy . It's probably a farfetched plan but I'd love to hear what everyone thinks of it. This won't be a full breakdown of all the angles and matches for the year but just a summary of "key" events. Enjoy!
So let's start with a few rules.
- This brand supremacy "competition" will be introduced with a draft on the night after Wrestlemania 37. It is announced that a general manager for each brand has already been appointed and they have met to agree on the starting rosters for each show. However, there will be 7 inter-brand matches set out across that Raw and the following Smackdown with the prize of a draft pick from NXT for each match won. (This keeps NXT fairly separate from the main shows but gives the 7 call-ups an air of importance about them. Also tag-teams or factions count as one pick.)
- Champions will stay on the brand that they're on with the exception of the Women's Tag Team Titles which are spread across all 3 brands. However, in the rare instance of a wrestler winning another brand's championship, they will bring the championship to their own brand where it will remain exclusive to that particular brand. (This will be explored later.)
- To avoid overdoing the storyline and to just keep it sort of hanging above everyone's head, the only times after this where inter-brand matches will take place would be the MITB Matches, Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble. (This allows for each show to remain distinct, as it would have to work on showing its superiority within their own time slot.)
- The winning brand will be selected at the start of the New Year based on the decision of a committee who will take things such as fan opinions, amount of champions per brand and show ratings into account. The winning brand will then receive the main event slot of the next year's Wrestlemania.

Rosters (probably missing a few people but this is basically a rough idea of what each brand would look like).
Raw Champions: Edge (WWE Champion) Ali (US Champion) Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods (Raw Tag Team Champions), Asuka ( Raw Women's Champion)
Raw Tag Teams and Factions:, Retribution, The Hurt Business, Viking Raiders, Elias & Cameron Grimes (NXT Call-up#1)
Raw Male Superstars: Randy Orton, Keith Lee, Braun Strowman, Jeff Hardy, The Fiend, Matt Riddle, Aj Styles, Daniel Bryan, Samoa Joe, John Morrison, Tucker, Humberto Carillo, Andrade, Kalisto, Akira Tozawa, Drew Gulak, Tomasso Ciampa (NXT Call-up#2), King Corbin, Brock Lesnar, Sami Zayn, Chad Gable, Apollo Crews.
Raw Female Superstars: Bayley, Mandy Rose, Dana Brooke, Naomi, Lana, Lacey Evans, Peyton Royce, Alexa Bliss, Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, Zelina Vega.
Raw GM: The Undertaker
Smackdown Champions: Big E (Universal Champion) Seth Rollins (IC Champion) Usos (Smackdown Tag Team Champions), Bianca Belair (Smackdown Women's Champion)
Smackdown Tag Teams and Factions: Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura, Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler, Rey and Dominick Mysterio, Lucha House Party, Drake Maverick & Killian Dain (NXT Call up#3), Street Profits.
Smackdown Male Superstars: Drew Mcintyre, Roman Reigns, Johnny Gargano (NXT Call-up#4), The Miz, Sheamus, Pete Dunne (NXT Call-up#5), Kevin Owens, Aliester Black, Lars Sullivan, Otis, Ricochet, Murphy, R-Truth, Jinder Mahal, Mojo Rawley, Velveteen Dream (NXT Call-up#6), Goldberg, Timothy Thatcher (NXT Call-up#7), Angel Garza, John Cena.
Smackdown Female Superstars: Sasha Banks, Natalya, Charlotte Flair, Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, Billie Kay, Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch, Carmella
Smackdown GM: Sting
Once the shows get into full swing and the challenge is officially laid down for brand supremacy, the first thing noticeable change is that each show's sets will be redone to look more distinct one another.
Raw gets a brand new set which is far grittier than it has been in previous years. With Big Evil in charge, he gives it a slight MMA feel with matches more frequently featuring a tale of the tape and more post match in ring interviews. Pre-Match contract signings are also given a more press conference like feel and are often officiated by legends such as Steve Austin or Bret Hart. Raw is going to be very competition heavy but with a clear respect for the old-school with the Undertaker guaranteeing at least one title match each month. Due to his legendary status, he only lays down the rules when needed and does not have to appear too often in the show. Also, to ensure that nobody is simply given championship matches, a clear contendership table is drawn out. This table takes into account win-loss records of the past month, previous championship reigns and tenure. To ensure fairness, newer superstars who have yet to win titles can move up the ranks by beating top contenders and taking their place on the table.

Smackdown on the other hand decides to pay homage to its "golden age" and reintroduces both the fist and the ovaltron. The show has a more extravagant feel with elaborate entrances, emphasis on backstage segments, more frequent use of pyro and special effects and an overall atmosphere of exclusivity. Sting plays a more involved role in the running of the show and will appear to prefer to give fans more "never-before seen" matches. Sting also reverses the Undertaker's formula for determining No.1 Contenders by placing the newer superstars in higher positions while making the older superstars work to prove why they still deserve to maintain a position at the top of the card.

