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Slavery is a lot more complex than authors realize (Star Wars, Fallout New Vegas, Oregon Series)

Slavery is usually used as an easy way to designate a group as ‘evil’ because, well, it is. So, I’m not going to touch that here. What I’m going to do is a deep dive into why that treatment is incomplete and often counterproductive. The issue is that slavery is a system of labor, rather than just being a moral choice, and, consequently, can be analyzed as such. When an author creates a system that depends on slave labor to function, there are certain implicit arguments they are making for that system to be successful, or else it flat out reduces production.
In Star Wars, slavery is fairly common on the Outer Rim, with Anakin Skywalker being the most notable example. At the same time, there are inexpensive droids that function at a near human level, and can operate for extended periods without running low on power.
In Fallout New Vegas, Caesar’s Legion uses slaves extensively, both for medical treatment, as brute laborers, and for agriculture. This is common to the point that Caesar requests to buy a character named Arcade Gannon as his personal doctor from the Courier.
Clive Clussler’s Dark Watch is about a group of mercenaries trying to back track a slavery ring that is moving vast numbers of Chinese would-be illegal immigrants to a desolate coast in Northern Russia in order to force them to mine gold.
In economics, there’s an idea that boils down to “humans are not horses.”1 There is economic value to a human beyond the ability to pull a heavy load, and humans are pretty much endlessly adaptable. We participate in the economy, we make decisions, we can learn and be trained to do things that robots and computers can’t (and probably won’t for the near to medium term. And if they can, then human slavery becomes even more pointless). What this means is that by making someone a slave, you’re taking an individual who can produce, on average, in the US, $50,000 worth of output, and making them into a manual laborer that can produce a fraction of the amount a $5000 engine can. This is reflected in the jobs where slavery is an issue. We don’t see it in commercial copper mines, we see it in service based jobs that have negative connotations or illegal services (like massage parlors), in some farm jobs where machinery can’t easily handle the plant in question, in places that need a minimum level of skill or ability, but the risk of disaster isn’t that high and productive output is limited beyond simply the physical work. Because physical work is done much better by machines.
The risk of disaster is a major point, because ordering someone to do something or die tends to breed some negative feelings towards the boss. For example, Nazi Germany suffered from a huge number of dud shells as their slave labor force intentionally risked death to weaken their war effort.2 You can’t treat a slave as a slave when they’re in a job that is technically demanding, intellectually difficult, or requires skilled labor, because it takes someone else who is equally technical, intellectual, or skilled to check the work and ensure that there isn’t a timebomb waiting to go off. A slave in that position needs to be trusted, like any worker in a similar position, to at least not actively sabotage their job.
Which is where the use of slaves tends to break down.
The primary issue is that slavery basically depends on humans, or other sapient beings, being most valuable as a source of work, in the physics definition of the term. Basically, given the choice between an internal combustion engine, and a human, a slaver must explicitly choose the human. And give up many times their economic contribution as a slave in production.
Given that slavery is usually used, in media, in war-like societies that are trying to maximize production by working people to death, this is a very interesting decision. Is the 50 year old accountant going to be able to haul much iron ore? Probably not. Can they work through the numbers and find a military commander embezzling funds? Absolutely. Or, if foreigners aren’t trusted to do that, can you leverage a company to retool and produce consumer widgets, opening your own trusted factories to retool towards the military, co-opting your enemy’s strength? Definitely.
Anyone who views a larger labor force as a liability in war completely misunderstands the value of a human life and the output of the human mind and hand.
Fallout New Vegas allows the player character to sell Arcade Gannon into slavery as Caesar’s personal doctor. But Arcade Gannon is morally and ideologically opposed to Caesar, which makes that choice frankly insane.
There were well educated slaves in Rome, which this is probably a reference to, but slavery in that form was somewhat limited compared to how we view slavery today. Learned Greeks were extremely prized, to the point that they would sell themselves into slavery for the money and for the chance to become a Roman citizen once freed, and were given what were effectively wages for their work. The implicit protections on a well educated slave, and the cost of an educated slave, made them valuable and difficult to waste.3 The way that Arcade Gannon is sold to Caesar is much more in line with, well, slavery, or at least what we would consider slavery.
Forced labor at the hand of another without any real expectation of freedom or citizenry at the end. Moreover, due to his ideological commitments, Caesar was giving someone with ample reason to hate him the means to kill him. Caesar’s implicitly hoping to god that Arcade doesn’t know a slow poison or the existence of lead and a delivery mechanism, since the slow deterioration would make it hard to point to Arcade, as you’d need a medical expert on his level to be able to prove it was intentional. Which Caesar explicitly doesn’t have.
More generally, the slaves generally shown are used as pack mules, which makes sense from a resource perspective, if actual pack mules are that rare, but the attempt to expand the slavery system to cover doctors and other experts is unrealistic and would be extremely damaging to Caesar’s war effort. Attempting to use slaves in line with how they’re referenced in classical works isn’t feasible except when it’s voluntary. Which doesn’t really meet the modern definition and image of slavery.
Similarly, slavery only makes sense when human physical work output is the main limitation on production. This can be seen in Clive Clussler’s Gold Coast, where Chinese would-be illegal immigrants are forced to mine gold under slave labor conditions. Now, mining is one of the more common uses of slave labor in developing regions.4 The works is difficult, dirty, dangerous, and doesn’t always pay well, so slavery can be the only way to get people to work the mines. The issue is that those mines are small, poorly run, and their output is comparatively minuscule. Modern commercial mines produce massively more, due to the sheer quantity of rock they can move through machinery, even with environmental protections and regulations. Gold Coast attempts to combine the two, slave labor input with commercial mining output. Multiple small cruise ships are used to house the slaves, there are standing pools of mercury left over from the intentionally unsafe separation plants, and the slaves are worked to death to move the rock and run the separation plant. The problem is that human labor is slow, weak, and fragile, especially compared to today’s industrial scales. Even if the slave driver has thousands of slaves, a large dump truck will easily beat them on rock moved.
The value of human labor is in operating the machines, which Gold Coast touches on, by pointing to the on-site separation plants being the most expensive part of the operation, but the issue there is, once again, the misuse of slaves. Operating an industrial scale separation plant is involved, complex, difficult, and wouldn’t be left to an uneducated slave, which means that some training and trust is necessary. And the slave has every reason to try to destroy it, especially if they’re being forced to work with mercury on a continuous basis. They’re knowingly dead men walking, and threatening to kill someone if they don’t work is not as effective against someone condemned to die. The entire process is designed with an eye towards being as awful as possible, rather than being efficient, which tends to be the most common thread in depicting modern slavery, rather than accuracy.
This type of approach becomes even less reasonable as society becomes more advanced. Star Wars is somewhat notable here, since they explicitly have droids and robots that can work on a human level. They may be portrayed as relatively bumbling, but they’re able to make decisions and act independently, with a long lasting power source, and ownership is explicit and common. Why have slavery at all, when those exist? And slavery isn’t just for domestic servants, or for the Hutt or similar to show off how rich and powerful they are. A random junk trader can own two of them, despite any value derived being entirely dependent on a relatively high level of education. It takes months or years of training, trust that the slave will obey and not undermine their master, and there are much stronger, faster, better alternatives. Why even have slaves in that instance? Other than because of social norms that require living slaves, similar to the mid 19th century definition of middle class requiring human servants5 , slavery in the Star Wars universe is unnecessary to say the least.
So, which universes actually do slavery logically?
I think the most reasonable use is in the Codex Alera series, which has three major facets in favor.
  1. Low technology level, meaning that human muscle power is all that can really be used.
  2. Humans are massively boosted in that world, with significant strength gain from the in universe magic. They can be stronger, ignore pain, heal faster, and a multitude of things that render them effectively superhuman, though few have access to all of that.
  3. Effective, but not absolute, mind control. The Codex Aleria series has Discipline Collars, which cause their wearer to feel euphoria when serving their master, and extreme pain when they resist. Consequently, initiative and intelligence can be retained, when the master so wishes, while guaranteeing absolute loyalty.
Historically, slavery has been useful when muscle power was all that people had access to, which is pretty much everything prior to the industrial revolution, ignoring water and wind power. Be it in the fields or the mines, slavery has been at least as effective as the peasantry or serfs, though the three were relatively similar in most regards. However, by making humans more powerful, Jim Butcher made slavery more attractive. Why use a horse when a human can run as fast, further, pulling more?
The local maxima of utility was with human slaves, especially with the discipline collars, which forced loyalty and allowed trust. From an efficiency and productivity perspective, it could have worked well.
Of course, slavery being easily beyond the moral event horizon, and stealing free will even further, the antagonist who most played into this system was an evil egomaniac who wanted to conquer the world. And said antagonist, despite leading an army of enslaved supersoldiers, regarded slaves as nothing more than somewhat intelligent cattle, explicitly going out of his way to crush intelligent behavior and initiative.
Which reduces the utility of a slave in much the same way taking an accountant and forcing him to be a laborer would. He had a solution to the question of how to enforce loyalty and attain maximum production, and wasted it because of his ego and belief that his class was inherently superior. Which it sort of was, due to the magic system, but not so much that he couldn’t have benefited from allowing a little more initiative in his subordinates, especially when he used hostages and other hostile forms of control against people he couldn’t collar.
Moreover, continuing the theme of self-satisfaction and ignoring the populace, his nation suffered from ongoing exploitation and generational looting, as befits a ruler who views his subjects as nothing more than an inherently rebellious resource, even when their free will is crushed.
The way slavery is used in the Codex Alera series hits both on how effective it could have been, as the antagonist was able to threaten the entire rest of the kingdom through a total war economy, as well as why it is surprisingly ineffective in maintaining that war economy, due to the absolute crushing of initiative.
The result was a lopsided, ineffective nation, one that couldn’t react well to outside pressures, and lacked the internal stability to function once the head was removed. Even ignoring the antagonist’s dead man’s switch tied to a volcano.
Through the lens of “The issue is that slavery is a system of labor, rather than just being a moral choice, and, consequently, can be analyzed as such” slavery in the Codex Aleria world makes more sense than most, and could have worked relatively well, acting as a decentralized hivemind where everyone works for the greater glory of the head aristocrat, had said aristocrat not been cartoonishly evil.
So what?
With regards to doing slavery in a historically accurate manner, the issue is that slavery is inherently a loss to society. The world is taking a productive being and forcing them to work at vastly below their potential. Especially since concentration of wealth doesn’t usually produce self-driving wealth growth. It’s accumulation of wealth and resources for the few, rather than a system that encourages broad productivity growth, which is necessary for a state to fund a technologically superior military, and maintain the production necessary to engage in a long term war.6
That said, if someone wants to write about a nation that uses slavery realistically, there’s two options here.
  1. The limitation on production needs to be the amount of mechanical work that can be done. Rather than needing more workers to manage and run machines, the world needs to be at a low enough technological level that humans are the best option.
  2. The person running the slave society places an inordinate emphasis on slaves, for social or other inefficient (from a productivity perspective) reasons.
The former is largely seen in the modern world, in places like African conflict diamond mines, as well as jobs where robots cannot be used, such as certain agricultural positions. North Korea’s export of workers whose salaries go to the government can also be framed in this way. The cost of those slaves is less than the cost of the proper mechanical equipment so, even if production is limited and slow in comparison to a more mechanized system, it’s profitable enough for people to still want to use it.
That said, while it can work on a limited basis, attempting to use slavery as the underlying system to power a wartime economy is largely infeasible. Nazi Germany demonstrates that issue, with massive quality control problems and papering over cracks with free labor. Rather than slavery being a method of forcing maximum production, the Nazi war machine saw slavery encourage inefficiencies and reduce the long term production potential of their empire, by reducing the number of workers, and by allowing companies that should have failed due to poor management to survive by leaching off of the lives of slaves.
The latter can be seen in the Antebellum South, where a landowner’s wealth and power wasn’t measured in money, but in the number of slaves and size of his fields. The latter should imply the former, but that wasn’t necessarily true, and the latter was much more impressive to visitors, which meant that it was emphasized over the long term. Even if the actual value of the slaves dropped, social forces meant that slaves were still valued beyond their potential material gain.
The issue with that latter focus is that it detracts from actual utility to the system. Yeah, there’s some very rich people, but the overall society is relatively impoverished, as the true cost in both labor and opportunity is hidden in a population that society ignores.7
In short, if you want to create a story about an evil empire that enslaves everyone it meets, go right ahead, but it’s damn near impossible to make a good argument that those workers are being used to their maximum utility, and a hell of a lot of economists agree with that viewpoint.8,9
  2. I apologize for not having a more focused discussion, but this is one of those things where there are plenty of references towards the topic, but it’s surprisingly difficult to find exactly what I’m trying to talk about.
  5. And of course the Victorian British would define their society in such a way that at least half the nation is inherently poor.
    Employing a servant was a sign of respectability, but for the lower middle class, where money was tighter, they could only afford one servant - the maid of all work.
  6. This is the fundamental argument of the book, and honestly offers a very good lens for comparing military power and potential.
submitted by Draco_Ranger to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

List of PS3 and Console exclusive games playable on RPCS3 right now!