This arrangement will continue until MITB which will be the first PPV to have inter-brand matches. The following events will happen prior to the immediate build-up to MITB:
- The Fiend beats Edge to become the WWE Champion
- Drew Mcintyre beats Seth Rollins to become the IC Champion
- Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler will break-up with Roode turning face
- The members of Retribution will unmask and go by their previous ring names.
- The Undertaker announces that Brock Lesnar will be banned from ever receiving a WWE Championship match as he wants a World Champion that will be on Raw every week.
- Dissatisfied about not getting a world title match, Brock Lesnar walks out vowing to never return until his demands are met. Raw seems to be at a disadvantage having lost it's special attraction.
- John Cena vows to retire following next year's Wrestlemania.
In the weeks leading up to MITB, several new twists will be introduced to highlight the Brand Warfare storyline.
- There will be two men's ladder matches and one women's ladder match.
- The winners of the briefcases can cash in on any champion from either brand. As championships follow the superstar, this will allow one brand to try to steal the other brand's top championship.
- The men's MITB Matches will consist of one "All-Star" match of past MITB winners only and a second ladder match with superstars who have not competed for the briefcase before.
The first week leading up to MITB will feature the announcement of the "All-Star" match. Every past MITB winner on the active roster is automatically added into this match thus the "All-Star"MITB match will include: Edge, Orton, Bryan, Strowman, Lesnar, and Corbin for Raw with Miz, Otis, Sheamus, Ziggler, Rollins and Cena for Smackdown. However, Lesnar refuses to participate in the match and once again states that he will only return if he is given a world title match upfront. Various qualifying matches are also announced for the women's match and the second men's ladder match.
The Women's MITB match will feature: Bayley, Lacey Evans, Mia Yim, Shayna Baszler and Peyton Royce for RAW with Sasha Banks, Ronda Rousey, Natalya, Ruby Riott and Billie Kay for Smackdown.
The Second Men's MITB Match will feature: Keith Lee, Ciampa, Riddle, Gable and Cedric Alexander for Raw with Dunne, Gargano, Dream, Thatcher and Sullivan for Smackdown.
At the PPV, the Women's MITB Match opens the show. Rousey wins and declares that before the night is over she will cash in on the Raw Women's Champion and steal their championship for Smackdown. However, she is ambushed by an unknown assailant and is taken to the hospital.
The Fiend retains the WWE Championship over Jeff Hardy.
Ali retains the US Championship over AJ Styles and Samoa Joe thanks to retribution.
Kingston and Woods retain the Raw Tag Team Titles by DQ over Elias and Cameron Grimes.
Asuka retains the Raw Women's title over Bayley.
Big E retains the Universal Championship over Aliester Black
Mcintyre retains the IC Championship over Ricochet.
Roman Reigns beats Kevin Owens.
The War Raiders beat Shelton Benjamin and MVP.
The All Star Match takes place in the middle of the card. Prior to the match, Undertaker announces a special replacement for Lesnar. He says that when you don't know who else to call, you call your family and luckily for him this person fits the criteria for the match. Kane appears as a surprise entrant and to even out the numbers for Raw. However, Cena wins the match but looks somewhat conflicted as he rather quickly makes his way to the back.
The Second Men's MITB match is the main event. Pulling a major upset even amongst fellow first time competitors, Chad Gable wins the second briefcase.

The next night on Raw, the Undertaker congratulates Gable on his win and tells him that there's no pressure on which brand's champion he chooses to cash in on. Before Gable can speak, Randy Orton comes out and goads him into putting the briefcase on the line in the main event. Gable agrees and pulls off another big win. Bray Wyatt appears after the match and tells Gable to pick wisely before cashing in. On the following Smackdown, John Cena comes out with the briefcase in hand and talks about what winning it means for the landscape of the WWE. He wonders if it's fair for him to change the landscape of the WWE so late in his career, knowing he only has a few months left and thus he has come to a decision after thinking long and hard. He asks Sting to come out so he can tell it to him but instead, Seth Rollins appears. Rollins says that he is one of the greatest briefcase winners of all time while Cena stands among the worst and since Cena wants to relinquish the MITB briefcase, he might as well hand it over to him. Sting then comes out and asks Cena if he wants to let the briefcase go but Cena says no. An angry Rollins then challenges Cena to a match and loses. Cena then takes the mic and says that before he retires he will break the record and become a 17 time world champion but to make sure he isn't taking the opportunities of the future of the WWE. He promises that he will not challenge for a title if it isn't by cashing-in his briefcase and that he will relinquish the next world title he wins. He says that it is a vow and he signs a contract to prove that he will keep his word which he hands over to Sting. On the same episode of Smackdown, a furious Ronda Rousey appears and ambushes Bianca Belair backstage. She then drags the helpless Belair to the ring and cashes in on her much to Sting's disappointment. She says that it was Belair who attacked her at MITB (but this is later proven to be false).
Over the next few months, each show will continue with their own programs and will not intertwine until the build up to Survivor Series. The following events are to happen by this point.
- The Usos lose the Smackdown Tag Team Championships to Rey and Dominick.
- Roman Reigns once again becomes the Universal Champion after beating Big E inside Hell in a Cell
- Drew Mcintyre loses the IC Championship to Sheamus who becomes a grand slam champion
- Ali loses the US Championship to Tomasso Ciampa
- Goldberg returns to Smackdown and announces his intention to compete for the Universal Title again.
Leading up to Survivor Series, new twists are introduced again. As Survivor Series has been the resident brand warfare PPV, the stakes are going to be raised even higher. In addition to the traditional Raw vs Smackdown elimination matches, each brand's champions will be defending their titles. Only this time it will be against challenges from a different brand who seek to bring their title's over to a different show. The match card is stacked with various high stakes title matches and strong bragging right in the elimination matches.
Sting announces that Goldberg will challenge The Fiend for the WWE Championship.
Undertaker follows up with an equally shocking announcement saying that although Brock Lesnar is still banned for challenging for WWE Championship, nothing's stopping him from going after the Universal Title thus making it Brock vs Roman for the Universal Title once more.
Tomasso Ciampa was given the right to choose his challenger and he picks what he views as the natural choice. At Survivor Series it will be Ciampa vs Gargano for the US Title.
Keith Lee also earns the right to challenge Sheamus for the IC Title.
Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin will challenge for the Smackdown Tag Team Titles against Rey and Dominick.
Drake Maverick and Killian Dain will challenge Kingston and Woods for the Raw Tag Titles.
Shayna Baszler was revealed as the person who attacked Rousey at MITB and will challenge for the Smackdown Women's Title.
Liv Morgan challenges Asuka for the Raw Women's title.
John Cena vs Chad Gable in an MITB winner's match
Raw's Bayley, Naomi, Zelina Vega, Peyton Royce, Lacey Evans and Nia Jax will go against Smackdown's Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Bianca Belair, Carmella and Ruby Riott in a traditional 6 vs 6elimination match.
Raw's AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Matt Riddle Edge, Randy Orton and Braun Strowman will go against Smackdown's Big E, Drew Mcintyre, Seth Rollins, Pete Dunne, Lars Sullivan and Timothy Thatcher.
Smackdown wins the Women's Elimination match, the US Title, The IC Title and retains both their women's and tag team championships.
Raw wins the Men's Elimination Match, the MITB winner's match, the Universal Title Match and retains the WWE, Women's and Tag Team Championships.
Despite the slim win, a shocking twist happens during the main event. After Lesnar beats Reigns for the Universal Championship, Cena cashes in and becomes a 17 time world champion. True to his word he agrees to relinquish the title on the next Smackdown but says that his win doesn't change the fact that Raw won the Survivor Series. Cena says that because of that he cannot return the title to either show and therefore announces that it will be vacant until the Royal Rumble where the winner of the Royal Rumble is declared the Universal Champion. He then relinquishes the championship and says he will return in time for Wrestlemania.
Due to the close competition, the committee could not reach a decision on whether Raw or Smackdown deserves the main event of Wrestlemania 38 saying that the Universal Champion at the end of the Royal Rumble will determine it. If Raw wins they will have both world championships but if Smackdown wins they will have 2 belts more than Raw.
At the Rumble, Reigns wins from coming in at number 3 and celebrates another reign as Universal Champion. However, he is then attacked by the Fiend who is still the WWE Champion. This allows Chad Gable who did not participate in the Rumble to cash in and leave as the Universal Champion. This will probably lead to Gable vs Lesnar for the Universal Title with Gable retaining at Wrestlemania and Roman giving the Fiend that inevitable loss and bringing a world title back to Smackdown. More ambitiously this angle could also be used as a framework for Undertaker vs Sting.