List of games that are not available on PC but can be played with RPCS3 emulator. First list has PS3 exclusives plus playstation exclusives(PS3/PS4 or PS3/PSV). Second list has all games that are console exclusive. Third list talks about the big unplayable PS3 exclusives and their current status.
Do note that your PC needs to have the required specs to play these games. Go to to see the required specs. Also note that some games require specific settings to run at full speed or display graphics correctly and you should see the wiki or forums for info, plus go to the discord if you have problems with games.
Final note. Go to for various game patches that unlock the framerate of exclusive games. Certain games can also do 60fps with Vblank settings in advanced tab of rpcs3 settings so no need for patches.



So thats the end of the list of playable console exclusives, so many Karting and Pachinko games... Now onto the ingame but unplayable PS3 Exclusives.

submitted by Digitaldude555 to rpcs3 [link] [comments]

Recap - 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After Season 6 Episode 13 “Hot Tempers and Cold Feet”

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After Season 6 Episode 13 “Hot Tempers and Cold Feet”
Kalani (Age 31, from Utah) and Asuelu (Age 24, from Samoa)
Colt (Age 34, Las Vegas NV) and Jess (Age 26, from Brazil, living in Chicago)
Angela (Age 53, from Georgia) and Mykhul (Age 31, from Lagos Nigeria)
Andrei (Age 33, from Moldova) and Elizabeth (Age 29, from Florida)
Syngin (Age 30, from South Africa) and Tania (Age 30, from Connecticut)
Paul (Age 35, Kentucky) and Karine (Age 23, Brazil)
Larissa (Age 33, from Brazil) and ??
submitted by alexbrobrafeld to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

In which I examine the claim "Black people have invented nothing outside of peanut butter in the history of their race" and why that's wrong