Anyway apologies for the long read. Really wouldn't expect a lot of people to sit through the whole thing. I know it may seem rather hasty and definitely farfetched but to me something similar to this might just be what we need to put some freshness into both Raw and Smackdown. Would love to hear your thoughts on it or if you have anything that you'd want to add or change. Take Care!
submitted by heeheejones to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

How WWE Should Book Clash Of Champions: Gold Rush 2020

Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big milestone RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how Clash Of Champions: Gold Rush 2020 should be booked
1ST KICKOFF MATCH: Asuka (c) vs. Zelina Vega (Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship)
WINNER by SUBMISSION and STILL WWE RAW Women’s Champion: Asuka
2ND KICKOFF MATCH: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Lucha House Party (Kalisto and Lince Dorado) (w/ Gran Metalik) (Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships)
WINNERS and STILL WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura
1ST MATCH: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Sami Zayn (c) vs. AJ Styles (Triple Threat Ladder match for the Undisputed WWE Intercontinental Championship)
-Hardy and Zayn are on either side of the ladder, fighting to unhook the title, but Styles springs off the top rope and knocks Zayn off with a Phenomenal Forearm. Jeff and AJ fight on the ladder now and Jeff nails a Twist of Fate to Styles off the top.
-There is a ladder bridge set up between the announce table and the apron, and Styles hits a Styles Clash to Zayn through it.
-A ladder is set upright in front of a ringpost, and Zayn does his torpedo DDT through the post THROUGH THE LADDER onto Styles on the outside.
-And of course…. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb off the top of a ladder. Somehow, some way.
The match ends with all 3 men on a single ladder, and they begin dropping like flies one by one. Zayn swings the titles into Styles, who falls to the mat. It’s now a tug of war between Zayn and Jeff. Jeff powerbombs Zayn off the ladder into the arms of AJ Styles, and Jeff unhooks the belts. Styles shouldn’t win this with the rumors of him going back to RAW due to his real-life issues with Heyman and because he wants to spend Fridays with his son, and the parallel between Sami and Jeff should continue one-on-one, and I don’t feel like that can happen unless Jeff wins, and Zayn just won’t have it. This would lead to Jeff vs. Sami Zayn in a ⅔ falls match at Hell In A Cell. And as for what AJ does next… keep reading on.
WINNER and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy
2ND MATCH: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) vs. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan) (Tag Team match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships)
WINNERS by PINFALL and NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: The Riott Squad
3RD MATCH: Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ The Hurt Business) vs. Apollo Crews (w/ Ricochet) (Singles match for the WWE United States Championship)
Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ The Hurt Business) vs. Apollo Crews ended in a No Contest after Retribution interfered and wreaked havoc
4TH MATCH: Bayley (c) vs. Nikki Cross (Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship)
WINNER by SUBMISSION and STILL WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion: Bayley
5TH MATCH: The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c) vs. Andrade and Angel Garza (Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships)
WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL WWE RAW Tag Team Champions: The Street Profits
6TH MATCH: Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Jey Uso (Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship)
WINNER by PINFALL and STILL WWE Universal Champion: Roman Reigns
7TH MATCH: Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Randy Orton (Ambulance match for the WWE Championship)
WINNER and NEW WWE Champion: Randy Orton
No. Results Stipulations Times
Pre-show Asuka (c) defeated Zelina Vega by Submission Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship 5 minutes
Pre-show Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura (c) defeated Lucha House Party (Kalisto and Lince Dorado) (w/ Gran Metalik) by Pinfall Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships 12 minutes
1 Jeff Hardy (c) defeated AJ Styles and Sami Zayn Triple Threat Ladder match for the Undisputed WWE Intercontinental Championship 23 minutes
2 The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan) defeated Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) by Pinfall Tag Team match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships 11 minutes
3 Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ The Hurt Business) vs. Apollo Crews (w/ Ricochet) ended in a No Contest after Retribution interfered and wreaked havoc Singles match for the WWE United States Championship 10 minutes
4 Bayley (c) defeated Nikki Cross by Submission Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship 12 minutes
5 The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c) defeated Andrade and Angel Garza by Pinfall Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships 9 minutes
6 Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) defeated Jey Uso (w/ Jimmy Uso) by Pinfall Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship 8 minutes
7 Randy Orton defeated Drew McIntyre (c) Ambulance match for the WWE Championship 20 minutes
MY CARD FOR HELL IN A CELL 2020 (October 25th, 2020, Orlando, FL, Amway Center)
No. Matches Stipulations
1 Randy Orton (c) vs. Edge Hell In A Cell match for the WWE Championship
2 Bayley (c) vs. Sasha Banks Hell In A Cell match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship
3 Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. AJ Styles Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship
4 Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Sami Zayn 2-out-of-3 Falls match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
5 The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c; RAW) vs. Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado) (w/ Kalisto) (c; SmackDown) Tag Team match to unify the WWE RAW and SmackDown Tag Team Championships
6 The Hurt Business (MVP, Bobby Lashley, Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander) vs. Apollo Crews, Keith Lee, Mustafa Ali and Ricochet 8-man Tag Team match
7 Cesaro (w/ Shinsuke Nakamura) vs. Drew McIntyre Singles match
8 Alexa Bliss and “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt vs. Braun Strowman and Nikki Cross Mixed Tag Team match
Well, that was the post. Thanks for reading! As always, let me know what you liked and/or what you didn’t like from the post, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show tomorrow night! Be sure to look out for my next post for the upcoming PPV, **”How WWE Should Book Hell In A Cell 2020. Enjoy the show tomorrow night, everyone.
submitted by HardestPartOfTheRing to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