Sigh. I can already predict some of the heated replies to this post.
In fact, any post that tries to list historical achievements of a particular ethnic group, culture, nationality or religion will find the exact same "critiques", so I'll just address some of them right off the bat.
You said X-invention was invented by Y group of people. Wikipedia says it was invented by Z groups of people centuries before, Y just specialized it and made it more popular! FAKE NEWS!!
Inventions, contrary to popular belief, are not so cut and dry as:
"Hey, look. I'm the person that invented this neat thing. Me, my country, everyone who keeps the same traditions as me, everyone that has the same religion, and everyone who shares the same skin tone as mine are to credit."
Honestly, 90% of the time the "inventor" themselves aren't even the ones to completely credit, as all they did was "up" a pre-existing creation. Many don’t even do that; history just tends to happen to favor them. Textbooks round the world credit Thomas Edison for the creation of lightbulbs and telephones, but all he was a PR man who had a habit of pocketing the patents of others for his own gain. Thomas wasn't even the first in line to start working with electricity, there were dozens of men who spent their entire lives perfecting commercial lighting and communication before and after Edison, yet if you ask millions of people globally who invented lightbulbs/telephones, the answer will overwhelmingly be:
"Like... that Thomas dude. Thomas something... Thomas Eddie??
Hell as I type this, there's a teacher somewhere telling her students to remember that Thomas Edison was the guy who invented the lightbulb for the test next Friday.
Or what about inventions that were improved later in time? Who gets the credit for creating telescopes? Galileo does, but all he did was improve an original design by Hans Lippershey.
What about inventions that were "invented" time and time again by separate peoples throughout history? The concept of the "Pythagoras theorem" is credited to, well, Pythagoras. Historians disagree, considering as there's textual evidence of the theorem millennia before Pythagoras was even born, from various different cultures from around the world.
There are hundreds, if not, thousands of examples of this all throughout history.
It's as Isaac Newton said:
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
Or as Mark Twain more aptly put it:
"It takes a thousand men to invent a telegraph, or a steam engine, or a phonograph, or a photograph, or a telephone or any other important thing—and the last man gets the credit and we forget the others. He added his little mite — that is all he did. These object lessons should teach us that ninety-nine parts of all things that proceed from the intellect are plagiarisms, pure and simple; and the lesson ought to make us modest. But nothing can do that"
So when a list-maker comes along every now and then makes a list about what accomplishments a certain group of people have made, it's not always as inaccurate or far from the truth as a few hecklers would have you think.
You know what is inaccurate AND far from the truth?
To claim that black people have invented absolutely nothing in the entire history of their race outside of peanut butter.
Which is exactly what The_Donald does here and here and here and here
Image in question
A bit of background.
The webcomic series, or RedPanels, describes itself as "Red Pill in Webcomic Form" and "the alternative webcomic". It was created way back in 2015 to provide "counter points" to the "liberal media narrative agenda". The webcomic touches upon a multitude of popular subjects, ranging from immigration to nationalism, usually through a right-wing lens. Despite it mostly covering the seemingly mainstream pro-Trump sentiments, there are more obscure ones that display the author's more very... * ahem *, interesting... beliefs..
Despite the fact that the dude's plainly an anti-Semitic pile of doo doo, having his swan song drawing end off with a literal Nazi salute, It's a relatively popular web comic among social conservatives and neo-reactionaries, who don't know anything about his more... eccentric beliefs. (I hope).
Anyways, there's not really too much to debunk in either graphics. They imply one of two things
1) Black People haven’t invented anything (outside peanut butter and mud huts of course)
2) White people/culture have invented everything outside of the two above mentioned items
All one has to do to prove it wrong is simply list anything invented by a b l a c c person or literally anything NOT invented by a white guy outside of peanut butter. That's too easy, so I’ll do both and I'll analyze some comments at the end to top it off. since every low-effort post mentioning T_D gets upvoted hard on this sub and therefore receives a volley of hate for being “low-effort”
Now, here's some inventions that could accompany the lonely missus in the final panel of the comic with that jar of peanut butter
  1. Anything George Washington Carver made
It's a tad ironic that of the hundreds of inventions George Washington Carver made during his lifetime, he is most famous for one he had nothing to do with. Yes, I’m talking about Peanut Butter.
The consumption of things that can be described as peanut butter actually dates back to Incas and Aztecs, while the the first example of peanut better being patented goes to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Canada (funnily enough, if you google his name, the first image that comes up is of GWC).
However, if RedPanels/The_Donald is willing to credit peanut butter to George Washington Carver (aka something he didn’t actually make), they should at least give him the credit for hundreds of items he invented throughout his lifetime out of peanuts. The list includes: soap, face creams, axle grease, insecticides, glue, medicines. I mean just look at the dude’s sweet mustache, it counts as its own major contribution.
The man also helped popularize crop rotation and enhancing the market value of countless plants which he used for his inventions. Those plants would later become their own major crops, such as sweet potatoes, soybeans and peanuts (duh). When he died in 1943 President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated funds to erect a monument at Diamond, Missouri, in his honor.
Not bad for a man who was born and kidnapped as a slave, not bad at all.
The Answering Machine
Before 1935, life was a bit difficult for telephone users, to say the least.
You had to hope that the person you wished to call was near an answering machine in order to get your call across. If not, then your missed called was permanently lost. This all changed when Benjamin F. Thornton meshed a phonograph, some record discs, an electric motor, and few electric switches to create the world’s first answering machine.
Not only would the phonograph record the calls people had made, Thornton attached a clock to the machine that would switch the discs so it would also stamp the time the call had taken place.
In the 1864 the Paraguayan War (between Paraguay and a Triple Alliance of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay) started and would last until 1870.
Naval battles were significant, and weapon that could damage enemy vessels over a distance were sought after. André Rebouças, designed an immersible device which could be projected underwater, causing an explosion with any ship it hit. The device became known as the torpedo.
While it was revolutionary, it wasn’t very effective and was overshadowed by Robert Whitehead’s version a handful of years later.
The Predecessor to Dry Cleaning
Thomas L. Jennings (1791-1859) was the first African American person to receive a patent in the U.S., paving the way for future inventors of color to gain exclusive rights to their inventions. Born in 1791, Jennings lived and worked in New York City as a tailor and dry cleaner. He invented an early method of dry cleaning called "dry scouring" and patented it in 1821
Jennings became active in working for his race and civil rights for the black community. In 1831, he was selected as assistant secretary to the First Annual Convention of the People of Color in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which met in June 1831.
He helped arrange legal defense for his daughter, Elizabeth Jennings, in 1854 when she challenged a private streetcar company's segregation of seating and was arrested. She was defended by the young Chester Arthur, and won her case the next year.
With two other prominent black leaders, Jennings organized the Legal Rights Association in 1855 in New York, which raised challenges to discrimination and organized legal defense for court cases.
Modern Home Heating
In 1919 a patent was filled for a “new and improved home heating furnace”. It was the first time someone had thought of using natural gas to heat homes, replacing the previously used fireplaces and stoves. It was filled out by a woman - an African-American one (gasp) – named Alice H. Parker.
Unfortunately, other than that, there’s not much else know about her, as she essentially disappeared from the pages of history after filling out her patent.
Carbon Filaments, Improved Railroad Designs, and an early version of the Air Conditioner
Since the previous example has to do with home heating, it’d be just perfect for this example to include home cooling. And that’s exactly what Lewis Latimer invented, among others. Born from runaway slave parents, he grew up to collaborate with the greatest minds of his time, including Hiram Maxim, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison.
He worked with Bell to develop his telephone, created the carbon filament (a vital component of the lightbulb), He obtained a patent for the safety elevator and Locking Racks. He was later hired by Thomas Edison to review and test out patents, he also authored the one of the most most comprehensive books on electric lighting, “Incandescent Electric Lighting: A Practical Description of the Edison System.”
Latimer next developed a method of making rooms more hygienic and climate controlled. He named his system an “Apparatus for Cooling and Disinfecting,” The device did wonders in hospitals, preventing airborne dirt and dust particles from circulating inside of patient rooms and public areas.
Lewis also had a taste for the arts as he: painting portraits, wrote poetry with friends, and composed music.
Touch-tone Phones, Portable fax machines, and the Fiber optic cable
While she didn’t single-handedly create these, Dr. Shirley Jackson helped provided immeasurable strides in telecommunication technology. Jackson conducted successful experiments in theoretical physics and used her knowledge of physics to foster advances in telecommunications research while working at Bell Laboratories. Dr. Jackson conducted breakthrough basic scientific research that enabled others to invent the portable fax, touch tone telephone, solar cells, and fiber optic cables, among others.
Mrs. Jackson was also the first black woman to earn a doctorate from MIT, the first black female president of a major technological institute, and became the first black woman appointed chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Oh, and “The Father of the Fiber Optic Cable” is considered to be Narinder Singh Kapany, a Sikh from Punjab.
The Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer
George Alcorn was given the 1984 “NASA Inventor of the Year Award” for creation of the of the X-Ray Spectrometer, a device which analyses the X-ray emission spectrum a material produces results about the elemental composition of the specimen.
Now, I have no idea what that actually is, it sure does sound impressive, and if it’s good enough for NASA, it’s more than good enough for me.
America’s First Clock
Apparently, being credited with creating America’s first sticking clock apparently wasn’t enough for young Benjamin Banneker. He had to do it with a pocket watch he:
borrowed, took apart, carved each miniscule piece into a larger scale, and rebuilt it.
This arguably isn’t even what Mr. Banneker is most remembered for. He also was one of the first African-Americans to publish an almanac -one he created through his self-taught knowledge of astronomy - not to mention he was part of the party which surveyed the original borders of what is now the District of Colombia.
Oh, and he was a prominent abolitionist too.
The Laserphaco Probe
Patricia Batch is a person I can only describe as “a woman of many “firsts””.
In 1973, Patricia Bath became the first African American to complete a residency in ophthalmology (specialist in medical and surgical eye disease).
In 1975, Patricia Bath became the first female faculty member in the UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute's Department of Ophthalmology.
In 1983, Patricia Bath became the first U.S. woman to serve as chair of an ophthalmology residency training program.
And finally in 1988, Patricia Bath became the first African-American female doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention.
The patent she received was for a new cataract treatment, one which harnessed laser technology and far more accurate than what used to be used to remove cataracts – manual grinding.
This (for obvious reasons) was incredibly difficult and excruciatingly pain.
Patricia dubbed her invention the “Laserphaco Probe”. She received patients for it in Canada, Europe, Japan, and, the US. With her device, she managed to remove cataracts from patients that had grown massive and had caused their blindness for over three decades.
Railroad Coupler and Rotary Engines
Like many others on this list, there’s not much information one can say on Andrew Jackson Beard. We know he was born as a slave in Alabama in 1849, and worked as a slave for the first 15 years of his life before Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. At 16, roughly a single year after he was freed, Andrew married and started a farm with his wife just near the small county he was born. While on the farm, he was able to develop and champion his first invention (a plow). Three years later, he patented a second plow. These two inventions earned him almost $10,000 (worth nearly 200,000 USD in 2017), with which he began to invest in real estate.
Following his stint in the real-estate market, Andrew Beard began to work with and study train engines. In 1890 and 1892, while living in Woodlawn, Beard patented two improvements to the knuckle coupler. Beard's patents were U.S. Patent 594,059, granted on 23 November 1897 and U.S. Patent 624,901 granted 16 May 1899. The former was sold for the equivalent of almost $1.5 million (adjusted for inflation).
After this, we don’t know much else about him. Little is known about the period of from Beard's last patent application in 1897 up to his death.
He was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2006.
Self-Propelled Street Sweepers
If you’ve ever had to sweep your home for chores, you’d know how difficult it can be. Now imagine instead of you booming your house, it was every street in your country, armed with nothing except a long horizontal head broom, shovel and dustpan. This is what street sweepers did for centuries till Charles Brooks came along.
Historically, prior to Brooks' truck, streets were commonly cleaned by walking workers, picking up by hand or broom, or by horse-drawn machines. Brooks' truck had brushes attached to the front fender that pushed trash to the curb.
As far as Brooks was concerned, the regular way of cleaning the streets was too daunting and not very cost-effective. So, he decided to create a sort of broom – or sweeper – and attach this device to a truck. Hence the concept was born of the 'street sweeper truck.'
Brooks patent was approved on March 17th, 1896; his application for the patent was filed on April 20, 1895. The street sweeper could best be described as a truck frame mounted on the axles which are supported by front and rear wheels. There are drive-wheels for the sweeping, elevator mechanisms, and an endless chain that travels around a sprocket-wheel and travels up to an additional sprocket-wheel. There is a squared shaft, which is mounted at opposite ends in bearings in the upper parts of a pair of vertical standards consisting of the back or rear parts of the truck-frame and then sustained by braces, which extend from the standards to the truck-frame.
The patent drawings go on to explain the complete composition of the invention. For those who are lost on the technical terms, above, here it is in layman terms: The truck had brushes attached to the front fender which would revolve. These revolving brushes could interchange to a flat scraper that could be used in the winter months for snow and ice.
Improved Air-Purification Filters
Rufus Stokes was born and grew up in southern Alabama. On November 5, 1940, just before receiving his high school diploma, Rufus Stokes enlisted in the US Army at Fort Benning, Georgia in the Quartermaster Corps to fight in World War 2. (This would make him the second child solider on this list. To be honest, I was expecting this list to have a couple former slave, but not former child soldiers).
In the Army, he attended a technical school where he received auto mechanic training. He was deployed in western Europe and served predominantly in the Rhineland campaign. Upon his discharge, he was decorated with an American Defense Service Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, and Good Conduct Medal.
Soon after, he moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where Stokes was employed as a part-time auto mechanic. In 1947, they moved once again, to Waukegan, Illinois where he found temporary employment as a pipe and sheet metal worker
Between late 1947 and 1949, Stokes was employed as an orderly at the Chicago Veterans Administration Hospital, specifically in the Tuberculosis Sanitarium. It was during this time that he first saw the negative health effects of the city's pollution. In 1949, he left the hospital and found work at Brule Inc., an incinerator manufacturing company in Chicago. He quickly learned the process of combustion and was thought to have contributed heavily in the designs of new incinerators, but was never credited for his work. For that reason, he left to pursue his own interests.
He later created a smaller domestic version and a larger mobile version of the air purification device to show its versatility. This device further reduced the ash emissions of the furnace and power plant smokestack emissions. Moreover, it was not limited by design and configuration, meaning that its efficiency remained excellent regardless of industrial or residential applications. This was not true of typical air pollution control technologies, such as electrostatic precipitators, bag houses, and wet scrubbers. The larger the device that utilized these approaches, the more cumbersome and inefficient it became. The core of Stokes' technology was a unique utilization of what he described as "the three Ts": Temperature, Time and Turbulence. In his patent applications (U.S., U.K., Germany and Japan), he provided only data sufficient to obtain patent approval. Other critical processes involving variations of physics were not revealed, but nevertheless manifest in demonstrations to municipal, state and federal officials and engineering firms such as A.T. Kearney. The ability of the APC-100 to convert particulate matter and toxic gases resulting from the burning of rubber tires and other combustibles to steam was a constant source of intrigue to those who witnessed its operation.
In 1982, Rufus Stokes was granted a doctor of science degree from Heed University in Hollywood, Florida on account of his scientific achievements.
The Wire/Electrical Resistor, IBM computers, and the pacemaker
Otis Boykin was born on August 29, 1920, in Dallas, Texas.
His mother died while was just a year old and his father worked as a carpenter. He wasn’t able to complete his university degree because he couldn’t afford to pay the tuition. Most people (namely me) would decide to give up entirely after all these setbacks, but this didn’t prevent Otis.
After dropping out of university, Boykin became a lab assistant, gaining just enough money to create his own company, Boykin-Fruth Inc. Using his own corporation as a starting point, Boykin patented a number of his own creations, including some that he had been working on before but hadn’t found the time to fully perfect. After that, Otis found immense success with his inventions.
In total, Otis Boykin would eventually come to hold 28 patents. Some of those include: The electrical wire resistor, IBM computers, chemical air filters, a burglar-proof cash register, and improvements on the pacemaker. Ironically, while he greatly improved on the device which would extend the lives of millions around the world suffering from heart disease, Otis himself died of heart failure at the age of 62, his inventions saving and continuing to save the lives of countless individuals.
Home Security
Most people would consider slow police action a bad thing, but for Marie Van Brittan Brown, it was a source of inspiration (and a really bad thing too, but I digress).
Although she was a full-time nurse, she recognised the security threats to her home and devised a system that would alert her of strangers at her door and contact relevant authorities as quickly as possible.
Her original invention consisted of peepholes, a camera, monitors, and a two-way microphone. Anything the camera picked up would appear on a monitor. An additional feature of Brown's invention was that a person also could unlock a door with a remote control. The finishing touch was an alarm button that, when pressed, would immediately contact the police.
Her patent laid the groundwork for the modern closed-circuit television system that is widely used for surveillance, home security systems, push-button alarm triggers, crime prevention, and traffic monitoring.
The Disposable Syringe
Phil Brooks (also known as CM Punk) is an American comic book writer and retired professional wrestler. He is currently signed with the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). He is best known for his time in WWE, where he was a two-time WWE Champion, including a 434-day reign from November 20, 2011, to January 27, 2013, that is recognized by WWE as one the longest wrestling reigns in its history.
Oops, not that Phil Brooks. The Phil Brooks I’m talking about is the African-American inventor, and receiver of US patent #3,802,434 for a “Disposable Syringe” on April 9, 1974. It consisted of:
"A single unit douching device includes a flexible bag having an opening therein. A rigid nozzle is affixed to the bag at a location remote from the opening. A sealing means is also affixed to the bag adjacent the opening to seal the opening after douching materials are inserted through the opening into the bag."
The 1-GigaHertz Microchip, IBM’s color PC monitor, and Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)
Ever heard of Mark Dean? Well you should have, He’s one of the most prominent black inventors in the field of computers. He was one of the original inventors of the IBM personal computer and the color PC monitor.
He is also responsible for creating the technology that allows devices, such as keyboards, mice, and printers, to be plugged into a computer and communicate with each other, as such he holds 3 of IBM’s original 9 patents and to date holds 20 others.
One of his most recent computer inventions occurred while leading the team that produced the 1-Gigahertz chip, a CPU with 109 hertz (or 1000000000 Hz) of processing power. It contains over one million transistors and has nearly limitless potential.
CM-2: One of the World’s Fastest Supercomputers
An Igbo immigrant from Nigeria, Dr. Philip Emeagwali was born on 23 August 1954. At the age of 13, he served in the Biafran army in the Nigerian Civil War. (You read that right, he was a literal child solider)
After the war, he left for America after the war in 1977, getting a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Oregon State University. He later moved to Washington DC, receiving in 1986 a master's degree from George Washington University in ocean and marine engineering, and a second master's in applied mathematics from the University of Maryland
In 1989 he won the Gordon Bell Prize with a performance figure of about 400 Mflops/$1M, faster than any computer before.
For this (and other achievements) Philip Emeagwali has been celebrated as “The Bill Gates of Africa”
Modern Game Consoles/Videogame Cartridges
Ever played video games? Of course you have! If you haven’t, well, err… you really should. And when you do, you’ve got Jerry Lawson to thank for making major contributions to the art. A completely self-taught engineer, as a teenager he made money by repairing his neighbors' television and radio sets.
In 1970, he joined Fairchild Semiconductor in San Francisco as an applications engineering consultant within their sales division. While there, he created the early arcade game Demolition Derby out of his garage.
In the mid-1970s, Lawson was made Chief Hardware Engineer and director of engineering and marketing for Fairchild's video game division. There, he led the development of the Fairchild Channel F console, released in 1976 and specifically designed to use swappable game cartridges. At the time, most game systems had the game programming stored on ROM storage soldered onto the game hardware, which could not be removed. Lawson and his team figured out how to move the ROM to a cartridge that could be inserted and removed from a console unit repeatedly, and without electrically shocking the user. This would allow users to buy into a library of games, and provided a new revenue stream for the console manufacturers through sales of these games. Lawson's invention of the interchangeable cartridge was so novel and influential that every cartridge he produced had to be approved by the Federal Communications Commission.
In late March 2011, Lawson was honored as an industry pioneer by the International Game Developers Association. His accomplishments as an engineer and inventor were appreciated by the IGDA. One month later he passed away from complications of diabetes. R. I. P.
The SuperSoaker
A NASA scientist (who worked on the Galileo Jupiter probe and Mars Observer project) and retired US Air Force Commander and Chief, Lonnie G. Johnson holds almost 100 patents to his name Including various lithium fuel cells, rechargeable batteries, and reversible engines. But today we’ll be looking at his most important contribution to humankind – the SuperSoaker
Johnson conceived of a novelty water gun powered by air pressure in 1982 when he conducted an experiment at home on a heat pump that used water instead of Freon. This experimentation, which resulted in Johnson shooting a stream of water across his bathroom into the tub, led directly to the development of the Power Drencher, the precursor to the SuperSoaker.
Lonnie G. Johnson now has his own company, Johnson Research and Development, and continues to do work for NASA.
The Gamma-Electric cell
Henry Sampson, (along with his partner George H. Miley), invented the gamma-electric cell (a device with the main goal of generating auxiliary power from the shielding of a nuclear reactor).
I have no idea what that it or what it does, but it sounds useful and science-y, so I’m putting it here.
Oh, and he was a member of the United States Navy between the years 1962 and 1964
The Illusion Transmitter
Valerie Thomas was interested in science as a child, after observing her father tinkering with the television and seeing the mechanical parts inside the TV. At the age of eight, she read The Boys First Book on Electronics, which sparked her interest in a career in science. At the all-girls school she attended, she was not encouraged to pursue science and math courses, though she did manage to take a physics course. Thomas would go on to attend Morgan State University, where she was one of two women majoring in physics. Thomas excelled in her math and science courses at Morgan State University and went on to eventually become a NASA scientist after graduation.
In 1980 she received a patent for her invention of Illusion Transmitter, a device which NASA continues to use today, decades after her retiring from the organization.
Electret transducer technology/The foil electret microphone
Have you ever listened to music online? Recorded yourself with a microphone or used earbuds for privacy? Well, there’s a 90% chance you’ve utilized one of James West’s numerous inventions.
Born in Prince Edward County, Virginia, on February 10, 1931, James was pressured by his family and peers not to continue his passion for science academically ( were concerned about future job prospects for an African-American scientist. Afraid of the racism and Jim Crow laws of the South. They preferred for him to become a doctor
Here’s a quote of his that essentially summarizes his situation:
“In those days in the South, the only professional jobs that seemed to be open to a black man were a teacher, a preacher, a doctor or a lawyer. My father introduced me to three black men who had earned doctorates in chemistry and physics. The best jobs they could find were at the post office.” —James West.
Undeterred, West headed to Temple University in 1953 to study physics and worked during the summers as an intern for the Acoustics Research Department at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey. He received a bachelor's degree in physics in 1957, and was hired for a full-time position as an acoustical scientist by Bell.
In 1960 (while at Bell) West developed an inexpensive, highly sensitive, compact microphone. In 1962, they finished development on the product, which relied on their invention of electret transducers. By 1968, the electret microphone was in mass production. West's invention became the industry standard, and today, 90 percent of all contemporary microphones—including the ones found in telephones, tape recorders, camcorders, baby monitors and hearing aids—use his technology.
As of 2017, James West is still kickin’ and holds over 250 patents.
The Fire-Escape Ladder
Joseph Richard Winters was an African-American abolitionist and poet. His father was a bricklayer and his mother was a Shawnee Indian. On May 7, 1878, he received U.S. Patent number 203,517 for a wagon-mounted fire escape ladder. During April 8, 1879, he received U.S. Patent number 214,224 for an "improvement" on the ladder. In May 16, 1882, he received U.S. Patent number 258,186 for a fire escape ladder that could be affixed to buildings.
Winters had noticed that firemen had to carry inconvenient ladders to burning buildings, mount those on wagons, then climb to windows, rescue people, and spray water on fires. All simultaneously, or lose precious time that allowed the fires to spread. Not to mention that the ladders themselves couldn't be too long or the engine wouldn't be able to turn corners into narrow streets or alleys.
Winters thought it would be smarter to have the ladder mounted on the fire engine and be articulated so it could be raised up from the wagon itself. He made this folding design for the city of Chambersburg and received a patent for it. His second patent was given to him for improvements on his original design. His third and final patent was received in 1882 for a fire escape that could be attached to buildings. He reportedly received much praise but little money for his innovations.
Winters’ invention was almost immediately utilized by the Chambersburg, Pennsylvania fire department who mounted the ladder on a horse-drawn wagon, and modern firetrucks still use a variation of Joseph Winters design.
Telegraphs, Telephones, Electric Railways, and Incubators
Nicknamed “the Black Edison”, Granville T. Woods was quite the ingenious fellow. All in all, he patented around 60 inventions throughout his life, including a telephone transmitter, the trolley wheel and the multiplex telegraph.
Granville was born to poor but free parents. Consequently, he received very little schooling that likely ended at the Elementary level.
In his early teens Woods took up a variety of jobs, including work in a railroad machine shop, as an engineer on a British ship in a steel mill, and as a railroad worker. From 1876 to 1878, Woods lived in New York City, taking courses in engineering and electricity—a subject that he would come to realize, early on, held the key to both his and the world’s future. Woods's most important invention is arguably the multiplex telegraph, also known as the "induction telegraph," or block system, in 1887. The device allowed men to communicate by voice over telegraph wires, ultimately helping to speed up important communications and therefore preventing crucial errors such as train accidents. Granville also created the telegraphony, a combination of the telegraph and telephone
Granville’s successes however caught the eye of a more… malevolent inventor. The inventor in question filed lawsuit to Granville’s devices, claiming they were stolen from him. The inventors name? Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison stating that he had first created a similar telegraph and that he was entitled to the patent for the device. Woods was twice successful in defending himself, proving that there were no other devices upon which he could have depended or relied upon to make his device. After Thomas Edison's second defeat, he decided to offer Granville Woods a position with the Edison Company, Granville declined. (Gee I wonder why?) Subsequently, Woods was formerly known known as "Black Edison."
The Blood Bank
It’s quite literally impossible to calculate how many people would have lost their lives without the contributions of African-American Inventor Dr. Charles Drew. No I mean literally, impossible. One person in America needs blood every two seconds. Imagine how many people need blood worldwide every two – no, every one second. You’d need one of the CM-2 computers mentioned above to be able to calculate that. All of those lives are indebted to Dr. Drew’s innovation and struggles as the researcher and surgeon who revolutionized the understanding of blood plasma – leading to the invention of blood banks.
Born in 1904 in Washington, D.C., Charles Drew excelled from early on in both intellectual and athletic pursuits. And I mean excellent. He was offered both athletic and medical scholarships from multiple colleges and universities. He decided to study at two of them, Amherst collage for his athletics, and McGill University to pursue his doctorate. Drew graduated second out of a class of over a hundred. After becoming a doctor, Dr. Drew went to Columbia University to do his Ph.D. on blood storage. He completed a thesis titled “Banked Blood” that invented a method of separating and storing plasma, allowing it to be dehydrated for later use.
It was the first time Columbia awarded a doctorate to an African-American. He also became the first African-American surgeon selected to serve as an examiner on the American Board of Surgery, where he would later become the chief surgeon.
Just before the U.S. entered World War II and just after earning his doctorate, Drew was recruited by John Scudder (a British Physician) to help set up and administer an early prototype program for blood storage and preservation. He was to collect, test, and transport large quantities of blood plasma for distribution in the United Kingdom. Drew went to New York City as the medical director of the United States' Blood for Britain project. The Blood for Britain project was a project to aid British soldiers and civilians by giving U.S. blood to the United Kingdom.
Drew created a central location for the blood collection process where donors could go to give blood. He made sure all blood plasma was tested before it was shipped out. He ensured that only skilled personnel handled blood plasma to avoid the possibility of contamination. The Blood for Britain program operated successfully for five months, with total collections of almost 15,000 people donating blood, and with over 5,500 vials of blood plasma. As a result, the Blood Transfusion Betterment Association applauded Drew for his work.
Drew’s work would eventually culminate into the American Red Cross Blood Bank. Ironically, while Charles was responsible for the creation of the organization, he would eventually resign as the ARCBB practiced racial segregation of blood. They refused to accept African-American blood and would only transfer plasma to white soldiers and citizens. Outraged at both the practices racism and lack of scientific foundation Charles left the position.
When Dr. Charles Drew died from a car crash in 1950, the ARCBB ended its discriminatory policy. According to legend, Drew was actually brought to the hospital he had helped found but was refused service on account of his race. He died April 1st, perhaps the saddest April Fool’s joke played to one of the most monumental figure here.
Now obviously this is a very short list and I can’t possibly hope to list the achievements and innovations of every African person on the planet, both the one we know and the countless more we’ve lost to the pages of time… but the point still clearly stands and if RedPanels or T_D actually gave a shit about history they wouldn’t have made/posted the image.
For further reading:
1) 2) 3) 4)
Note: This is an updated version of earlier one that got removed. I will cover the comments in the future and will link it here after since this is too long
submitted by SilverCaster4444 to badhistory [link] [comments]