How WWE Should Book Clash Of Champions: Gold Rush 2020

Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big milestone RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how Clash Of Champions: Gold Rush 2020 should be booked
1ST KICKOFF MATCH: Asuka (c) vs. Zelina Vega (Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship)
WINNER by SUBMISSION and STILL WWE RAW Women’s Champion: Asuka
2ND KICKOFF MATCH: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Lucha House Party (Kalisto and Lince Dorado) (w/ Gran Metalik) (Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships)
WINNERS and STILL WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura
1ST MATCH: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Sami Zayn (c) vs. AJ Styles (Triple Threat Ladder match for the Undisputed WWE Intercontinental Championship)
-Hardy and Zayn are on either side of the ladder, fighting to unhook the title, but Styles springs off the top rope and knocks Zayn off with a Phenomenal Forearm. Jeff and AJ fight on the ladder now and Jeff nails a Twist of Fate to Styles off the top.
-There is a ladder bridge set up between the announce table and the apron, and Styles hits a Styles Clash to Zayn through it.
-A ladder is set upright in front of a ringpost, and Zayn does his torpedo DDT through the post THROUGH THE LADDER onto Styles on the outside.
-And of course…. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb off the top of a ladder. Somehow, some way.
The match ends with all 3 men on a single ladder, and they begin dropping like flies one by one. Zayn swings the titles into Styles, who falls to the mat. It’s now a tug of war between Zayn and Jeff. Jeff powerbombs Zayn off the ladder into the arms of AJ Styles, and Jeff unhooks the belts. Styles shouldn’t win this with the rumors of him going back to RAW due to his real-life issues with Heyman and because he wants to spend Fridays with his son, and the parallel between Sami and Jeff should continue one-on-one, and I don’t feel like that can happen unless Jeff wins, and Zayn just won’t have it. This would lead to Jeff vs. Sami Zayn in a ⅔ falls match at Hell In A Cell. And as for what AJ does next… keep reading on.
WINNER and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy
2ND MATCH: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) vs. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan) (Tag Team match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships)
WINNERS by PINFALL and NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: The Riott Squad
3RD MATCH: Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ The Hurt Business) vs. Apollo Crews (w/ Ricochet) (Singles match for the WWE United States Championship)
Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ The Hurt Business) vs. Apollo Crews ended in a No Contest after Retribution interfered and wreaked havoc
4TH MATCH: Bayley (c) vs. Nikki Cross (Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship)
WINNER by SUBMISSION and STILL WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion: Bayley
5TH MATCH: The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c) vs. Andrade and Angel Garza (Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships)
WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL WWE RAW Tag Team Champions: The Street Profits
6TH MATCH: Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Jey Uso (Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship)
WINNER by PINFALL and STILL WWE Universal Champion: Roman Reigns
7TH MATCH: Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Randy Orton (Ambulance match for the WWE Championship)
WINNER and NEW WWE Champion: Randy Orton
No. Results Stipulations Times
Pre-show Asuka (c) defeated Zelina Vega by Submission Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship 5 minutes
Pre-show Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura (c) defeated Lucha House Party (Kalisto and Lince Dorado) (w/ Gran Metalik) by Pinfall Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships 12 minutes
1 Jeff Hardy (c) defeated AJ Styles and Sami Zayn Triple Threat Ladder match for the Undisputed WWE Intercontinental Championship 23 minutes
2 The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan) defeated Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) by Pinfall Tag Team match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships 11 minutes
3 Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ The Hurt Business) vs. Apollo Crews (w/ Ricochet) ended in a No Contest after Retribution interfered and wreaked havoc Singles match for the WWE United States Championship 10 minutes
4 Bayley (c) defeated Nikki Cross by Submission Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship 12 minutes
5 The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c) defeated Andrade and Angel Garza by Pinfall Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships 9 minutes
6 Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) defeated Jey Uso (w/ Jimmy Uso) by Pinfall Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship 8 minutes
7 Randy Orton defeated Drew McIntyre (c) Ambulance match for the WWE Championship 20 minutes
MY CARD FOR HELL IN A CELL 2020 (October 25th, 2020, Orlando, FL, Amway Center)
No. Matches Stipulations
1 Randy Orton (c) vs. Edge Hell In A Cell match for the WWE Championship
2 Bayley (c) vs. Sasha Banks Hell In A Cell match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship
3 Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. AJ Styles Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship
4 Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Sami Zayn 2-out-of-3 Falls match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
5 The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c; RAW) vs. Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado) (w/ Kalisto) (c; SmackDown) Tag Team match to unify the WWE RAW and SmackDown Tag Team Championships
6 The Hurt Business (MVP, Bobby Lashley, Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander) vs. Apollo Crews, Keith Lee, Mustafa Ali and Ricochet 8-man Tag Team match
7 Cesaro (w/ Shinsuke Nakamura) vs. Drew McIntyre Singles match
8 Alexa Bliss and “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt vs. Braun Strowman and Nikki Cross Mixed Tag Team match
Well, that was the post. Thanks for reading! As always, let me know what you liked and/or what you didn’t like from the post, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show tomorrow night! Be sure to look out for my next post for the upcoming PPV, **”How WWE Should Book Hell In A Cell 2020. Enjoy the show tomorrow night, everyone.
submitted by HardestPartOfTheRing to WWE [link] [comments]