Full detailed analysis of Assassin's Creed Bloodstone Volume 1 (SPOILERS), and how it connects with Daniel Cross story in Subject 4 arc

I finally read Bloodstone myself, so here is full analysis of every single details that might be important.
DISCLAIMER: Some parts of text are marked as spoilers, but in reality majority of them aren't. My goal was to make this analysis look like a CIA report, hiding interesting and historical moments with some sort of black straps. Mods, I hope you won't mind that usage of spoiler tags.

Assassin base in Kyushu Island. December 6th, 2000

Two Assassins, Yuri and Hajime, are discussing the Great Purge. Yuri has a son, Tomo, who is raised as a technician because Assassins are lacking scientists while they have enough fighters. During the discussion about evacuation and methods of Assassin trainings, Yuri was shot, and Templars under the command of Maxime Gorm, referred by Hajime later as "Daniel Cross lapdog", attacked the village. Being asked to save Tomo, Hajime fulfills the wish of Yuri and ran away with her son.
The story immediately starts with a shocking reveal about Maxime Gorm and, as usual, shows the horrific extermination of Assassins during the Great Purge, establishing it by Maxime Gorm's order "Take no prisoners".

Tokyo. July 28-29, 2017

Seventeen years later, Tomo works in arcade and allows children to play for free, berating his employer. Later, Tomo tells Hajime that he found traces of Maxime Gorm and next day explains in details. In Switzerland clinic, under Natalie Chapman control, she runs a Neurology service which is in reality a front to collecting genetic data for Helix database.
As for Gorm, his profile was raised in 2016 in Madrid facility (oh hi Rikkins), where Callum Lynch destroyed the archives. Maxime was connected to Adler family - Animus specialists in this building, but right after the events in 2016 they disappeared. However, their daughter Elisa was spotted in the same Swiss clinic where Champan is working, although under a false identity. In conclusion, Tomo fears that Assassins might receive another Great Purge from Templars.
Initially Hajime objects Tomo to go with Assassin group to Switzerland, saying that he's not a fighter and the investigation is not so big to use the group. Then Tomo offers to infiltrate to clinic and get all necessary evidence. That satisfies Hajime.
I really love the character development of Tomo, as a determinated boy who wants to prove his Mentor that even not being an operative, he can perform a successful mission. Also, the references to Madrid events are bittersweet, although it's strange that Shaun Hastings wasn't mentioned, although he participated.

Lake Leman, Switzerland. October 4 and 30, 2017

October 4
Tomo starts doubting his mission, being afraid that Chapman will expose him immediately, and asks Hajime to teach him how to fight. Hajime mocks him for thinking that being prepared is like getting a driving licence. He told Tomo to use his hacking skills and do whatever it takes to find Gorm, the rest will be on Hajime cell. Tomo agreed and used his disguise as Florent Carpentier to join Chapman's clinic.
Family couple thanks Natalie for a successful brain surgery on their son, then she assesses Tomo for an interview. Although Champan admits than Tomo is too young for her clinic as employee, she still assigns him to Elisa Bouvyer because of his research on teenagers' brains. As for Tomo, he expressed an interest in her research about regression therapy via hypnosis.
October 30
Tomo discusses several topics with Elisa, suggesting as her doctor that it'd be better than she reunites with her family. She says that it won't help and her parents want her to stay away, lastly revealing that her last name is actually Adler.
Afterwards Tomo reports to Hajime that he has a confirmation about Elisa, but asks for more time. However, Champan approaches him and asks to hang up the phone, revealing her knowledge about his real identity and that she is also an Assassin. Following, they have a car ride to a bunker, discussing Maxime Gorm. Champan believes that Maxime, like Daniel Cross, was brainwashed, because Abstergo had the permission to use different technologies. Some examples are Serum SK-345 (the same substance was administered on Daniel Cross by Doctor Sung in "The Fall Epilogue" to extract information about Assassin hideout in Philadelphia. Yes, that's a deliberate reference, I confirmed with Dorison) and transference.
Transference (German: Übertragung) is a theoretical phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection (projection) of the feelings a person has about their parents, as one example, on to the therapist. It usually concerns feelings from a primary relationship during childhood. At times, this projection can be considered inappropriate. In The Psychology of the Transference, Carl Jung states that within the transference dyad both participants typically experience a variety of opposites, that in love and in psychological growth, the key to success is the ability to endure the tension of the opposites without abandoning the process, and that this tension allows one to grow and to transform. Sigmund Freud held that transference plays a large role in male homosexuality. In The Ego and the Id, he claimed that eroticism between males can be an outcome of a "[psychically] non-economic" hostility, which is unconsciously subverted into love and sexual attraction.
Furthermore, Champan says that Warren Vidic simply continued the experiments that began five decades ago, which included Gorm family. In 2000 Maxime Gorm became a subject for experiments by Adler family, who disappered in 2016. Tomo remarks that holding their daughter as a hostage is not the Brotherhood way (LOL), but Chapman replies that she's caring about Elisa and Tomo would also do anything to find Gorm. After admiring his hacking skills, she reveals that her goal is also to kill Maxime Gorm and destroy Adler's project.
To start, Chapman found that Boris Pash participated in Project Bluebird and then operated with his own group of Assassins called "Bloodstone".
TL;DR The earliest of the CIA’s major programs involving the use of chemical and biological agents, Project BLUEBIRD, was approved by the Director in 1950. Its objectives were :
As a result of interrogations conducted overseas during the project, another goal was added-the evaluation of offensive uses of unconventional interrogation techniques, including hypnosis and drugs. In August 1951, the project was renamed ARTICHOKE. Later, Bluebird evolutioned to MK Ultra that was used in Vietnam.
Later, all this research was used by the Templars to experiment on Maxime Gorm. However, Champan believes that Pash didn't have an Animus prototype - it was a machine for mind control using Apple of Eden, brainwashing people. After some debate, Tomo agrees to help.
In Helix database, there are memories of another Bloodstone member - Aleksei Gavrani, former Russian hired killer, before CIA debauched him and he became an Assassin. Templars got his memories from his son who was used for Warren Vidic experiments in 80s, like Cross. Unfortunately, Gavrani memories are encrypted by Abstergo. Tomo easily decrypts and enters his memories.
So let's sum up what we have at this moment. At least 3 Assassins' descendants - Daniel Cross, Maxime Gorm (third-generation Assassin, by that I mean his grandfather and mother were Assassins), and Aleksei Gavrani's son - were kidnapped by Abstergo and used for their grueling experiments. Remember it, because I'll return to that part at the ending. It might help explaining some things.
As for Julia Gorm - her presence gives me some warm feelings and sadness, remembering Julia Dusk death (no doubt Eddie named his daughter in her loving memory). What's interesting is that Julia is working with Pash, although Eddie opposed Boris in Gorm's last days. However, further story shows how tragic her destiny had become after father's death.

Walter Reed army medical center, Washington. February 8th, 1957

Gavrani begins his first mission under Boris Pash mentorship. His goal was to escort Boris to John von Neumann (hello again Project Rainbow), but was stopped by some army personnel. The situation escalates quickly, so he knocked out them. Pash calmed him down and asks to keep watch until he meets Neumann. Later, he left the room with Apple of Eden in his hand.
Champan assumes that Pash killed him. What a coincidence: in real history Von Neumann died on February 8th!
Suddenly Tomo temporarily slips into a memory of his youth, speaking with his mother as to why he does not train with the other Assassins and how he should earn their respect. Then Tomo sharply suffered the effect of transference, forcing Champan to pull him out of Animus. After a break he returns.

Vietnam. January 2nd, 1963

Bloodstone unit (including Aleksei Gavrani, William Greer and pilot Zenia) is assisting Americans and South Vietnamese side of war. Answering to Gavrani's question why napalm wasn't used, a soldier replied that President Diem wants to send a message to communists. Then Aleksei's chopper is shot down forcing Zenia into a crash landing. Few Americans soldiers comes for rescue, but Julia Gorm appears, killing them. Then she opened the crashed helicopter and killed heavily wounded soldier with throwing knife, while the rest capture Cooper for interrogation.
Ngô Đình Diệm was a South Vietnamese politician. A former mandarin of the Nguyễn dynasty, he was named Prime Minister of the State of Vietnam by Head of State Bảo Đại in 1954. In October 1955, after winning a heavily rigged referendum, he deposed Bảo Đại and established the first Republic of Vietnam (RVN), with himself as president. He was a leader of the Catholic element and was opposed by Buddhists. In November 1963, after constant Buddhist protests and non-violent resistance, Diệm was assassinated during a CIA-backed coup d'état, along with his brother, Ngô Đình Nhu. Unlike the coup in 1960, the plotters of the 1963 coup knew how to gain broad support from other ARVN officer corps. It was designed by a military revolutionary council including ARVN generals led by General Dương Văn Minh. Lucien Conein, a CIA operative, had become a liaison between the US Embassy and the generals, who were led by Trần Văn Đôn.
Some of his reforms:

Aleksei and Zenia are having a chat about Pash methods of torture with device he uses, killing innocents, and how to oppose Templar's influence through President Diem. Gavrani believes the machine Pash uses drives people mad, brainwashes them, and he actually goes against the Creed by saying "What happens here goes against all our rules, and without creed, Assassins are nothing more than vulgar murderers!".
Pash interrupts Aleksei, saying that there is no place for doubters in his unit, and to free the mankind, sacrifices must be made, including Brotherhood rules.
Eddie Gorm lost his brother, took care of his family who were killed by Nazis during airstrike on London. He fought for what he believed, with Julia Dusk side by side. Both were betrayed by Boris Pash, and Eddie witnessed the death of woman he strongly cared. When Eddie conceived the child (unfortunately he died before even seeing her birth), she was named Julia in memory of Julia Dusk.
Julia Gorm was taken away and being experimented in this device, becoming unhinged Pash's personal weapon. Probably from very young age, considering at 20 years of age she has been already gone mad. Having a first and last names of two people who opposed Pash's madness, Julia on the countrary obeys him.
Maxime Gorm, Julia's son (Tbh I don't even know who decided to conceive a child with unhinged Julia), was also kidnapped by Templars and experimented in best tranditions of what happened with Daniel Cross, later participated in Great Purge, killing members of a group his grandfather stood with.
With all due respect to Auditores and my favorites - Kenway family - IMO Gorms had much more tragic family destiny than anyone else in the AC universe. And yet we still don't know all truth about Julia, which will be revealed in next volume.

November 2nd, 2017

Hajime and his unit visits Tomo and Tomo was demanded to step away from this case because it has gone bigger than expected. Tomo objects and expresses his worries about Bleeding Effect he gets. Because it's not the regular Bleeding Effect and disappears quickly - sometimes Tomo considers himself as Aleksei Gavrani after few hours of session in Animus. Hajime lets Tomo continue his mission, but warns that if anything goes wrong, his people will intervene. Tomo replies that the next simulation is Kennedy's assassination because Gavrani found Pash's trail there.
Hello AC2 glyphs. Anyone missed them? I definitely am. Seriously.

Dallas, Texas. November 22nd, 1963

Kennedy assassination has been performed, and William Greer runs away with Apple of Eden to some alley, where Aleksei Gavrani greets him, being impressed with the level of audacity to perform such assassination and steal the Apple. Greer objects it was a sleeping Templar agent Lee Harley Osvald who killed JFK, and Greer stole an artifact to hide it. Not impressed, Gavrani headbutts his nose, causing it to break, and starts expressing his view, not believing that Templars kill their own. Aleksei hypothesized that three shooters were so well synchronized... just like Bloodstone unit went on hunt again. He asks William why Pash needs another Apple to his collection, offering to spare his life. Greer tries to attack, but Aleksei easily beats him up, breaking his hand and takes the Apple from Greer.
Later, Aleksei meets his fellow Assassin Bill (William King Harvey, Central Intelligence Agency officer, best known for his role in Operation Mongoose. He was known as "America's James Bond", a tag given to him by Edward Lansdale. He was also a suspect in JFK assassination: passes him the Apple Gavrani took. They discuss Pash and what he did recently.
Kennedy assassination was Pash's plan to steal the Apple of Eden №3 and put the blame on Templars, meanwhile the latters wanted JFK because of Apollo project. Bill implies that we, Assassins, are for freedom, unlike Pash who created his own punisher group that became executioners. Aleksei asks why his group cannot clean up this mess, to what Harvey replies that he doesn't have any authority on Bloodstone unit and all cells work independently. Although Mentor can give a permission to perform an operation against Bloodstone unit, but whille Pash promises him full victory against Templars with the help of Bluebird project, Pash has a blank check. Harvey describes how he used CIA 20 days ago for the coup against President Diem, but by killing the dictator without thinking about any consequences Pash started a devastating domino effect in the region, tempting with nuclear balance between USA and USSR.
To stop the Bloodstone unit, Aleksei is implored by William to become again "Agent QJ/WIN".
Agent QJ/WIN is an infamous top contract European assassin recruited by William Harvey. "Harvey wanted to recruit Corsican’s to spy on the Soviets, and the man he selected for QJ/WIN position was hired in Frankfurt on 1 November 1960 for the Lumumba assassination operation in the Congo. He was told that the “Soviet’s were operating in Africa among nationality groups, specifically Corsicans, and that he was being asked to spot, assess, and recommend some dependable, quick-witted persons for our use. QJ/WIN’s nationality itself is uncertain. His background file [called a “201-file” by the CIA] contains twenty-seven documents, spanning the period from Februry 1955, when he was caught smuggling nickel behind the Iron Curtain, until his termination as an agent in 1964. Not that it matters, Harvey in his notes insisted on a “phony 201-file” that was thoroughly “back-stopped” and looked like a counter-espionage file. So even the extant evidence on QJ/WIN is dubious at best. (From The Strength of the Wolf written by Douglas Valentine). The fact that Assassin Gavrani was a QJ/WIN asset, who was in Congo, actually explains and ties in with Conspiracies: as we know, in Die Glocke there was a hunt for uranium from both Assassins and Templars, later USA continued their development and research from Project Manhattan... and Congo actually had a rich uranium mine:
From what we see, it implies that Lee Harvey Osvald actually didn't kill JFK. BUT! Considering that his guilt, AFAIK, is in doubt even in real life and JFK assassination report had multiple questions... I could say nothing is true here and I actually like the new explanation of JFK death much better. Also, William Greer earlier was implied as Templar agent, but it turns out he was actually a member of Bloodstone unit. Unlike some fans claim, it is NOT a retcon, and here's why:
Oh, and Pash is a freaking maniac.