How WWE Should Book Clash Of Champions: Gold Rush 2020

Hey everyone! Ever since Night Of Champions 2015, through multiple accounts, every month before major WWE pay-per-views, I’ve come on here and booked the cards to make them as exciting, intriguing, and best possible scenarios for the future. I do both NXT and main-roster pay-per-views, as well as the occasional big milestone RAW or Smackdown weekly show. Without further ado, here is how Clash Of Champions: Gold Rush 2020 should be booked
1ST KICKOFF MATCH: Asuka (c) vs. Zelina Vega (Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship)
WINNER by SUBMISSION and STILL WWE RAW Women’s Champion: Asuka
2ND KICKOFF MATCH: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Lucha House Party (Kalisto and Lince Dorado) (w/ Gran Metalik) (Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships)
WINNERS and STILL WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura
1ST MATCH: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Sami Zayn (c) vs. AJ Styles (Triple Threat Ladder match for the Undisputed WWE Intercontinental Championship)
-Hardy and Zayn are on either side of the ladder, fighting to unhook the title, but Styles springs off the top rope and knocks Zayn off with a Phenomenal Forearm. Jeff and AJ fight on the ladder now and Jeff nails a Twist of Fate to Styles off the top.
-There is a ladder bridge set up between the announce table and the apron, and Styles hits a Styles Clash to Zayn through it.
-A ladder is set upright in front of a ringpost, and Zayn does his torpedo DDT through the post THROUGH THE LADDER onto Styles on the outside.
-And of course…. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb off the top of a ladder. Somehow, some way.
The match ends with all 3 men on a single ladder, and they begin dropping like flies one by one. Zayn swings the titles into Styles, who falls to the mat. It’s now a tug of war between Zayn and Jeff. Jeff powerbombs Zayn off the ladder into the arms of AJ Styles, and Jeff unhooks the belts. Styles shouldn’t win this with the rumors of him going back to RAW due to his real-life issues with Heyman and because he wants to spend Fridays with his son, and the parallel between Sami and Jeff should continue one-on-one, and I don’t feel like that can happen unless Jeff wins, and Zayn just won’t have it. This would lead to Jeff vs. Sami Zayn in a ⅔ falls match at Hell In A Cell. And as for what AJ does next… keep reading on.
WINNER and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy
2ND MATCH: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) vs. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan) (Tag Team match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships)
WINNERS by PINFALL and NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: The Riott Squad
3RD MATCH: Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ The Hurt Business) vs. Apollo Crews (w/ Ricochet) (Singles match for the WWE United States Championship)
Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ The Hurt Business) vs. Apollo Crews ended in a No Contest after Retribution interfered and wreaked havoc
4TH MATCH: Bayley (c) vs. Nikki Cross (Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship)
WINNER by SUBMISSION and STILL WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion: Bayley
5TH MATCH: The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c) vs. Andrade and Angel Garza (Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships)
WINNERS by PINFALL and STILL WWE RAW Tag Team Champions: The Street Profits
6TH MATCH: Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Jey Uso (Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship)
WINNER by PINFALL and STILL WWE Universal Champion: Roman Reigns
7TH MATCH: Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Randy Orton (Ambulance match for the WWE Championship)
WINNER and NEW WWE Champion: Randy Orton
No. Results Stipulations Times
Pre-show Asuka (c) defeated Zelina Vega by Submission Singles match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship 5 minutes
Pre-show Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura (c) defeated Lucha House Party (Kalisto and Lince Dorado) (w/ Gran Metalik) by Pinfall Tag Team match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships 12 minutes
1 Jeff Hardy (c) defeated AJ Styles and Sami Zayn Triple Threat Ladder match for the Undisputed WWE Intercontinental Championship 23 minutes
2 The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan) defeated Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) by Pinfall Tag Team match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships 11 minutes
3 Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ The Hurt Business) vs. Apollo Crews (w/ Ricochet) ended in a No Contest after Retribution interfered and wreaked havoc Singles match for the WWE United States Championship 10 minutes
4 Bayley (c) defeated Nikki Cross by Submission Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship 12 minutes
5 The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c) defeated Andrade and Angel Garza by Pinfall Tag Team match for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships 9 minutes
6 Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) defeated Jey Uso (w/ Jimmy Uso) by Pinfall Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship 8 minutes
7 Randy Orton defeated Drew McIntyre (c) Ambulance match for the WWE Championship 20 minutes
MY CARD FOR HELL IN A CELL 2020 (October 25th, 2020, Orlando, FL, Amway Center)
No. Matches Stipulations
1 Randy Orton (c) vs. Edge Hell In A Cell match for the WWE Championship
2 Bayley (c) vs. Sasha Banks Hell In A Cell match for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship
3 Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. AJ Styles Singles match for the WWE Universal Championship
4 Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Sami Zayn 2-out-of-3 Falls match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
5 The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) (c; RAW) vs. Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado) (w/ Kalisto) (c; SmackDown) Tag Team match to unify the WWE RAW and SmackDown Tag Team Championships
6 The Hurt Business (MVP, Bobby Lashley, Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander) vs. Apollo Crews, Keith Lee, Mustafa Ali and Ricochet 8-man Tag Team match
7 Cesaro (w/ Shinsuke Nakamura) vs. Drew McIntyre Singles match
8 Alexa Bliss and “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt vs. Braun Strowman and Nikki Cross Mixed Tag Team match
Well, that was the post. Thanks for reading! As always, let me know what you liked and/or what you didn’t like from the post, and what from the post you’d like to see actually happen on the show tomorrow night! Be sure to look out for my next post for the upcoming PPV, "How WWE Should Book Hell In A Cell 2020. Enjoy the show tonight, everyone.
submitted by HardestPartOfTheRing to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Post Smackdown Live Discussion Thread - 8/6/19

WWE SmackDown Live - 8/6/19 - Live from Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, MI!

Match Results

Winner Loser Finish
Dolph Ziggler Ali Pinfall via Superkick
Ember Moon & Natalya - Double Count-Out
Aliester Black Sami Zayn Pinfall via Black Mass
Big E & Xavier Woods Daniel Bryan & Rowan DQ after Rowan attacked Woods with stairs