Center of Geneva. November 11th, 2017

Tomo and Elisa are playing air hockey. Later at the restaurant they discussed Elisa's amnesia and her relationship with parents. Suddenly Elisa reveals that she is using certain machine with virtual reality helmet. That machine helped her, but she forgot everything, even her car crush. By her description, she saw films, subconscious images, and she sometimes gives up to them. Tomo realised Elisa is talking about Animus and he will be forced to report Chapman to the authorities. He suggests that she has to go to stay with her parents for her safety.
In the bathroom, Tomo calls Hajime and reports about this reveal. He believes that Chapman wipes out the memory of test subjects, then uses Bleeding Effect on Animus Omega to "implant" genetic memories on them and that it is more effective on younger "virgin" users, much like Daniel Cross and Maxime Gorm. Hajime asks why she uses Gavrani memories, and Tomo says why - because her machine is not perfect, and to make it so, she needs an Apple of Eden. Hajime remarks that time for waiting is over, and he'll send his people to deal with Natalie Chapman, while Tomo will go with Elisa to her parents and maybe even catch Maxime.

Madrid, Spain. November 12th, 2017

Tomo and Elisa arrived to her parents' place, but Elisa admits that she has no memory of her parents, and wonders if they remember her. Tomo says that the clinic is no longer safe and immediately got struct by Gavrani's memory via Bleeding Effect, but recovered.
Adlers and Tomo are having discussion, while Gorm joins them. Tomo confirms to Hajime that Maxime is here and, despite Hajime's objections, attacks Adlers. Hajime gives a green light to elimination of Natalie Champan and rushes to help Tomo.
Tomo kills Elisa's parents and attacks Maxime, but unsuccessfully, and Gorm stabs him with syringe to the right eye. Maxime and Elisa run away to escape Assassins.

Leman lake. One hour later

Natalie Chapman receives news from her security officer Stanislas about presumably dead Tomo and 100% dead Adlers, as well as escape of Maxime Gorm and Elisa. Coming to her house, she finds out that Assassin broke in her house and lures him out to speak, begging not to kill her and remember the Creed. Unknown Assassin descends and prepares to kill Natalie, but Stanislas shot him with sniper rifle and arrives to her.
Champan says he's from Hajime cell, and orders to evacuate from her bunker, but Stanislas remarks without Gavrani's memories she cannot continue her research. Then, she said, she has to find Maxime Gorm before Hajime's cell does.

November 15th, 2017.

Wounded Tomo awakes at Chapman's bunker under Hajime's care. He is proud of him and he's sure his mom would also be, but the work is far from over and Tomo had to enter Gavrani's memories again. Tomo resists, being afraid of having his memory wiped, but Hajime admits there is no choice: no other Assassin didn't show the level of synchronization than Tomo. Hajime reveals Champan's plan: she wants to resurrect the consciounce of dead Assassins in the living people, completely wiping their own, and Pash's work contains the missing puzzle. Basically, you can call it "permanent Bleeding Effect".
I didn't give any notes since the last portion of Modern Day because there is a ton of information to analyze.
First of all, it seems very clear that Assassins lost the war long before the Great Purge. I'm not talking about the researches Pash did and then Vidic continued - it's Assassin's civil war that began their fall. While two cell fight between each other and kill each other (maybe not just in US, but in other places as well), Templars do their job quietly and kidnap necessary people such as Gavrani's son, Daniel Cross, Maxime Gorm, turning last two of them to Templar's tools for Great Purge.
Secondly, Chapman's project. I believe that's one of the best and absolutely logical recent extensions of the lore. Previously, as we remember, we had Bleeding Effect which was in majority temporary. Yes, Desmond relived Altair's and Ezio's memories (even saw ghosts) without Animus, but it was episodic and occured twice at most. Right now we're talking about total takeover of dead Assassin's consciounce over the person. With that, I imagined battle between Otso Berg with Deimos consciounce against Layla with Kassandra's, lol
As for Project Bluebird - it makes sense that all of this (Die Glocke, Bluebird) helped Vidic's success. I never believed that Warren woke up in the morning with a brilliant idea and implemented that all by himself. Definitely he used previous researches to create his own or drive to logical's conclusion.
Now the question is how an Apple could help Natalie? Yes, machine from Bluebird managed to put a human in hypnosis, but we're talking about the replacement of consciounce inside him, which means Apple might help establishing the permanent connection. There are still questions, which I hope next issue will answer. As for Eddie's death and Julia's birth - I was promised next issue will answer that as well. Btw, it will close the Gorms and Tomo arc.
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Lore clues from every episode