Show Summary

Courtesy of
Charlotte Flair made her way to the ring to start SmackDown. She noted that every time she steps in the ring, the fans are seeing greatness. Not everyone can be great, and they usually quit or do something else. She brought up Trish Stratus and pointed out that she left when the business began changing.
Flair noted Stratus only came back because she can’t stand Flair’s success. Stratus wants to come back for one more match. She promised to shatter Stratus’ dreams. Flair then introduced a video package on her career highlights. Instead, the video highlighted Stratus’ career. Flair was unhappy.
Stratus made her way down to the ring. She played that video to remind Flair why she has all these history-making opportunities. Stratus admitted she’s dreaming of one more match. She quoted Harley Race and said there’s no greater feeling than being under those bright lights.
Flair welcomed Stratus to her nightmare. She promised to make Stratus bow down to the queen at SummerSlam. Stratus slapped Flair, and they went face-to-face. Flair laughed and walked off.
They announced Xavier Woods & Big E vs. Daniel Bryan & Rowan for later.
Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler Never Happened
Ziggler came out to Goldberg’s music and did his entrance including exiting his locker room with security.
Ziggler jumped Mysterio on the floor before the match. He rocked Mysterio with a superkick. The referees checked on Mysterio, but Ziggler picked him up for another superkick.
Ziggler grabbed the mic and noted he's sick of all these legends.
Ziggler mocked Goldberg and said he’s not next. SummerSlam is going to be Goldberg’s last match.
Ali’s music hit, and he ran down. He checked on Mysterio and then jumped in the ring. Ziggler went for a superkick, but Ali hit a spinning heel kick. He followed up with a suicide dive.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Ali
Ali was firmly in control and hit the rolling X-Factor for a near fall. Ziggler fought back and caught Ali with an elbow. He followed up with a hard clothesline. Ziggler set up for the superkick, but Ali rolled him up for a two count. Ziggler then hit the superkick for the win.
Earlier today, Roman Reigns sat down with Kayla Braxton for an exclusive interview. She asked Reigns how he’s keeping it together after the recent incidents. He noted he’s dealt with many problems, but this time he doesn’t know who the attacker is.
Reigns said the WWE offered him personal security, but he doesn’t need it. She asked him who he thinks the attacker is. He pointed out that he knows it’s not Samoa Joe. Reigns then apologized to Joe for accusing him of being the attacker. The fans cheered and clapped Reigns for making the apology. He promised to get answers by the end of the night.
Tom Philips discussed the recent passing of Harley Race.
They aired a tribute video for Race. The fans broke into a “Harley” chant after the video.
Ember Moon vs. Natalya
Natalya had the early advantage, but Moon took over. Moon rocked Natalya with a dropkick on the floor, sending her into the barricade.
Natalya fought back and threw Moon into the apron. She then hit a discus clothesline and applied the sharpshooter for the double count-out.
Natalya refused to break the hold until Bayley ran out and pulled her off. Bayley tried to help Moon up, but she pushed Bayley away.
The Kevin Owens Show with Shane McMahon
Owens wasted no time and demanded McMahon come down to the ring. Greg Hamilton tried to do McMahon’s ring intro, but Owens took the mic away. Owens pointed out that fans always ask him why McMahon’s career isn’t on the line at SummerSlam.
Owens noted it’s because of his last name. McMahon can say and do whatever he wants. Owens pointed out the McMahon’s promised to give the fans what they want. He challenged McMahon to put his career on the line as well.
McMahon refused the challenge. He pointed out that it was Owens that offered to put his career on the line. McMahon noted there’s nothing wrong with losing to the best in the world.
McMahon went over all the ways he can defeat Owens including pinning him, making him submit, count-out or disqualification. Owens was frustrated that McMahon wouldn’t put his career on the line. Owens said McMahon just showed everyone he has no balls.
They don’t want to wait until SummerSlam and cleared the ring. Elias jumped Owens from behind, but Owens fought him off. Owens threw McMahon over the announce table, but Elias recovered and jumped Owens. Owens fought back and hit the stunner on the announce table.
McMahon pulled Owens off the table and beat him down. McMahon then turned over the announce table onto Owens. Owens was trapped under the table, and McMahon then dropkicked a chair into his face.
Sami Zayn made his way down to the ring to address Aleister Black. Zayn noted that he issued a challenge to Black for a match at SummerSlam, but he hides in the back. He said Black is terrified of him.
Black interrupted, and as he made his entrance, he spoke. He noted this match isn’t happening at SummerSlam. Instead, it’s happening right now.
Aleister Black defeated Sami Zayn
Black rocked Zayn with a kick, which sent him to the floor. Black teased a dive but posed instead. After the break, Zayn was firmly in control and hit a clothesline for a two count. Zayn slowed the pace down with a chin lock.
Black made a comeback and hit a running knee. He then hit a huge moonsault. Black followed up with another knee and a Black Mass for the win.
In the back, the interviewer asked Shelton Benjamin if he ever sees himself challenging for the 24/7 Championship. He looked around, said well, and then walked off.
Bray Wyatt hosted another edition of the Firefly Funhouse. Wyatt noted that his SummerSlam opponent Finn Bálor isn’t scared of anything.
Wyatt said it's to cover up for his insecurities. He noted Bálor invited The Fiend to his doorstep.
Wyatt promised that The Fiend is coming for Bálor.
In the back, Chad Gable was doing his stretches with bands. Elias approached and told the “kid” to take his bands. Elias mocked Gable for his small size and walked off.
WWE Champion Kofi Kingston sat down for an exclusive interview. Kingston discussed his 2009 feud with Randy Orton. He felt he had momentum, and the fans were behind him. It didn’t have a happy ending.
They aired clips of the match were Orton called Kingston stupid. Kingston heard rumors that Orton used his power to hold Kingston down. They aired clips of Kingston winning the WWE Championship and his trip to Ghana.
Kingston uses his power to uplift people while Orton uses his power to hold down people. He said when he wins at SummerSlam and holds the belt up, we’ll see who the stupid one is. This was a good video package.
The New Day defeated Daniel Bryan & Rowan by DQ
The commentators discussed Bryan’s career-changing announcement that he never made as he made his way to the ring.
Bryan jumped Woods to start the match, but Woods fought back with a dropkick. Woods followed up with a dive onto the Bryan on the floor. Back from the break, Bryan was in control until Big E rocked him with a clothesline.
The heels took over and isolated Woods in their corner. Woods made a brief comeback, but Rowan fired back with a crossbody. Bryan hit the running dropkick in the corner followed up by a splash from Rowan for a near fall.
Woods almost made a tag, but Rowan knocked Big E off the apron. Rowan tossed Woods to the floor and then over the barricade. Back from break, Woods hit a missile dropkick on Rowan.
Big E got the hot tag and hit three belly-to-belly suplexes on Bryan. He followed up with a big splash. Bryan fought back and hit a dropkick to Big E’s knee.
Bryan hit a series of kicks on Big E, but he rolled up Bryan for a two count. Bryan applied the Lebell Lock, but Big E fought out. Bryan transitioned into a triangle, but Big E hit a powerbomb for a close near fall.
Rowan hit a big kick for a two count. Big E knocked down Rowan and Woods hit an elbow off the top for a near fall. Big E speared Bryan off the apron. Woods attempted a dive, but Rowan hit him with the stairs for the disqualification.
After the match, Rowan gave Big E the Iron Claw, and Bryan hit the running knee on Woods.
In the back, Roman Reigns walked into the locker room and told everyone to leave except for Buddy Murphy. Reigns said he saw the footage and knows Murphy was in the hallway.
He accused Murphy of either attacking him or knowing who did it. Murphy doesn’t know who it is but wouldn’t tell Reigns anyway.
Reigns snapped and threw Murphy around the room and beat him down. Murphy said he saw Rowan. Reigns asked if it was Daniel Bryan and Rowan, but Murphy only saw Rowan.
Bryan and Rowan watched from the ring. Rowan stood proudly, but Bryan just stood there.
submitted by dnytle to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