So, a while back I read an interview with Rebecca where she indicated that she tried to put at least a little bit of lore into every episode. So, I thought it might be fun to try to compile the lore/story elements each episode conveys so we can see how far we’ve come, perhaps gain an appreciation for episodes that were previously thought to be less significant, and maybe even get a little bit closer to figuring out some of the mysteries that have been taunting us ever since the beginning of the show. I tried to be as thorough as possible with this piece, but chances are I missed some stuff. If you catch anything I overlooked, let me know, I’ll add it to the masterlist and credit you. For the sake of relative brevity, I’ll only be talking about lore development. Even then, this post is going to be rather long given we are into the 70’s with episodes, so be prepared for a seriously sizable text bubble with no tl;dr at the bottom.
EDIT: Woah, gilded? Thanks!!!
Gem Glow
-possible foreshadowing in metaphor of cookie cat rap/competition with lion lickers -Monsters attack, only the main monster has a gem, which remains after the monster explodes, and the gem is bubbled by the crystal gems -Steven and the other gems each have a weapon that they summon in their own way, Steven’s is a shield -Ice cream =/= solution to all problems
Laser Light Cannon
-Red eyes exist, and they are even worse than pinkeye -Steven’s mom is powerful, and functionally dead -Laser light cannons exist, they are very powerful, and Rose owned one (but it wasn’t her weapon) -Hotdogs confirmed as worldsavers
Cheeseburger Backpack -Steven is not innately (or perhaps immediately) powerful, helps by carrying supplies -Sea spire exists, damaged (implication: former gem civilization) -crystal shrimp exist, they are a dangerous pest (this is one of the only magical animals to be named that isn’t a corrupted gem monster, kinda makes me wonder if they aren’t a little more important than they seemed when they were devouring those bagel sandwiches) -sea spire statue is magical and important, but not too important (and Mr. Queasy imposters will be destroyed)
Together Breakfast
-the painting is evil, replicated images are also evil -painting confirmed to be made of ground up gems (from tumblr, not the episode itself) -painting capable of creating a unique and scarily functional smoke spirit that can possess objects and replicate them, resulting in evil waffles -painting is made of parts of gems, but must be destroyed, when even gem shards are bubbled -laws of gravity/physics do not apply in the temple
Frybo -gem shards are dangerous, capable of rebelling/taking things too far -they can create matter to fill their shell (frybo had fry legs and ketchu blood that probably weren’t in the costume before the shard) -sentient armies are extremely dangerous -Gems intentionally put shards in armor s that they would fight (nice catch TheHarpyEagle!)
Cat Fingers -Gems (or at least steven) are capable of shapeshifting parts of their bodies into sentient beings -this power can get out of hand, resulting in adorable horrors -the gems have a gem sloop -one of the corrupted monsters became a living island
Bubble Buddies -Steven can use his powers, but he can’t control them -the temple fusion’s weapon is a sword (it’s under water, they roll past it) -Steven’s bubbles are seemingly indestructible -some gem monsters eat things, the worm eats bright stuff
Serious Steven -Gems can be contained within objects, and when the gem is removed, the parts that they conjured disappear, while the thing they were contained in blows up (additional evidence for this: lapis’ mirror breaking) -gems contained in objects seem to be grateful for being freed from the object, even when they are corrupted (pyramid gem confirmed to be corrupted) (possible implications: objectifying gems is similar to slavery and not desired by the gem in question/gems contained in objects process their corruption differently?) -Rose quartz was important, three other main figures on the mural (general consensus seems to be that these are the other members of the diamond authority, thanks TheHarpyEagle for pointing that out) -Rose used a diamond thing, it seems to have been important
Tiger Millionaire -Amethyst is capable of maintaining a form that is much bigger than her normal one, and might be proportionately stronger when she does so? (given that Garnet mentions that amethyst’s form is unsustainable in reformed, this might be important)
Steven’s Lion -There is a lion that seems to be somewhat intelligent, protective of Steven, and bright pink. Steven cannot remember having seen it before, and the gems do not recognize it. -Desert glass is used to create sand structures, corruption makes it build buildings that make no sense, as well as protect itself (implication: corruption makes gems defensive, but also makes them lose some of their awareness. It is likely that the gems whose powers don’t relate to construction are mentally doing something similar to building a fortress round themselves, as well as building staircases that don’t lead anywhere, even if they are doing so in a more animalistic manner). -Desert glass is powerless when not on sand, crystal gems know this (implied prior knowledge of gem type, could mean this kind of thing was common despite us only seeing one of them) -gems can be contained in pillows?
Arcade Mania -gemless monster creations can exist and attack when their gem has been bubbled -Garnet has future vision, electric powers -foreshadowing: Giant Foot.
Giant Woman -fusion is a thing -fusions sometimes have more limbs/features than a normal human/gem does -geode beetles of heaven and earth are known to Garnet by name (maybe because of future vision?). Use of the word geode implies possible connection to geode storm in House Guest. -not all gem monsters are dangerous (geode beetles confirmed as corrupted), not always poofed (they are put in a terrarium and the bubbled) -Big Bird is likely some sort of gem construct (it disappears into light like the mechanism from Serious Steven rather than poofing like a fusion or normal gem monster), and after it was destroyed, a bunch of very different looking gems all turned into little birds (which were poofed and bubbled by Opal’s arrow) -Steven confirmed father of goat
So Many Birthdays -A gem’s perceived age/size is affected by how old the gem feels (at least for Steven, likely for other gems as well) -Steven can die of old age just from feeling old -Gems are very old and keep a similar form throughout their lifetime (changes in size and outfit aside) -gems cannot die from food poisoning -Steven’s birthday suit is possibly an indication that he is royalty
Lars and the Cool Kids -Crystal gems didn’t know a lot about Rose’s life (they knew she tended to the moss on the top of the hill, but they didn’t know to bring it to the hill to stop it from being so dangerous) -moss has implied connection to Rose beyond her just liking it, given the pink flowers with little gems inside (implications: 1- Rose had her own special type of plant that was rare enough that the Crystal gems didn’t know about how it worked, 2- Rose made the moss, or 3- Rose took what was originally Earth moss and made it her own with the flowers-possibly granting it the ability to move in the process a la Steven giving sentience to the watermelons)
Onion Trade -Onion is possibly not human, at minimum very strange -Pearl has a replicator wand (only gem-specific tool-that isn’t a weapon-that we’ve heard of, likely rather important), and breaking the wand destroys the copies-might pertain to her status as a very common, low class servant gem
Steven The Sword Fighter -Pearl can sword fight (even though her weapon is a spear) -gems can get poofed, and retreat into their gem to heal, but only when their bodies are damaged -Pearl can create a holo-pearl, holo pearl can hang around while Pearl is poofed (implications: either holo-pearl becomes its own thing once it’s created, or holo pearl was draining energy from pearl while she was poofed, possibly resulting in some of the delay-with the rest being due to her indecisiveness about how to change her outfit) -Holo-pearl has a diamond where normal Pearl has a star (thanks TheHarpyEagle!)
Lion 2: the Movie -Lion can run on water, roar portals -Rose had a secret armory, full of human weapons, laser light cannons, etc -Giant pennies are weapons apparently -Lion has a sword in his head, but he’s still not dead
Beach Party -Gem monsters will return if they are knocked away like the pufferfish was -volleyball is dangerous? (there doesn’t seem to be too much lore in this one)
Rose’s Room -Rose’s room is special, dangerous, able to make desires appear out of clouds (in the “brain” of the temple? Area of imagination?) -can only make image of things, they have form, but cannot be consumed (inorganic?) -humans are more fleshed out the more the room (Rose?) knows about them (implication: some degree of sentience or awareness in Rose’s room specifically) -Wailing stones exist, they are a form of communication (and tv breakers) (thanks ManSpider95) -Tiny floating whale speaks with Rose's voice (thanks EmiyaChan!) -Greg is the most realistic human in the room, only glitching out after a bit of dialogue and sounding much more natural (possible implications: 1) Rose's consciousness affects the room, and the people she knows best have the most developed consciousness, or 2) Greg has been in the room before (supported by connie's cloud clone being more realistic once she's been in the room) (Thanks rachelis_!)
Coach Steven -Communication hub is a thing, it causes problems -fusion can be dangerous when the fusion’s personality overwhelms that of the component parts -The communication hub has been activated by something or someone prior to cry for help, but the crystal gems didn't tell Steven about any of the potential implications other than its capacity to hurt television (thanks TheHarpyEagle!)
Joking Victim -fire salt exists (seriously, was there anything else that could be considered gem lore in this one?)
Steven and the Stevens -time travel exists -I’m kinda worried that, now that we know the painting is made from ground up gems, maybe the sand from the hourglass is also a ground up gem who had time powers. If so, gems are a really disturbing species.
Monster Buddies
-the shooting star exists, as do “ancient elementals”-these elementals don’t seem to take physical form like other corrupted gems do -Gem monsters have some control over their size, but not over what kind of form they take -gems appear semi-conscious, more like animals mentally when corrupted -something about the shooting star scares the s*** out of centipeetle (Don’t believe me? look at the moment when Garnet reaches for the shooting star, and focus on when centipeetle starts freaking out. It’s too late for her to be afraid of Garnet’s gauntlets, it has to be something about the shooting star)
An Indirect Kiss -Cracked gems do not retreat into their gems, as opposed to poofed gems -instead, their physical form starts glitching, reflecting the damage being done to their true selves (glitch similar to how we saw the corrupted gem monster form) -The crystal gems knew about rose’s garden, but did not maintain it -Rose apparently cried enough for several rivers -Rose’s statue may be possessed/Rose may have the power to affect the way images of her appear through Steven’s eyes -Steven can heal with his spit rather than with his tears
Mirror Gem -Pearl didn’t bubble the gem powered mirror -Lapis gem was cracked after she was put in the mirror (the crack extends into the metal, implying it occurred after her gem was fitted into it) -the mirror broke when lapis was freed, just like how the pyramid temple exploded -gems in objects are not supposed to have free will/ability to communicate on their own -the crystal gems didn’t know who lapis was (“how was I supposed to know the gem contained within that mirror would be so powerful?=implication that pearl didn’t know anything about who Lapis was before being objectified. Furthermore, they didn’t know what she could do, which is in contrast to something like the desert glass, whose powers the gems were expecting. This implies that not only did they not know this Lapis, they did not know or know of any other lapises, otherwise they would have known that a gem with ocean powers is op when placed next to the ocean.)
Ocean Gem -even a cracked gem can be extremely powerful when they have the right resources (ie a waterbending gem is right next to the ocean) -corrupted gem monsters confirmed to be corrupted gem monsters -Pearl is cut off before she can say what will happen if they don’t bubble the monsters...I sense important details they didn’t want us to know just yet -Lapis can create water golems, possibly related to her ability to reflect. -gems cannot summon their weapons when their gem is cracked? (this one’s just a guess, I’m assuming that Lapis’ wings count as her “weapon” more than her hydrokinesis does, and we never saw amethyst try to summon her weapon when she was cracked)
House Guest -The geode exists, it will be very dangerous is it ever cracked open (they will be vaporized apparently). On a related and very important note, the gems know what the geode is, and what will happen, implying that the technology is old enough for them to be familiar with it (so it’s probably not related to the cluster, which they knew nothing about before Peridot) -warp whistles exist -Steven either a) loses his healing powers when he loses his confidence, or b) can only heal living things
Space Race -Pearl has a pink diamond spacesuit -Pearl can build a spaceship out of a washing machine -Pearl misses space a lot, sacrificed quite a bit to stay on Earth (interesting when one considers that Pearl seems to have been very low class in homeworld, but she still really misses it)
Secret Team -gem shards form human hands and feet, while corrupted whole gems take on monstrous forms (implication: gem shards, even gem shards that have been on earth since before the corrupting force, are not corrupted, they are physically broken.) -gems shards not particularly dangerous -garnet can go Mr. Fantastic on people -gems cannot shapeshift when they freak out (side note, amethyst tells Pearl to shapeshift, so it’s unlikely that Pearl is unable to)
Island Adventure -I feel like the faces are either significant to the story in the future, or they are a reference that I don’t get -gem monsters can be invisible -and can be poofed by a girl with a pointy stick
Keep Beach City Weird -Ronaldo foreshadowed the Diamond authority and the cluster
Fusion Cuisine -alexandrite is a thing -the gems are unbalanced when they all fuse together (possibly will be remedied by the addition of Steven)
Garnet’s Universe -foreshadowed Ruby and Sapphire with Hoppy and Hopper -can’t tell if Ronaldo was the villain because he loves anime or if that is more foreshadowing. It’s weird in a universe where all the other non-garnet characters are talking animals with no other role in the show.
Watermelon Steven -Steven can create life with his spit, not just fix it (maybe rose created her sentient plants by crying on them?) -more references to him being potential royalty (watermelon crown, garnet saying he’s spoken like a true king) -watermelon stevens appear to have their own consciousness similar to the gem shards, able to rebel/go too far without their master being able to stop them
Lion 3: Straight to Video -Lion’s mane is a pocket dimension -his hair almost looks like plants -bubbled bismuth, chest, flag, etc
Warp Tour -gems don’t know what homeworld is doing -Garnet might only be able to foresee what she’s actively looking for (which might explain why she didn’t believe Steven immediately) -robonoid seems to be able to heal inanimate objects, would be curious to see if it can also heal shattered gems -first robonoid possible metaphor for Peridot: come to earth, get messed with by steven, lose foot, beg superior for help, get crushed probably left for dead, I can’t see this show killing off anyone who’s had so much screen time, especially if they look and act more like a child than an adult
Alone Together -Stevonnie is a thing -Garnet foreshadows her fusion status
The Test -sea spire revealed to be unimportant/not as important -sea spire statue possibly important (there are other ways they could have brought up the sea spire without having steven find the statue that wouldn’t have taken much longer) -the other gems can alter the inside of the temple (is this related to Rose’s room at all?)
Future Vision -Garnet’s future vision works by probability -cookie cat might be evil
On the Run -kindergartens exist -rose’s side was against them -amethyst was made in one -kindergartens strip land of all potential for future life
Horror Club -corrupted objectified gems can feel pain and seek revenge on specific people (not necessarily gems) -corrupted gems have some capacity for memory
Winter Forecast -Garnet can pass future vision through kisses -the shooting star won’t regenerate when it’s outside a bubble (implication: not a gem? Doesn’t follow the same rules as a gem?) -the shooting star will explode infinitely if it goes off while warping (implication that time is wonky in the warp zone?)
Maximum Capacity -Greg has issues with shapeshifting (also seen in catfingers) -Greg has a cat carrier (some think this is connected to lion) -Steven might have some sort of electrical disruption power (makes tape go staticy even when amethyst just put it in)
Marble Madness -Peridot is capable of sending multiple robonoids to earth without the help of the warp pads (at least, the ones on earth, she could be using a warp pad on the moon) -The kindergarten has a basement, and it’s terrifying -Peridot seems to view Steven as on par with an annoyingly-voiced insect -Peridot doesn’t know who the crystal gems are (implication: peridot is young and homeworld has whitewashed its history)
Rose’s Scabbard -Pearl had reason to believe she was Rose’s confidant -Pearl knew about the armory, didn’t know about Lion -Rose’s scabbard was lost during the strawberry battle, lion found it immediately -Pearl knows the names of a lot of the stuff in the armory, and there are possible connotations of torture (from the Heretic's anguish), and the armor being significant (it could be from humans, it could be some of the armor that became a living army, or it could be armor that belonged to gems whose weapons weren't armor like, in the same way that Rose had a sword that wasn't her weapon but was still her weapon) (thanks TheHarpyEagle!) -Amethyst didn't fight in the strawberry battle (thanks rachelis_!)
Open Book -the room is capable of being threatening if it thinks that will eventually get steven what he wants -only steven can control the room -it's possible that anyone who entered the room will be represented more realistically than others, because Connie behaves much more naturally after entering the room (thanks rachelis_!).
Shirt Club -the gems were afraid of shirts that could: come to life and possess people, catch on fire, and/or make people lose the will to live and thereby become nonfunctional -the gems won’t fight steven’s battles when they don’t involve physical combat -With regards to the gems begin concerned that the shirts would light on fire, FunnyFany pointed out that this might pertain to the fire salt. Given that gems don't need to eat, it would make sense that fire salt has another use besides being a topping/prank.
Story For Steven -Rose initially avoided contact with human beings -as did the other gems
The Message -homeworld tech has advanced beyond the crystal gems really being able to react to it (wailing stone can’t show video without help) -lapis says homeworld has changed, everything is really advanced (possible theme of obsolescence being played up here) -crystal gems might not expect much from any human, not just Greg
Political Power -Pearl can cause an emp using simple household objects, but robonoids are immune to it -the power comes back on when Steven calms down, may be part of an electrical power of his (Cartoon Universe has a very good video called “Steven’s secret Power’ on this if you want to check it out) -Steven either has serious charisma, or else has some sort of crowd calming ability
The Return -Giant Hand (we’ll have to wait for the foot I guess) -gem destabilizers can disrupt a fusion, likely capable of temporarily poofing single gems as well (since peridot tried to use it on Steven) -Rose’s shield is what kept garnet and pearl from becoming like the other gem monsters -gem ships are body parts, which appear to be attachable to each other. (back of and looks like it has connecting points) -Jasper is able to tell that Pearl is defective, amethyst is overcooked, and garnet is a fusion from a glance (thanks RadShiro!) (implication: each of these traits are readily visible to a gem. The fandom has long speculated that Pearl is defective because her gem is oblong, and that amethyst is overcooked because she should have been a jasper and jasper knows what the burn edges of the proverbial kindergarten pot look like. It's Garnet that's the interesting one. We can cross out Jasper seeing that she has multiple gems, because Garnet's gems aren't visible when she has her gauntlets on. It is possible that gems have some sort of sense that tells them what the gems in the area are, but this is also somewhat unlikely because if this were the case Garnet and Amethyst could have used it to find the slinker. A final, speculative possibility that occurred to me upon pondering this question once again is that Jasper guessed that Garnet was a fusion because she didn't immediately recognize her. There are only a couple of hundred gemstones that we know of, and even if we expand that number by adding in some rocks, there are probably less than five hundred types of gems in existence. Anyone who's played pokemon knows that it is entirely possible for a human mind to recognize hundreds of type variations at a glance, and if a human mind can do this, a gem is probably more than capable of instantly classifying every gem they come across. So, if fusions containing multiple gem types are distinct gems, it's possible that jasper has seen fused garnet's before, but it's also possible that Jasper, seeing a gem she didn't recognize and knowing that Rose's army fought with mixed fusions, inferred that Garnet was one of them. -Pearl is also called "lost" (may be an implication that pearls weren't usually brought to colony planets and tended to stay on homeworld Jailbreak -Garnet is a fusion -Jasper sees fusion as a sign of weakness, her views are likely common on homeworld -Fusion can be used as a form of metal prison -even if it is coerced, fusion requires the consent of both parties -fusion dances are likely the way most gems fuse, since Jasper and Lapis both knew they had to dance. -the ship’s makeup is at least somewhat fluid, Peridot was able to make the floor into an escape pod by headbutting it -Florida is missing from the Earth (thanks Digamma-F-Wau!) -super modern gem tech (destabilizers, jail cells) doesn't affect organic matter, so Steven is immune to it (thanks Chivalry13!)
Full Disclosure -The prisons cells were in the fingers (you can see Connie running through a tube that was probably a finger and there are prison cell holes in there) -The hand ship blowing up did a lot of tangible damage to the town
Joy Ride -Peridot is not the only one who can control her pod, Steven can use it as well -It seems to have some sort of autopilot as well, where Steven (and by extension, possibly Peridot) can’t control it -Steven probably hides a lot of his emotional turmoil from the gems -Peridot is able to travel decent distances without an escape pod, and she probably wasn’t able to/didn’t have time to fix it up, seeing as she got the whip off her body but continued on foot
Say Uncle -Steven’s powers are brought out by strong emotion -Pearl is especially vulnerable to insanity -gives us some shots of the SU earth, and indicates how different it is, including a larger south america, a smaller africa, a nonexistent florida, and an island by south america that's not there in real life (thanks Digamma-F-Wau!)
Love Letters -Steven will buy sea pals just to set them free (not the kind of person who would keep someone against their will) -permanent fusion status is close enough to a human romantic relationship that Garnet will not consider dating Jamie
Reformed -a corrupted gem managed to get inside the temple, Garnet didn’t seem to know where it was trying to go, and it seemed to be wandering around (implication: there’s no obvious endgame for the corrupted gem monsters that has to do with being in the temple, which is interesting because in Gem Glow pearl says that she thought the centipeetle was trying to get into the temple) -there are limits on a gem’s physical form, possibly pertaining to the amount of mass they can project (interesting when considering the corrupted gems, all of which are bigger than Rose when they are fighting, maybe they are hurting themselves by using so much energy to sustain such a massive form-alternatively, maybe that’s why they are acting more like animals, their processing power is being used to sustain their forms and is detracting from their mental capacities) -a gem’s unwillingness to confront herself can manifest in an avoidance of being in their gem-in this light it almost sounds like reforming is almost like deliberate scarring: fixing the aspect that caused one to get poofed so they’ll survive next time) -Digamma-F-Wau pointed out that the slinker's appearance in the hotdog duffle bag short might be an indicator that the gems were dealing with it immediately after its appearance in reformed, due to the production order of the shorts.
Sworn to the sword -Pearl learned to sword fight -Pearl has serious issues pertaining to her self-worth, it led to her being incredibly reckless in battle -Steven and Connie fighting so well together might be a bit of stevonnie knight foreshadowing -the statues are probably the diamonds, we have gem shape and placement (and one of them looks exactly like yellow diamond), and another indication that rose is pink diamond because one of the statues is destroyed and the insignia is a diamond, not a triangle -The gems are able to do something to the earth that results in floating rocks/suspended animation/keeping the temple from collapsing for thousands of years -this is the second sky arena we've seen (the first one being in steven the sword fighter), also it was the site of one of the first conflicts for Earth (implication: the war started out much smaller, possibly even ritualistic, like a joust or gladiatorial fight) (thanks TheHarpyEagle!) -Pearl mentions she wasn't built for fighting (implication: gems are built for specific functions) (thanks mightyfty)
Rising Tides, Crashing Skies -The crewniverse loves to troll with titles -the gem monsters are drawn tot he crystal gems (not, say, the temple) -corrupted gem monsters can lose limps without poofing (the crab gets its claw cut off and still runs away). This might be unique to that gem, or to corrupted monsters, but it is still a very interesting little detail hidden in almost everybody’s least favorite episode -Humans confirmed to be aware of what the gems do and aware that it might hurt them or their businesses, but are confirmed to not care too much and try to live their lives (with the exception of ronaldo) (thanks fennric!)
Keeping it together -Peridot’s fighting skills are progressing -forced fusions are discovered, Garnet is appalled (implications: 1-this is a seriously cary thing for a gem, especially a fusion, to process, and 2-Garnet didn’t know about forced fusions beforehand, they are a new development) -Peridot was sent to check on them (implication: homeworld was behind this. For those who think that Rose was behind the forced fusions, there is no way Peridot would have known about them if she was)
We need to talk -Rose still doesn’t really understand humans -Greg is kindof a first in terms of how close he got to them -Pearl has a lot of unresolved feelings for Rose, at least some of which are romantic
Chille Tid -Steven can commune with gems in his sleep (this might be something Rose could do but didn’t because she never slept/slept at a time when the only available options for dream conversations were her crystal gems. Personally, I’d love to see this be similar to how I think Garnet’s future vision works in that Steven can only dreamwalk to gems that he wants to talk to but can’t) -Malachite may be her own gem now, Lapis had been consciously fighting since we last saw her
Cry for help -Yellow diamond hasn’t/wasn’t able to respond to Peridot before, this is a desperate move on Peri’s part -Fusion can be problematic in that it can make amethyst and pearl drunk on its power. -Sardonyx is a thing
Keystone Motel -When Garnet gets upset, she splits up -this has happened since Greg has known them -Keystone is a state, appears to be a parallel to Pennsylvania, the Keystone State (implication: alternate universe/slight changes in government, culture, etc as a result of gem presence).
Onion Friend -Amethyst knows and is friends with Vidalia -Onion confirmed to (at least have been born) human. Steven’s seen it with his own eyes. -Onion seems to be fond of steven, but maybe not the best at showing it in a way that doesn’t creep steven out
Historical Friction -Pearl knows enough about what was going on with the humans to be able to write a more historically accurate play -the temple fusion fought off a seamonster to save the humans (implication: these corrupted gems have been showing up for at least a few hundred years) Note: the cardboard fusion having four arms but begin bigger than opal might disqualify it from being the eight armed temple fusion, or at the very least show that steven and jamie were cutting some serious corners when they designed their props XD (thanks rachelis_!)
Friend Ship -Gems flew to Earth before they could set up warp pads -the ships were abandoned, left to rot -pink diamond was a member of the authority at this time -gem technology is very different now, since a technician can’t seem to figure out how to work the ship
Nightmare hospital -there are more forced fusions, humans are finding them along the side of roads -Lion loves lion lickers -Connie has gotten really good at sword fighting -forced fusions react to the presence of gems, possibly Steven in particular (implication: they have some way to "sense" other gems around them?) (thanks TheHarpyEagle!)
Sadie’s song -One of Steven’s biggest flaws is that he gets carried away when he thinks he’s helping someone, and forgets to check whether he’s still doing that or not -ronaldo is aware of peridot (probably from cry for help’s transmission) -Steven won’t take a stuffed animal because he doesn’t want to break up a family (foreshadowing? That line felt weird)
Catch and Release -Peridot still hasn’t heard from yellow diamond -her limb enhancers are just that, limb enhancers, without them she looks more human -”harvesting” is a thing, it is related to gem bubbles (when peridot says this, the bubbles are reflected in her visor) -Peridot has probably never seen a mirror before (odd considering what lapis was trapped in) -she expects everything to be a weapon (either an indication of how militaristic/anti fun homeworld is, or a reflection of her fear and jitteryness after having lost her limb enhancers) -the crystal gems don’t know about the cluster -limb enhancers are new enough technology that the crystal gems are surprised that they aren't part of peridot's body (which also means that they found Peridot looking robot-like and having all those skills to be more plausible than her having metal limb extensions) (thanks TheHarpyEagle!)
When it Rains -Peridot doesn’t know what rain is (implications: homeworld doesn’t have rain, and peridot doesn’t have memorized knowledge of earth, only what she pulled up on her screen) -Peridot really doesn’t want help from the gems, but will accept it form steven/maybe Greg (implication that she a-doesn’t like the gems, and b-like lapis, maybe has some issues with receiving help, maybe it’s not a common thing on homeworld) -the cluster will destroy the earth when it hatches -Peridot probably can’t summon her weapon yet (possible implication: her limb enhancers were meant to keep her from being able to, or even from wanting to, since it would mean the loss of her data)
Back to the Barn -Pearls are ornamental, not expected to be able to do any sort of fighting or engineering -this ornamental nature makes them simultaneously associated with power, but also incredibly low class, not perceived as an individual unlike even a peridot -Peridot expected praise for winning (possible implications: 1-this is how one earns praise on homeworld, 2-Peridot secretly wants approval of the crystal gems) -Peridot is most frustrated about the rules being ignored (implication: rules are very important in homeworld) -Pearls are made to order, not massed produced (like quartzes seem to be). So there is probably some variance in their shape/design/function depending on their master's wishes (thanks FunnyFany!)
Too Far -Amethyst would be highest on the totem pole if they did things hoemworld’s way -Peridot doesn’t understand the concept of humor initially, implies that homeworld is not a funny place -Peridot has weird words for body parts (might imply that there are other words that are being used as code for something else later in the series?) -Amethyst was meant to be bigger, is five hundred years younger than she should be -Peridot doesn’t like feeling small (another reference to homeworld’s emphasis on size?) -homeworld may see permanent fusion as a sign of weakness, rather than the art of fusion itself, given Peridot's comment which implied fusion is used for fighting (thanks TheHarpyEagle!) -Quartzes are "huge, loyal soldiers" (thanks FunnyFany!)
Just Lion things -Lion can act like a cat -It was pointed out to me by Digamma-F-Wau that there the production order indicates that these shorts were made after Reformed, which would make the appearance of the slinker in the hotdog duffle bag short much sooner after its first appearance than I initially thought.
what are gems -gems emerge fully formed/no baby stages -broken gem=dead gem
how are gems made -amethyst says that the kindergarten method sucks out nutrients from the ground so that they can put all of it into the gem
Hotdog dufflebag unboxing -the slinker is still around, it got outside and sprayed goo all over steven’s new bag
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