WrestleMania 37 (LA): Card Predictions

WrestleMania 37 Card Predictions

Any discussion about matches/results or feedback is welcomed :)
Been really bored recently and wanted to do fantasy writing/predictions for wrestling shows/events.
This is a predicted card for WrestleMania 37 in 2021. This is also based off the current WWE storylines and where I believe superstars will be going into WrestleMania next year. This card was put together as of Wednesday June 3rd 2020, therefore due to circumstances such as Becky Lynch’s pregnancy certain superstars will not be on the predicted card.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic WWE split this past WrestleMania 36 into a two day event, which I believe was a smart choice and improved the pacing of WrestleMania. I do not know how they would manage to pull it off with a stadium venue and a big crowd this time around, but I feel as though it should be a recurring layout for WrestleMania to be spread over the two day period. As such, I will base this card off of being held over two days.
WrestleMania 37 (Day 1):
WrestleMania 37 (Day 2):
[Booking of Day 2 will be uploaded separately]

WrestleMania 37 (Day 1)

[Pre-Show] Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal
This match has become redundant rather than being a platform for pushing new and upcoming stars. WWE will likely hold another iteration of this match as a way to get everyone without a WrestleMania match on the card. I think that they should add some type of stipulation to these matches to make them feel a bit more important such as make it so that the winner earns a championship opportunity. That would be an easy win to push a new star and give them a big moment.
In terms of the winners, I could see WWE wanting to give a WrestleMania win to stars such as Baron Corbin, Braun Strowman or Elias. But, I feel like an NXT star or surprise winner should win the match and that would pop the crowd. I will pick Velveteen Dream as the winner as he has been in NXT for a long time and I think could be a big star on the main roster if booked right. This would be a good way to begin Dream’s career on the main roster and push Dream into the title hunt going into the summer.
Winner: Velveteen Dream
[Opening Match] WWE Intercontinental Championship: 8-Man Ladder Match
Participants: Daniel Bryan (c) vs Ali vs Cesaro vs Drew Gulak vs Jeff Hardy vs Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura
This has the potential to steal the show and would be in incredible way to open up WrestleMania. Whilst I believe that WWE has dropped the ball with most of the superstars in this match, they are all still incredible workers and have earned their spot on the show rather than being dumped in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. Daniel Bryan as of this writing is my pick to win the Intercontinental Championship after Zayn relinquished the title due to the pandemic. Bryan should carry the title into WrestleMania and also drop the championship to younger star. I believe that out of everyone in the bout the one guy who deserves the win is Ali. Ali was penciled in to fight for the WWE Championship before injuries derailed the push and coincided with KofiMania. Ali is a great talent and would benefit for a push with the IC championship.
If this was a dream card then I would’ve placed most of the participants further up the card in championship bouts but the WWE failed to create new stars and damaged some of these stars. I see some of these stars never getting a substantial push for some reason but I hope that they get their chance at stardom once again. I’m looking at you Shinsuke Nakamura.
Winner: Ali (New Champion)
RAW Tag Team Championships: The Street Profits (c) vs Imperium
For those of you who have seen NXT UK, I am behind Imperium as a faction and they could be a force to reckon with once they are moved over to RAW or SmackDown. I would prefer to see Undisputed Era moved to SmackDown, especially with the potential matches between Adam Cole and some of the talents over on that brand. Thus, I can see these two factions being split up and separated on different brands. In terms of the RAW tag team division, Imperium would be a fresh team in which the division needs right now. The current champions are the Street Profits and whilst I could see teams such as the Viking Raiders or Authors of Pain in the title hunt once again, I think the Street Profits should continue their reign. They do bring a different type of energy to the show and I am fans of theirs.
This storyline makes sense too as Imperium is looking to restore honour to their sport as part of their gimmick. The Street Profits are funny, like to party and bring the smoke, which could go against what Imperium stand for. Both teams are very talent and it could kick off a dominant reign with a win at WrestleMania for Imperium. Faces normally work better when chasing the titles and Imperium can be built up as dominant champions before dropping them to an up and coming team.
In terms of which two members would represent Imperium, I would pick Barthell and Aichner. The titles could be defended amongst the team as part of the freebird rule in wrestling, but Walter could go after the WWE Champion on RAW going into the Summer perhaps, completing Imperium’s quest for gold and domination.
Winners: Imperium (New Champions)
Aleister Black vs the Fiend
WWE has failed the Fiend in my opinion and as much as I love Bray Wyatt and the characters that he portrays, the ceiling for the Fiend is getting closer and closer. Do not get me wrong, that is through not fault of Bray Wyatt and I though that the Fiend has a ton of potential when he debuted on RAW back in 2019. However, after horrible booking in a feud with Seth Rollins and the Goldberg situation at Super ShowDown where Wyatt dropped the Universal Championship, I have lost faith that the WWE will be able to book the Fiend correctly.
The same can be said for Aleister Black who was a promising talent from NXT and a former NXT women’s champion. Despite not being as badly booked as Wyatt, Black has not done much of note since arriving on RAW after being shoved into a tag team with Ricochet and then being relegated to squash matches on a weekly-basis, Black fell into the background. Whilst I feel WWE have failed Bray Wyatt, Black still has the potential to break out and take the WWE by storm as he has an intriguing character that is unique, similar to the uniqueness and mystique that surrounded Taker when he debuted decades ago.
If WWE is able to book Wyatt strongly for the rest of the year and ensuring that the Fiend is dominant. It an easy to book match where the question is asked who can stop the Fiend and Aleister Black comes knocking on the door of the Firefly Funhouse this time around. I feel like WWE will want to push Black going into WrestleMania next year as squash matches can only do so much and what better what than to allow Black to be the one to finally slay the Fiend.
I can already picture a great visual of the Fiend doing the spider walk he does whilst Black just sits there with the legs crossed as the fans lose their minds.
Winner: Aleister Black
WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles: Charlotte Flair (c) & Natalya (c) vs Ronda Rousey & Shanya Baszler
This one is a longshot as it would involve Ronda Rousey returning to WWE which is an uncertainty at this point. I think that it is worsened by Becky Lynch’s pregnancy as the Man and the Baddest Woman on the Planet still have issues to settle and could’ve had a singles rematch over the RAW Women’s Championship, which is now obviously off the table.
I believe that this match though could the second best option due to two reasons. The first reason being that in my opinion, Rousey will eventually return to WWE, when I am not sure but this could be a good time to do so. Rousey and Baszler are part of the MMA’s four horsewomen and could reunite to fight for the Women’s Tag Team Championships. It would be a great way to use Rousey on her return and would elevate the championships in the process, which are in need of a big feud to elevate the titles and the women’s tag team division.
The second reason is that WWE is fixated on padding out Charlotte Flair’s championship record with 12 titles in such a short period of time and the WWE Women’s Tag Team titles being the only title Flair is yet to win. That title also stands in the way of Flair becoming a grand slam champion and so, I believe once Flair drops the NXT women’s championship that she currently holds it is only inevitable that she will go after these titles. I only see Flair doing this with three women. Becky Lynch being the first but as stated is off the table. The next would be a BFF reunion with Sasha Banks, but she will be the one to take the SmackDown title from Bayley this summer and deserves a singles push. So, the third and only real option in my eyes is Natalya due their history. WWE would love to be able to market this Hart and Flair team up and I believe with Natalya likely not doing much, could aid Charlotte Flair is becoming the tag team champions leading to this match.
The match writes itself as Baszler and Rousey are best friends, Flair and Natalya respect each other due to their battles, Flair and Rousey/Baszler could kick off a four horsewomen vs four horsewomen feud and Rousey and Natalya used to be best friends when Rousey was RAW women’s champion. I feel all these moving parts make it an easy match to book and is the best possible option for the women’s tag team titles and all involved at this point. I mean it could be worse, we could have had Charlotte winning another singles title again but I think other women deserve the singles spotlight this time.
(PS I don’t hate Charlotte Flair, but please WWE slow down with the title reigns…)
Winners: Ronda Rousey & Shanya Baszler (New Champions)
Brock Lesnar vs Matt Riddle
This is a dream match for many in the WWE Universe and with the recent announcement by Kurt Angle of Matt Riddle’s move to SmackDown, I feel like we are getting closer and closer to seeing this match. With WrestleMania going hollywood, they will want to bring back as many big names as possible for the show and will want Brock Lesnar on the card. I do not want to see Brock Lesnar fighting for a world championship and this is the best way to use him. Riddle has said that he wants this match and to be the one to retire Lesnar, whilst I do not think this would be Lesnar’s retirement match, this will be a great match. The match would be different from anything else on the show and the styles of the two competitors would make for an intriguing encounter. This would be a great way to push Riddle to the super-stardom with a signature win over Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. It is a great way to create a big star off the bat and that is something that WWE needs to do desperately.
Winner: Matt Riddle
RAW Women’s Championship: Asuka (c) vs Ember Moon
We can all agree that during the era of empty arena shows one superstar stands out and that is Asuka. She is the highlight of RAW each week and deserves her spot as champion after Becky Lynch relinquished the championship. Asuka deserves a long championship reign as WWE builds her back up after a couple of years of bad booking. In terms of challengers for Asuka at WrestleMania, there is one dream match that would easily be able to become a reality and is now a real possibility with Asuka as RAW Women’s Champion and without a wide variety of challengers to choose from. That women is Ember Moon.
Ember Moon has been out with an injury and is set to return in the near future. She never really received a push of any type on RAW and hopefully a big return and potential change of character could heat her up a bit. We already know that these two women can deliver in the ring as they had one of the best feuds over the NXT women’s championship. Building on from that history, Moon could target Asuka due to never being able to beat Asuka and win the big one in NXT. Moon could even turn heel and give a a fresh overhall to her character which could see her finally break through and capture the title.
The set up for this one is easy as Moon could return to win the women’s royal rumble. The previous women’s rumble winners were easy to predict and this would be a fresh change with a suprise winner. As stated I would have Ember win the championship as her break out moment and the pieces would fall into place for it. The only thing holding me back from giving Ember the win is Asuka never having a WrestleMania moment which I think is criminal, but Ember deserves a run with the championship and this match could make her into a star.
Winner: Ember Moon (New Champion)
[Main Event] WWE Universal Championship: AJ Styles (c) vs The Undertaker
Before you say anything, yes, we did see this bout in some form at the previous WrestleMania. I know that the Undertaker is not the same superstar in the same condition that he once was, BUT, if there is anyone who could give the Undertaker one last classic championship match it would be AJ Styles. Styles is one of the best wrestlers on the planet currently and after being buried alive by The Undertaker last year, I believe Styles could seek out Taker to avenge the loss and put the final nail in the coffin for Taker and his legendary career.
I see Styles winning the Universal Championship before the year is over. I know WWE will want Reigns to come back and chase the championship that he missed out on due to the pandemic at WrestleMania 36, but, they could give Reigns the title and still give Styles the title later on in the year. This would also clear up Reigns for his own blockbuster WrestleMania clash, more on that later. I feel like this would be the best way to end Taker’s career and ensure that he goes out of WWE with a classic match to end it all. Styles would win this as he is an active superstar and I see Undertaker wanting to put Styles over and go out on his back like all of the greats.
Personally, I would make this main event due to this being the Undertaker’s final appearance in WWE. Additionally, Styles is missing WrestleMania main eventer from his long list of accomplishments and it would be fitting for him to get a big WrestleMania main event win over the Undertaker.
Winner: AJ Styles (Retains)
--- End of Day 1 ---
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Goldberg Beats The Fiend And Wins The Universal ...

the monster the fiend bray wyat is up against on of the biggest legends in WWE, goldberg!🔔 Subscribe & Turn your Notifications on for anything related to Pr... HEY FRIENDS 90S Kids Most favorite Goldberg Vs Fiend Full match in Wwe how won the match in details #Wwe #Goldberg #Fiend #2020 WWE Super Showdown 2020 Highlights ! Goldberg New Universal champion ? Goldberg Vs Fiend 2020 Watch the video to know about the four big matches at SUPER SHO... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... goldberg declared his challenge at wwe smackdown to face the fiend for the universal title. Credit Below to all the Mods used in my videos.• https://pastebin.... Goldberg vs. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt - Universal Championship # WWE Super ShowDown (2020) Full Show Live Highlights#SuperShowDown(2020) #WWEWWE Super ShowDown...

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